CDA 6506 Network Architecture and Client/Server Computing

CEN 4533C Wireless Networks and Mobile Computing
Fall 2007
Professor: Zornitza Genova Prodanoff
Class Project
Due: On the Date of Your In-class Presentation (before class)
The purpose of the project is to learn more about an interesting research idea or topic in
the area of wireless networks and mobile computing. The deliverables for this project are
a short (2 page long) paper (10 pt. size font), describing the existing work on the topic
and a 20-minute long in-class presentation.
Project Details:
1. The submitted paper must comply with IEEE conference paper formatting rules.
Author instructions from the IEEE are here (.pdf). A paper I wrote for TENE
2005 is here (.doc). You may use my paper as your template if you are using
Word as your word processor. You have a two page limit. Any submitted paper
that does not comply with these formatting rules will be discarded.
2. At least five references should be cited in your talk and your paper.
3. Late submissions will not be accepted.
4. Individual work is implied, but I can allow you to work in groups of two,
depending on the topic you select. In such case you and your partner will have to
meet with me and devise a specific outline for each portion of the talk.
5. Your presentation should be created by using MS PowerPoint and your final
paper should be written in MS Word. The two files will be names <Nnumber>.ppt
and <Nnumber>.doc.
Project Topics:
1. 3G -3rd Generation Networks
How are 3G networks different than other available “data services”, offered by the cell
phone companies. Wireless networks - faster, higher bandwidth and more capacity
Automatic Identification and Data Capture, Mobile & Wireless RFID
3. ArrayComm IBurst
A SmartAntenna wireless technology that can increase the capacity of spectrum by
inserting a unique metric in the transmission. It can give wireless Internet connection at
speeds up to 1Mbps and support more users in the same frequency band.
Automated Vehicle Location based on GPS
5. Bandwidth Optimization of Wireless Networks
Software-based techniques like compression, content reformation, etc to increase
effective speeds of wireless networks
Binary Runtime Environment for Wireless - Application development environment from
Qualcomm for Smartphones
More efficient 2nd generation PCS technology for wireless networks as compared to
8. FSO (Free Space Optics or Wireless Fibre or Wireless Optical Networking)
Optical wireless, point-to-point (soon multipoint), line-of-sight broadband solution for
metropolitan applications, primarily
High Speed Circuit-Switched Data - in interim step on GSM networks to offer 38.4
Kbps wireless data service
10. IBM WebSphere Software Platform
An Overview of IBM's Application Server platform for mobile (and fixed) devices
11. J2ME
Java-based application development platform, defacto standard by Sun, but supported
actively by Motorola, Nokia, and others
12. LBS - Location Based Services
Technology and services that identifies the location of a mobile user and provides
relevant content and services to the mobile user - related to m-commerce
13. Mitsubishi's SwiftComm
A new wireless network technology to support high-speed access and increase capacity
14. Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS)
A standard for telephony messaging systems that allows sending messages that
include multimedia objects.
15. Mobile IP
Capability to move around with the same IP address
16. Optical Wireless
Very high frequency (T-rays between radio and light) - 622 Mbits/sec wireless last mile
17. Pervasive Computing
An architecture and marketing concept predominantly promoted by IBM (presently) to
connect mission-critical SAP applications and databases from pervasive devices (PDAs,
Palm Pilot, Windows CE and smart telephones) using IBM mobile software technology
18. Pocket PC Platform
Microsoft's software platform for handheld devices
19. Presence Awareness Technology
Technology that lets you know who among your close group of buddies or professional
colleagues is online - used in Instant Messaging. This is not exactly LBS - Location-based
Services because exact location of users is not important
20. SyncML - a Data Synchronization Standard
Vendor Consortium Initiated Standard for Data Synchronization for mobile devices
21. Telematics
In-car Wireless Internet Initiative by the Auto industry for safety and other applications
22. Wireless Broadband Networks
WiMax and other protocol based.
23. Wireless Printing
Bluetooth enabled or through a specialized piece of software that prints on an Internetconnected printer designated by a mobile user from a phone or a PDA