Test--Answer keys




*Based on the video lecture, answer the following questions.

I. Directions: Read each sentence and decide if it is true or false according to the information presented in the video lecture. Mark T in the given blank for anything stated or implied in the lecture. Mark F in the given blank for anything not stated or implied in the lecture.

1. _F_ The main topic of the lecture is America’s domestic policy.

2. _F_ It is necessary to have a broad background knowledge about international politics to be a president.

3. _F_ In the United States, there are 3 major agencies which provide the president the information on what is happening in other countries.

4. _T_ The lecturer mentioned the issue of North Korea’s nuclear weapons.

5. _T_ Today, The United States imports 60% of its oil.

6. _F_ The lecturer provided information about the year the CIA (Central Intelligence

Agency) was founded.

7. _T_ Morale is one of the elements that influences foreign policy.

II. Directions: Choose only one alternative a) b) c) or d) that best completes the meaning of the sentence according to the information presented in the video lecture.

1. The president of the U.S. may go outside normal channels to obtain intelligence from

__________. a) the National Security Agency b) think tanks c) spy satellites d) the international community

2. One of the seven components of foreign policy is __________. a) international politics b) electronic eavesdropping c) geography d) economy

3. Because of geography, the U.S. in the 1800’s practiced a foreign policy called __________. a) isolationism b) neutrality c) geography policy d) socialism



4. One reason that the U.S. is a power in the international community is because it is a major

__________ of food. a) consumer b) producer c) importer d) consolidator

5. Because of its __________, Jamaica does not play a major role in global politics. a) natural resources b) population c) geography d) domestic policy

6. “Political leverage” involves countries getting other countries to __________. a) be a neutral nation b) formulate foreign policy c) do things you want them to do d) see what assets a country has

7. Because of its __________ , Israel must spend a lot of money on military hardware. a) small oil resources b) relations with the U.S. c) prime minister d) geographic location

III. Directions: Carefully read the phrases in Column A. According to the information presented in the video lecture, choose an option from Column B that best matches the phrase in Column A. Fill in the letter of the option from Column B next to the corresponding phrase in Column A. Each option in Column B may be used only once.

Column A

1. organization responsible for electronic eavesdropping __G__ National Security Agency

2. British equivalent of the C.I.A. __F___ MI5

3. country that imports 100% of its oil __D___ Japan

4. the Soviet Union's former foreign policy organization __E___ KGB

5. the second component in developing a foreign policy __J___ Population

6. the U.S. was self-sufficient in this product before the 1960's __I___ Oil
