100 Point Art Test

Fifth Grade Visual Art Multiple Choice Test
revised for 2006-2007
1. Artists use a visual language to express and communicate their thoughts, ideas and
feelings about the world around them. To do this they use seven elements of art or design.
Which of these is not an element of art?
A. emphasis
B. shape
C. line
D. texture
2. Artists arrange their work with the principles of art. Which of these is not a principle of art?
A. contrast
B. pattern
C. balance
D. texture
3. An artist might use this element of art in a collage or a sculpture to show how a surface
A. perspective
B. texture
C. pattern
D. value
4. Which colors are not neutral colors?
A. beige and brown
B. blue and green C. black and white
5. Focal point is another word for:
A. balance
B. pattern
C. emphasis
D. gray
D. contrast
6. Artists use this principle of art to make the most important part show up first:
A. focal point
B. contrast
C. main idea
D. perspective
7. Another word for focal point is:
A. hue
B. center
C. emphasis
8. Which letter is not symmetrical?
A. C
B. F
C. M
D. W
9. Useful art is called:
A. functional
B. expressive
C. narrative
D. decorative
10. What is the purpose of art that tells a story?
A. functional
B. expressive
C. narrative
D. decorative
D. media
11. Identify an Appalachian bed covering with the purpose of being functional and
A. quilt
B. blanket
C. wall hanging
D. comforter
12. A process is a way of doing something. Which of these is a 2-dimensional process?
A. drawing
B. pottery
C. sculpture
D. architecture
13. Which of these is a 3-dimensional process?
A. drawing
B. painting
C. photography
D. sculpture
14. Which is not a form?
A. circle
B. sphere
D. cone
C. cylinder
15. Your body is:
A. 1-dimensional
B. 2-dimensional
16. The word medium in art means:
A. average
B. material
C. 3-dimensional
D. 4-dimensional
C. in the middle
D. process
17. This medium is a result of geological weathering, and has been used for thousands of
years to make functional containers. It is still dirt cheap.
A. plaster
B. stone
C. marbles
D. clay
18. Identify the purpose of art that expresses emotions and ideas
A. artistic expression
B. functional
C. ceremonial
D. narrative
19. Which container would be most functional for modern day people to use for food
A. woven basket
B. clay pot
C. animal skin bag
D. Tupperware
20. A face, butterfly, and the capital letter A are all examples of which kind of balance?
A. asymmetrical
B. symmetrical
C. radial
D. balanced
21. What do artists call subject matter that represents a person?
A. landscape
B. still life
C. photograph
D. portrait
22. What do artist call subject matter that represents objects arranged on a table?
A. seascape
B. geometric
C. still life
D. landscape
23. What do artists call subject matter that represent the out-of-doors?
A. natural
B. naturescape
C. organic
D. landscape
24. This medium is made by layering wet strips of paper using glue, starch, or paste:
A. paper weaving B. paper sculpture C. papier-mâché D. crème brulee
25. Fabric, clothes, and fiber art are` first made by this process:
A. quilting
B. knitting
C. weaving
D. stitching
26. This Native American tribe uses carved wooden Kachina dolls to teach its children
A. Cherokee
B. Shawnee
C. Hopi
D. Eskimo
27. Art that is made with no formal training is called:
A. amateur
B. folk
C. traditional
D. Early American
28. Identify this color group: red, yellow, blue:
A. primary
B. secondary
C. neutral
D. warm
29. Identify this color group: orange, green, violet:
A. primary
B. secondary
C. cool
D. warm
30. Identify this color Group: red, yellow, orange:
A. primary
B. secondary
C. cool
D. warm
31. Identify this color group: blue, green, violet:
A. primary
B. secondary
C. cool
D. neutral
32. Identify this color group: black, white, gray, brown:
A. natural
B. neutral
C. winter
D. dull
33. Add this color to turn red to pink:
A. yellow
B. white
D. black
C. gray
34. Hopi Kachina dolls are a Native American example of this purpose for art.
A. fashion
B. ceremonial art
C. artistic expression
D. decoration
35. Purpose means:
A. explain
B. reason
C. description
36. This color group can’t be made by mixing:
A. secondary
B. cool
C. primary
D. perspective
D. warm
37. What element of art is emphasized in a wire sculpture?
A. line
B. texture
C. form
D. color
38. What part of the world most influenced Colonial American art?
A. Europe
B. Africa
C. Australia
D. Dolly World
39. When artists look at the parts of their art to see how it is arranged with the principles,
they are:
A. analyzing
B. interpreting
C. explaining
D. describing
40. This culture was already in North America before the settlers arrived from Europe.
A. Native Americans
B. Africans
C. Egyptians
D. Extraterrestrials
41. This culture is still alive and making art:
A. Early Americans B. Ancient Appalachian
C. Native Americans
42. The purpose of St. George and the Dragon is:
A. expressive
B. functional
C. texture
D. ancestors
D. narrative
43. Identify a color group that would be a good choice for expressing an “Ohio Valley Winter.”
A. neutral colors
B. warm colors
C. cool colors
D. primary colors
44. Artist use this principle of design to arrange light and dark, bright and dull, large and
A. line
B. balance
C. repetition
D. contrast
45. Artists use these guidelines to organize their artwork:
A. principles
B. elements
C. purposes
D. styles
46. Give a picture in words and use detail means:
A. compare
B. explain
C. describe
D. identify
47. Identify means;
A. describe
B. explain
C. compare
D. name
48. This art form transforms the wearer into another person, animal, or spirit.
A. mask
B. weaving
C. jewelry
D. paint
49. African masks are carved out of one piece of this medium
A. plaster
B. stone
C. Styrofoam
D. wood
50. If your quilt block pattern was used over and over again down through the years by
other artists it would be called:
A. folk
B. traditional
C. antique
D. ancient
51. This art form is used all over the world and is almost always used in ceremonies that
include singing and dancing.
A. puppets
B. masks
C. weaving
D. jewelry
52. Native American art was made before and after:
A. European settlers arrived B. extraterrestrials landed C. Elvis left the building
53. A cube is:
A. 2-dimensional
B. flat
C. solid
D. a shape
54. The purpose of this art work is to support rituals, like worship services—maybe a funeral
or wedding:
A. ceremonial
B. narrative
C. functional
D. artistic expression
55. A special quality of water color paint is that it is:
A. opaque
B. wash
C. oily
D. transparent
56. A special quality of tempera paint is that it is:
A. opaque
B. wash
C. oily
D. transparent
57. Grandma Moses was
A. grandmother to Moses B. a famous folk artist C. psychic D. Van Gogh’s art dealer
58. Which of these locations is not in West Africa?
A. Nigeria
B. Arizona
C. Ivory Coast
D. Ghana
59. The purpose of a mural that shows the story of a famous person’s life is:
A. narrative
B. artistic expression
C. functional
D. decorative
60. This principle of art is used when shapes, colors, lines are repeated:
A. emphasis B. focal point
C. balance D. pattern
61. This two dimensional medium is made of wax and color:
A. yarn
B. marker C. clay
D. crayon
62. A French word for cutting and pasting:
A. crème brulee
B. papier-mâché C. collage
D. assemblage
63. In an open-response the word explain means:
A. use lots of details B. name things C. interpret D. give reasons
64. Anything you can see with your eyes is made up of one or more of these:
A. elements of art B. details
C. observations
D. principles
65. One way African masks and Native American masks are alike:
A. elements of art B. plastic parts
C. feathers D. they are made in China
66. The best way to describe a work of art is to:
A. observe carefully while you write B. imagine it C. guess
D. not look at it at all
67. If a viewer doesn’t know what your art is about, it may be because you haven’t used:
A. balance B. pattern C. emphasis or focal point D. contrast
68. This word is plural. It means more than one material:
A. media
B. medium C. small D. extra-large
69. This sculpture has height and width only. It is:
A. three-dimensional B. two-dimensional
C. one-dimensional
70. Art that is not flat:
A. 2-D
B. shape
C. line
D. four dimensional
D. sculpture
71. This medium is made with graphite, not lead:
A. oil pastel
B. crayon
C. pencil
D. fiber
72. If you are asked to take a piece of artwork apart with your eyes and explain the artists
choices, you would be:
A. explaining
B. analyzing
C. identifying
D. describing
73. Sandpaper, cotton, and fabric are examples of which element of art?
A. texture B. line
C. shape
D. color
74. Crooked, graceful, vertical, dashed, dotted, horizontal, diagonal are all example of which
A. balance B. shape
C. pattern D. line
75. This culture was once made up of over five hundred different tribes.
A. European
B. Klingons
C. Native American
D. West African
76. African masks are carved out of one piece of this medium:
A. wood
B. Styrofoam C. clay
D. stone
77. Some art from this time period includes: scrimshaw, signs, weathervanes, quilts:
A. Colonial America B. Colonial Africa C. Colonial Klingon D. Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood
78. This power verb means tell about using detail, or give a picture in words.
A. Identify B. analyze C. describe D. explain
79. Similarities means:
A. How things are alike B. how things are different
80. Differences means:
A. how things are alike
B. how things are not alike
81. Which art work is not functional?
A. basket
B. pottery C. quilt
D. portrait
82. What is the purpose of these art works: totem poles, cave and wall painting
A. functional B. narrative C. artistic expression D. ceremonial
83. The purpose of this kind of art is self-expression, decoration and expressing
A. artistic expression B. functional C. ceremonial D. narrative
84. This kind of art might be made today for a church worship ceremony.
A. artistic expression B. ceremonial C. functional D. narrative
85. Identify the principle of art for dark and light, rough and smooth, large and small:
A. emphasis B. balance C. contrast D. focal point
86. These letters (R.O.Y) help us remember which color group?
A. warm
B. cool
C. neutral D. earth tones
87. These letters (G.B.I.V) help us remember which color group?
A. warm
B. cool
C. neutral D. earth tones
88. If you are organizing your picture or composition then you are using the:
A. laws of nature B. elements of art C. principles of art D. Klingon Code
89. Which of these is not a form?
A. cone
B. square C. sphere
D. cylinder
90. Which of these is not a shape?
A. triangle B. circle
C. square
D. cube
91. Which of these is not a fiber art?
A. stitchery B. weaving C. fabric stamping
D. scrimshaw
92. This mountain range runs through part of eastern Kentucky, but it starts in Maine and
ends in Georgia.
A. Rocky Mountains B. Appalachian Mountains C. Green Mountains D. Indigo Mountains
93. Which of these is not a traditional Appalachian art or craft object.
A. digital photograph B. corn husk doll C. quilt D. pottery
94. Which of these is not Native American art?
A. bead work B. pottery C. Navajo weaving D. dulcimer
95. This color group is often seen in Native American pottery:
A. earth tones B. cool colors C. primary colors D. secondary colors
96. Which medium is not two-dimensional?
A. drawing B. painting C. pottery D. collage
97. A flat area with 2-dimensions:
A. 3-D B. sculpture C. shape D. still life
98. What is the focal point in the painting The Starry Night?
A. swirling stars in sky B. cedar tree C. church D. village
99. What is the purpose of the painting Starry Night?
A. functional. B. narrative C. artistic expression D. ceremonial
100. What was Picasso’s purpose in painting the mural Guernica?
A. functional B. ceremonial C. narrative D. artistic expression