October 2009 Newsletter - Hanliensian Rambling Club

HRC Newsletter October 2009
Dear Members,
Hope you all had a good summer – perhaps you didn’t notice there had been one!
The holiday to Austria was enjoyed by everyone, especially given all the sunshine.
An article on the holiday will be in the next edition.
Winter, however, is on the way, and your new programme is enclosed. Hope you’ve got
your cheque book ready! There is a Pig Roast and Party Dance on Tuesday 27 October, a
visit to the Regent Theatre on Tuesday 3 November, followed by the Photographic
Competition on Thursday 5 November, always a splendid and entertaining evening.
The Christmas Coach Ramble will be in the Welsh border region ending with a meal at the
Hand Hotel in Chirk, on Sunday 6 December. Book early to avoid disappointment.
There is a Youth Hostel weekend to the Lakes in April but again you are required to book
promptly to ensure a place.
Don’t forget to pencil in Friday 22 January for the Dinner/Dance at the Ramada Hotel,
details of which will be in the next newsletter.
We welcome the following new members,
Sheila Hawley of Stone
Wendy Moreton of Rode Heath
Paul and Yvonne Forrester of Newcastle
David and Diane Robbins of Porthill
Patricia Williamson of Trentham
and look forward to meeting them on walks and other events.
Marion Walshaw
Hon Sec.
A snippet from the archives
Many of our older members will recall visits to the Eagle & Child near Gradbach. Meals
were taken in the front room of the farmhouse, which used to be a pub, sitting on a variety
of chairs and sofas with the household effects all around.
The following is an extract from the archives.
On Saturday 15 June 1985 we have a walk entitled Flash and Beyond, which is not an
invitation to partake in dubious behaviour.
There will be lunch as usual at a pub followed by tea at the Eagle & Child at Gradbach.
They serve meals like egg or beans on toast at a reasonable price.
The walk will continue after tea, which is something we used to do many years ago. Not
too far though!
Sadly the Eagle & Child had to close.
Pig Roast and Party Dance
Weston Coyney Village Hall
Tuesday 27 October 2009 at 8pm
Tickets £8.50 per person
The Roy Peters Sound will again provide the music at this very popular event.
A date not to be missed.
Tickets will be on sale on most walks or contact Peter Johnson telephone.
‘The Producers’
Regent Theatre, Hanley
Tuesday 3 November 2009 at 7.30pm
The North Staffs Operatic Society is presenting the very successful musical The Producers
at the Regent Theatre Hanley. The show won many awards in the West End and 12 Tony
awards on Broadway, which is a record.
The story. When down on his luck theatrical producer Max Bialystock and his hapless
accountant, Leo Bloom, hatch the ultimate theatrical scam – to raise the money they need to
produce a sure fire Broadway disaster, and then pocket the leftover cash when the show
flops – who do they turn to? The world’s worst director of course, Roger DeBrise. Their
guaranteed-to-fail fiasco becomes ‘Springtime for Hitler’ – a smash hit success.
Tickets £15 per person. Complete the form in the Newsletter and send with cheque made
payable to Peter Johnson.
Please forward as soon as possible so tickets can be ordered en-bloc.
Turkey Trot – Greyhound Inn, Burston
Thursday 17 December 2009
The walk will start at the above pub at 9.45 am, to enable us to be back in time for the meal
at 1 o’clock. The walk will be about five miles, and anyone wishing to come for the meal
only is welcome.
The cost of the meal is £10.50 per member. Please fill in the form at the back of the
newsletter, stating your preference of meal, and enclosing a cheque.
Any enquiries, ring Gordon Davenport.
Once again it is time to sift through your prized photographs in an attempt to win our
prestigious trophies. Entries will be accepted as digital files or prints. The former should
be entered on a CD whilst the latter will be scanned for display on a large screen on the
night. We have again secured the use of a modern digital projector, which should give us
large true images for all to enjoy.
Please note that there has been a change to the first category (1) below for which only
photos taken on Club events can be entered. This is to portray and display the main activity
of the Club. There are no such restrictions on the other categories (2 & 3).
1. The Paul Rey Trophy for the best photo illustrating the ‘great outdoors’ taken on a
Club event in the last 3 years.
2. The Broadhurst Trophy for the best photo of flora and fauna taken in the last 3
3. The Fun Cup for the most amusing photo.
For categories 1 & 2 a maximum of eight entries per member is allowed.
These eight can be all for one category or can be split between the two.
A further two photos can be submitted per member for the Fun Cup.
Please indicate which category you wish to enter a photo by writing on the back of
your print or incorporate into the file/directory name as appropriate,
GO (for Great Outdoors), FF (for Flora & Fauna), or FUN (for Fun Cup).
On landscape views it would be helpful if the location is disclosed for the judge to
use in his commentary. Please note that cropping and colour enhancement of
digital images is allowed but any removing or inserting of features is not.
After the judging there will be a small buffet, provided by the Club, which will give us the
opportunity to socialise for the final hour. Do try to come along to enjoy what is always a
fun and informative evening with commentary provided by our popular judge Martin
Kessell. Please do sort out a few entries - you won’t be embarrassed and you might even
Submit your entries to:Ken Elkin by Thursday 29th October.
Digital entries should be on a CD, which will be returned on the night. Please ensure the
disc is “finalised” so that it can be read by another computer. A list of entries by category
would be useful to avoid any confusion. Please include your name but do not write it on
your prints.
Christmas Coach Ramble & Dinner
The Hand Hotel, Chirk -- Sunday 6 December 2009
We set the festive season rolling this year with the Christmas Coach Ramble on 6
December. The venue will be the Hand Hotel, an old coaching house, in Chirk at the
entrance to the Glyn Ceiriog Valley.
The coach will depart from the usual pick-up in Blackfriars Road, Newcastle, at the back of
Morrisons, at 8:00 am. Cars can be parked on Goose Street car park which is nearby.
As usual the Christmas post box will be available on the coach, but please ensure recipients
are on the coach before posting.
The A walk will be led by Bill Walshaw, the B walk by Paul Heathcote and the C/D walk
by Brian Joynson. It is likely that all walks will cover ground between Oswestry and Chirk
with the A and B walks meeting at the pub in Selattyn at lunchtime and the C/D walk using
a different hostelry. The D walkers will be picked up by the coach at a convenient point
after the lunch break.
The hotel will provide washing and changing facilities for us to use prior to the meal.
Dinner will start at about 5.30 pm and we expect to be back in the Potteries before 9 pm
Leek & Potato Soup
Homemade Chicken Liver Pate & Toast
Fanned Melon
Portobello Mushroom
Traditional Roast Turkey with all the Trimmings
Roast Silverside of beef with all the Trimmings
Poached Salmon in Dill & White Wine Cream Sauce
Vegetarian Option
Christmas Pudding with Brandy Sauce
Poached Pears in Red Wine & Berry Coulis
Cheese & Biscuits
The cost of the meal and coach will be £27 per person.
Please select your choice of meal from the menu above, complete the booking form at the
end of the newsletter and send, with remittance to Mike Everill before Friday 27 November
(We expect this event to be fully booked so you are advised to book early. In the event that there
are places available after Friday 20 November these may be taken by non-members.)
YHA Weekend
Elterwater Y.H. 9-11 APRIL 2010
Cumbria LA22 9HX
Tel: 0870 770 5816
OS The English Lakes (6) South West - GR: NY 327046
Elterwater YH is a converted farm situated near Langdale, an enormously popular area for
walkers wishing to explore some of the Lake Districts most dramatic scenery. Amongst the
highlights of the area are the Langdale Pikes and Bowfell.
There will be planned walks at Grades A and B “any offers for leaders welcome”.
Self catering facilities are available for those who wish and there are other food alternatives
nearby. For those eating ‘in’, this hostel does have a table license.
Elterwater has 4 two bed rooms at £43.95 per room per night; please let me know if you are
interested in one of these rooms.
To secure group accommodation we have to make a firm booking with a deposit
6 months before our arrival at the hostel. To facilitate this if you intend to stay at Elterwater
YH, please complete the Booking Form and send it with your deposit, or full payment, to
Bernard Heath by 1st November 2009.
If a deposit is paid, full payment has to be made to Bernard by 6 February 2010.
YHA Grand Tour July 2009.
Sunday 26. We left the cars at Grate Farm near the South Lakes turn off and set off from the
cars in full rain gear, we had all seen the five day forecast and hopes of dry weather were not
high with any sunny spells a hoped for bonus. After a pub lunch t-shirts started appearing as
the sun shone upon us and above Windermere we were treated to a long display from the Red
Arrows team, which we stopped to watch. That evening in the lounge of Windermere hostel
there was an entertaining workshop of how to fit a duvet cover; these days YHA beds come
with a sealed package of two pillowcases, a fitted sheet and a duvet cover.
Monday 27. Another wet gear start but soon we were a couple of hundred yards up the
attractive lane through Troutbeck and the sun was out; waterproofs were put away for a short
while but not gaiters and appreciative comments were heard about the lull in the weather.
Upwards to Threshwaite Mouth on paths, which were like streams, through head height bracken
and into bog; a watercourse we needed to cross was difficult with the group splitting up to find
a crossing place. The afternoon entertainment took the form of a group of shepherds and their
working dogs; the sheep came across water near to the path and their passage was compared to
the passage of the wildebeests of the Serengeti. The rain had cleared by the time we reached
Patterdale, for a refreshment stop, before the climb to Helvellyn Hostel via Lanty’s Tarn with
waterfalls in full spate. The sign in the hostel washroom was indicative – midge season, so turn
off the light and do not encourage them to breed in this room.
Tuesday 28. Morning forecast was for “organised and persistent heavy rain” and this was
certainly the case as we headed up Sticks Pass and down to Legburthwaite. No entertainment
this afternoon, but we did come across a refreshment opportunity and sat dripping in the
artisan’s conservatory with hot drinks while listening to the rain hammering on the roof and
windows. The picturesque valley and church of St John’s in the Vale were next. We arrived at
Keswick hostel with largely dried waterproofs but wet feet; comparisons were made with
heights of the river observed on earlier visits. There was a large convention in town so we
decided to eat at the hostel and stay dry.
Wednesday 29. Raining all night so half the group were not enthusiastic for the A walk and a
larger B group caught a bus to Whinlatter Forest Park (the ospreys were not on the nest), with
plans for a downhill walk to Lorton and the pub. Lunch was eaten between the thousand-yearold yew tree immortalised in Wordsworth’s poem and Jennings first malt house; unfortunately
when we got to the pub it only opened in the evenings. The walk continued trying to follow the
River Cocker route but we frequently had to abandon and retrace our steps or try higher routes;
paths disappeared under water with fence posts indicating where the path was intended to be.
When we saw the Cockermouth hostel across the river it was worryingly close to the flooding
river. The A group were already at the hostel having had an exciting day jumping streams and
clambering up a “waterfall” with rewarding views of the sea. The early rain had cleared
quickly for all but conditions underfoot were seriously wet.
Thursday 30. Bill had rung ‘dial a bus’ yesterday and it duly took us all to Thackthwaite and
the start of our footpath. A grassy carpet like track wound up to the top of Low Fell with
frequent views of Crummock Water. The descent from the fell was slow and difficult, down
the side of a fence, on a steep bracken covered path. Kirkstyle for lunch, then for some, a
scramble up heather covered Mellbreck for views of the Isle of Man and Scotland, down was on
the usual rocky paths with boggy bits; Scale Force was impressive. A sunny day and people
were appearing. We had not met many earlier in the week, especially on the higher routes. The
itinerary had been planned to allow access to lesser used routes and a number of people
commented on paths new to them.
Friday 31. The largest party left Buttermere hostel in sunshine on the lake path for Fleetwith
Pike; fortunately the gushing water of earlier in the week was not too evident as we scrambled
to the top. At Honister Slate Mine the party split to meet again at Keswick for the bus to
Kendal, then another bus to the farm road and the cars.
A good week, the rain was heavy at times and the ground often saturated but lots of good
memories. Thanks to the leaders in particular Ken, Bill W and Dave J.
Anne Jepson
Booking Form
Christmas Coach Ramble & Dinner
Hand Hotel, Chirk
Sunday 6 December 2009
To: Mike Everill
Please reserve ........ places for the above Christmas Coach Ramble for which I enclose
cheque for £ .......... (£27 per person) made payable to Mike Everill.
Tel No:
Main Meal
Christmas pudding
Pears in red wine
Cheese & Biscuits
Booking Form
Turkey Trot on Thursday 17 December 2009
To: G. Davenport
Please book ...... meals at the Greyhound Inn, Burston.
I enclose cheque for £.............(£10.50 per member.)
Please note members will have priority due to the limited capacity available.
Check with Gordon before booking for non members.
Roast Turkey
Roast Beef
Tel No
Names in Party
Christmas Pudding
Apple Pie
Booking Form
Elterwater YH Weekend. 9/11 April 2010
Complete the form, tick as appropriate, and send with cheque payable to
Bernard Heath
*** to reach Bernard before 1st November 2009 ***
Fri Dinner Fri Bed Sat B’kfast Sat Dinner Sat Bed Sun B’kfast Total
Total Amount: £………………….
□ I enclose a cheque with full payment. or
□I enclose a cheque for £10 as a deposit and will make the remaining payment
of £ ........ by 6 February 2010.
Telephone. / e-mail ……………………………………………
Booking Form
To:- Peter Johnson
Please reserve ....... tickets for ‘The Producers’ at Regent Theatre, Hanley
on Tuesday 3 November 2009 at 7.30pm.
I enclose cheque to the value of £ ...... ( £15 per person) made payable to P Johnson.
Tel No. ....................................