Conners 3rd Edition

Conners 3rd Edition
Used for School Aged Children 6-18
**This test is considered a Behavioral-Emotional measure and NOT an Adaptive
Behavior measure.
We have ordered copies of several test forms:
Parent Short Form
Teacher Short Form
Screening used to differentiate youth with ADHD from youth in the general
AI-Teacher Form (ADHD Index)
AI-Parent Form (ADHD Index)
Note- use a black ink pen and make your marks heavy and dark to assist with scoring.
Be careful not to tear the form. Do not erase errors. Mark any errors with an X and
circle the revised answer.
Test Completion1. Complete the demographic information at the top of the form.
2. To complete test, rate the student 0-3 on all of the items by circling your choice on the
external layer of the test form. Answer ALL questions.
*** Understand that statements are made about things that might be said about some
children and adolescents. Rate how true the statement is for the student.
Scoring for Conners 3-Parent Short and Conners 3-Teacher Short
1. Separate the pages at the perforation at the bottom.
2. The Scoring Grid page is directly underneath the response sheet.
3. Transfer each circled number on the right side of the grid into the unshaded box that
appears to the left of that number.
*** Each unshaded box should contain a score between 0 and 3.
4. Sum the values in each column to obtain the raw score for each scale. Record each
sum in the raw score boxes at the bottom of the grid.
5. Find the appropriate Profile form based on the student’s age and gender.
*** Blue=males and Red= Females
6. The scale names and abbreviations appear at the top of each column. Circle the
student’s age at the top of each column.
7. Look up the raw scores from the Scoring Grid for each of the scales, then circle the
corresponding raw scores on the Profile in the appropriate scale and age column.
8. T-scores are printed along the left and right edges of the Profile. For each circled raw
scores, follow across the row to find the corresponding T-score. Record each T-score
beside the scale names at the top of the Profile.
9. Connect the circled scores with straight lines to create a visual display.
10. Transfer the raw scores for Positive Impression (PI) and Negative Impression (NI)
scales from the Scoring Grid into the Raw Score column of the Validity Scale Guidelines
table located at the bottom of the Profile sheet.
Scoring for Conners 3 AI-Teacher and Conners 3 AI-Parent
1. Separate the pages at the perforation at the bottom.
2. The Scoring Page page is directly underneath the response sheet.
3. Transfer the circled number into the left-hand column of the Scoring Grid.
4. Sum the numbers in the left-hand column of the Scoring Grid. Write the sum in the
Raw Score box at the bottom of the Scoring Grid.
5. Use the Probability Score table, located above the Scoring Grid, to look up the Conners
3 AI probability score. Circle the obtained Raw Score in the Raw Score row of the table.
6. Circle the Probability score printed directly below the circled raw score.
7. Select the correct table for the gender of your student.
*** Blue=males and Red=females
8. Circle the correct age column for the student.
9. Circle the obtained raw score under the appropriate age and gender column.
10. Follow the raw score across to circle the corresponding T-score in the middle of the