Papers for Meeting of sub-committee February 2015 (MS Word

Minutes of the last meeting
Matters arising
Wales Working Coordinator Activity Report – WWP 1/1/2015
Update on Well-being of Future Generations and Careers events
– oral item
2014-5 Events programme - WWP 2/1/2015
Response to Seizure of Vehicles consultation - WWP 3/1/2015
Legislative update – oral item
Any Other Business
Date of next meeting
Dr Haydn Davies, Chair
Dr Victoria Jenkins
Kate Howell
Christian Jowett
Norma Barry
Apologies for Absence
Professor Robert Lee
James Molland
Bruce Gordon
Welcome and Introductions
1. The Chair opened the meeting by noting with pleasure that Bruce
Gordon from Environ had agreed to replace Rob Jones on the subcommittee. He also thanked Kate Howell for hosting the meeting. The
sub-committee congratulated Dr Victoria Jenkins on being nominated
as UKELA’s “star” member for this month and expressed appreciation
of her contribution to the work of the Wales Working Party.
Minutes of the Last Meeting and Matters Arising
2. The minutes of the last meeting were agreed. In terms of matters
arising, a number were either included on the agenda or had been
completed. In respect of the remaining actions, the Wales Coordinator
informed attendees that she would be following up contact with the
Welsh Government Energy Adviser; the communication plan proposal
had not been taken forward and that the usefulness of this would be
reconsidered; and dates were being sought from Professor Robert Lee
for a number of meetings.
Events Programme
3. There was significant discussion on the events programme for the
remainder of 2014-5. It was acknowledged that the Planning event in
Bristol had been a success and that it would be worthwhile repeating
the event in Cardiff at some point. Meanwhile, Dr Victoria Jenkins
had agreed to deliver a presentation on the legislative proposals to
CPRW. It was noted that the events on energy security in partnership
with the Institution of Civil Engineers were now to be held in South
and North Wales in July and October, respectively. It was further
noted that the Chair and the Wales Coordinator were meeting with
Eversheds and ICE shortly to discuss the programme content. In view
of the absence of a convenor for UKELA south west, the Wales
Coordinator stated that she had experienced difficulties in organising
a partnership event. Following a debate, it was decided to arrange a
careers event in Cardiff for students at Welsh law schools during
either the second or third week of February. Two possible locations
were Eversheds or Cardiff University. It was agreed that there should
be a general introductory address to students about careers in
environmental law, and that short discussions could be arranged with
a number of representatives of public sector legal teams, private
sector practitioners and those working at the bar. Suggestions
included David Cavell of Natural Resources Wales; Jeff Godfery, Welsh
Government; someone from a local authority; John Collins of JCP; a
representative from the Guildhall in Bristol; and possible a barrister
from local chambers. ACTION: NB to design programme and find a
suitable location. Sub- committee members to consider suitable
nominations to address and communicate with students. There was
some discussion about further interest in the Well-being of Future
Generations Bill. In the light of views expressed, it was decided to
organise a seminar for the last week in January at Hugh James:
Solicitors, subject to their willingness to host. The programme would
comprise three presentations: Welsh Government overview; the
challenges of implementations from a local authority or other public
body perspective; and the legal perspective. ACTION: NB to organise.
The suggestions from Bruce Gordon from Environ were considered
and the view was that the subject of asbestos and duty-holder
requirements would have limited interest from members, whilst the
strategy for implementation of the EU Energy Efficiency Directive
could either form part of the proposed event on Energy Security or be
a standalone seminar. Action: NB to consider and advise further. In
relation to the events in the summer on rural issues at agricultural
show, it was agreed that UKELA should stage an event a the Royal
Welsh and one other at the most popular, local agricultural. It was
agreed that the views of Nerys Llewelyn Jones should be sought
particularly in relation to the topics to be covered. Suggestions from
the sub-committee included land management agreements; payment
for eco-systems services; liabilities for flooding; and water
management. ACTION: NB. At the end of consideration of this
agenda item, the Wales Coordinator was asked to update and recirculate the programme schedule. ACTION: NB
Development of Membership
4. The Wales Coordinator introduced this paper by pointing out the
post’s challenging target of increasing UKELA membership in Wales.
She outlined the work done to date such as developing data bases of
potential interests; drafting and disseminating a membership letter;
following up non-member attendees at events; and contacting those
who had failed to renew their membership. The sub-committee noted
that there had been increases in membership categories, whilst
acknowledging that more needs to be done to bring in new members.
A number of suggestions were made such as contacting the local
authority sustainable development coordinators’ network; Arriva;
British Aerospace; National Park Authorities; British Waterways
Board; Drainage Boards; Network Rail, Tata; Qatar Oil and Gas: waste
recycling companies and other major companies which may have an
interest in the work of UKELA. The Wales Coordinator undertook to
circulate her data base on contacts for sub-committee members to
identify any gaps. ACTION: NB and sub- committee members.
Response to the Review of National Parks and Areas of Outstanding
Natural Beauty
5. The sub-committee noted the response to the consultation on the
future of landscape designations in Wales and thanked Dr Victoria
Jenkins and Dr Haydn Davies for their inputs.
Evidence Paper on the Planning Bill Proposals
6. The evidence paper submitted to the National Assembly for Wales’s
Environment and Sustainability’s Committee as part of its scrutiny of
the Planning Bill was noted and again appreciation was mentioned of
the contributions from both Dr Victoria Jenkins and Dr Haydn Davies.
Working with Universities and Attracting Students
7. In considering this paper it was suggested that the Wales Coordinator
should arrange visits to the Law Departments of Welsh Universities, if
possible accompanied by one of the Wales Working Party Joint
Convenors. It was proposed that the marketing plan drawn up by the
work placement from Swansea University should be followed as far as
practicable. It was also suggested that the work placement’s
recommendations should be adopted where possible, although it was
recognised that most of these needed to be implemented centrally.
The sub-committee endorsed the proposed actions contained in the
paper with the addition of contacting the Inns of Court student
Wales Coordinator’s Activities
8. The sub-committee noted the report and presentation on the Wales
Coordinator’s activities that was delivered at the last Council meeting.
Future Funding of Wales Coordinator Post
9. The Chair informed those present that the funding for the Wales
Coordinator post was due to run out in May next year and that a
small task and finish group of the UKELA Council had been set up to
consider how to fund activities in the Scotland, Wales, Northern
Ireland and the English Regions. The Wales Coordinator added that
UKELA’s Executive Director had requested a draft communication to
Welsh Government to see if core funding could be secured.
Any Other Business
10 There were no items raised under any other business.
Date of Next Meeting
11 It was agreed that the next meeting would take place in late February
2015. ACTION: NB
15 November 2014
Norma Barry
Wales Coordinator
Wales Coordinator Activity Report
1. The report on the activities of the Wales Coordinator over the period
November 2014 – January 2015 is attached.
2. To note, comment as necessary and consider future sustainability of
the Wales Working Party.
3. The work of the Wales Coordinator has been funded for two years
under the Esmee Fairbairn Foundation and is due to end on 20 May
this year. A requirement of funding is that project reports are provided
to demonstrate how the agreed objectives have been taken forward
and to detail lessons learnt. In order to capture activity and
reflections, the Wales Coordinator produces quarterly reports for the
Executive Director, which are used to inform the drafting of the
project reports.
4. This will probably be the last report as in May it will be necessary to
provide a full report on the two year project. Members may want to
discuss how the work in Wales can be sustained once the project
27 January 2015
UKELA’s Work in Wales - Project Report
October 2014 – January 2015
(i) Influencing Government on new environmental legislation and policy
This period has been dominated by the Well-being of Future Generations
Bill and its passage through the National Assembly for Wales’s legislative
process. Following UKELA’s and others’ appearance before the
Assembly’s Environment and Sustainability Committee on the general
principles of the Bill, a report was published indicating that a number of
UKELA’s proposals and views were supported. An analysis of this report
against UKELA’s views and proposals was undertaken. Weekly meetings
have been attended with the Third Sector Alliance on Sustainable
Development which has been actively lobbying Assembly Members and
Welsh Government officials for amendments to the Bill. Although UKELA
has not taken part in any lobbying activities, legal advice has been
provided on several issues. A number of Government and Assembly
Member amendments have now been tabled to the Bill. An article on the
Bill was written for elaw to inform UKELA members of the Bill’s contents
and the Wales Working Party’s activities in relation to the Bill.
UKELA submitted a detailed paper on the Planning Bill to the
Environment and Sustainability Committee and Dr Victoria Jenkins and
Dr Haydn Davies appeared before the Committee to provide oral evidence
on the Bill’s provisions. The Committee’s report is awaited.
In respect of the Environment Bill, this is expected to be published in
May. Meetings have been attended with Wales Environment Link and
one is planned with Welsh Government officials for an update on the
A joint response has been drafted on the Defra/Welsh Government
consultation on the Draft Control of Waste (dealing with seized property)
(England and Wales Regulations 2015). It is awaiting clearance from the
relevant Working Parties.
(ii) Information dissemination, events and partnership working to increase
public and law practitioner access to information on environmental and
related legislation
Arrangements are underway for an event on the Well-being of Future
Generations Bill, which is to be held on 12 February. The first Welsh
Careers Evening for students is to be held on 17 February, kindly
supported by Eversheds. The benefits of UKELA involvement has been
promoted to law students at Cardiff University, sadly other institutions,
apart from Swansea University, appear reluctant to engage with UKELA.
Dates have been fixed for two partnership events with the Institution of
Civil Engineers on Energy Security which are to be chaired and organised
by the Energy team from Eversheds.
Welsh members have been provided frequently with relevant briefings
from the National Assembly for Wales and information received from
Wales Environment Link. As stated above a lengthy article on the Wellbeing of Future Generations Bill was written elaw, which is circulated to
UKELA members throughout the UK. Furthermore, regular updates of
activities in Wales have been written for elaw.
Development of UKELA’s membership in Wales and the Wales Working
There has been a slight increase in membership. Plans are underway to
develop a comprehensive data base of local authority contacts and
commence a new marketing campaign, particularly targeted at local
authority members as there has not been a great response to the last
marketing effort through the Wales Local Government Association.
The Wales Working Party’s sub-committee met in November and another
meeting is planned for early February.
Other activities
Attendance at the AGM of the Institute of Welsh Affairs
Attendance at Hugh James event
Attendance at Landscape Institute lecture
Meeting with Chair and staff to discuss UKELA’s communication plans.
Draft letter for Executive Director on continued funding of Wales
Coordinator post.
Comments on the review of the effectiveness of Wales Environment Link
Baseline indicators at 20 May 2013
5 Corporate members
26 Individual members
8 Student members
2 Wales Working Party members
No Welsh Committee
One partnership arrangement (Hugh James Solicitors)
No database of contacts
No database of media contacts
No student involvement
2 events annually
One consultation response
Indicators at 20 January 2015
7 Corporate Members (Welsh Government, NRW (2), Welsh Water, Hugh
James, Fish Legal)
37 Individual Members
12 Student Members
17 Wales Working Party Members
Wales Working Party sub-committee established with 10 members.
Partnerships developed with Cynnal Cymru: Sustain Wales, the Law
Society, WCVA, Morgan Cole, WLGA, Cardiff University’s Sustainable
Place’s Research Institute, ICE, the Landscape Institute, RICS and RTPI.
Database of contacts under development – around 200 potential interests
Media database established
First Wales Careers event for students planned.
Seven events held.
Eight Government consultation responses submitted.
Six consultation/information events attended.
Five meetings held with senior Welsh Government officials
22 Third Sector meetings attended.
One newsletter issued to Welsh membership.
Five presentations at high profile events (Legal Wales Conferences 2013
and 2014, Public Policy Forum and National Assembly for Wales’s
Environment and Sustainability Committee on Well-being of Future
Generations and Planning Bills)
Five press notices issued.
Five articles published.
Continuing to influence the contents of the Well-being of Future
Generations Bill through the Third Sector Alliance and Sustainable
Development, along with other means has been a focus for this period.
Additionally, drafting of an article on the Bill for wider dissemination to
UKELA members has taken up some time. Significant effort also went
into working with Wales Working Party Members, Dr Victoria Jenkins
and Dr Haydn Davies on a detailed evidence paper on the Planning Bill
for submission to the National Assembly for Wales’s Environment and
Sustainability Committee.
The joint Defra/Welsh Government consultation on the draft Control of
Waste (dealing with seized property) (England and Wales Regulations
were analysed and a draft response prepared.
Recruitment of members is proving increasingly difficult despite having
raised the profile of UKELA in Wales. However, several Welsh new
members have been welcomed.
Forward Look
WWP sub- committee meeting in February.
Event on Well-being of Future Generations Bill
Careers event for students
Event on the Environment Bill
Continued engagement with the Third Sector Alliance on Sustainable
Development and monitoring of the Bill’s progress.
Presentation to Cardiff Law School students.
Plans to be taken forward on the Energy Security events.
Development of LA contact data base
Further marketing of membership
Response to Defra/Welsh Government consultation on Waste
Arrangements for handover of work and project report.
27 January 2015
Norma Barry
Wales Coordinator
Events Programme: 2014-5
1. The current events programme covering the period from October 2014
until the end of September 2015 is attached.
2. To note progress, offer advice and make suggestions on further
development of the programme.
3. The programme has previously been agreed by the sub-committee.
Further suggestions are welcomed but members need to be aware that
from the end of May, it is likely that there will be no paid support for
UKELA’s activities in Wales.
27 January 2015