Agenda - Environmental Business Council of New England, Inc.

Environmental Business Council Breakfast Program
Renewable Ocean Energy - Tides, Currents and Waves
Renewable energy from the ocean presents an opportunity to develop predictable,
unlimited clean energy from the tides, currents, and waves. While some of the technologies
employed are not unlike traditional turbine technology associated with hydropower, adapting
such designs to the open water ocean environment is at a relatively early stage of
technological development. This breakfast will provide participants with a snapshot of the
state of the ocean renewable industry by focusing on projects currently being demonstrated in
the Northeast.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Foley Hoag Emerging Enterprise Center
Bay Colony Corporate Center
1000 Winter Street, Suite 4000, North Entrance
Waltham, Massachusetts
8:00 a.m.
Daniel K. Moon, President, EBC
Steve Barrett, Chair
EBC Wind Energy Development Committee
Director of Clean Energy, Harris Miller Miller & Hanson
8:10 a.m.
John Miller, Director, Marine Renewable Energy Center,
8:30 a.m.
Tidal Energy
John Ferland, Project Developer
Ocean Renewable Power Company
9:00 a.m.
Wave Energy
Bill Staby, Co-Founder/President
Resolute Marine Energy, Inc.
9:30 a.m.
Open Discussion
10:00 a.m.
Stephen B. Barrett, Director of Clean Energy
Harris Miller Miller & Hanson, Inc.
77 South Bedford Street, Burlington, MA 01803
781.229.0707 x3125
Stephen Barrett, Director of Clean Energy with Harris Miller Miller & Hanson (HMMH), is
developing a new business practice providing clean energy and sustainability strategies for
private and public sector clients including Airports, municipalities, and private developers. He
has worked in private consulting for the past 12 years, and before that worked for the Coastal
Zone Management Office in Massachusetts for 4 year. Currently he is the consultant to the
Town of Edgartown on its proposed Muskeget Channel Tidal Energy Project and to the Town
of Nantucket on ocean planning and offshore wind. He is also Vice President and Partner of
Minuteman Wind, LLC which is proposing a 12.5 MW land-based wind project in the
Berkshires. Stephen has a Masters in Environmental Science and Policy from the University of
Virginia and a Bachelors in International Policy from Union College. He is a board member of
Clean Power Now, Chair of EBC’s Wind Energy Committee and In-coming member of the
EBC’s Board of Directors.
John Ferland, Director - Project Development
2 Portland Fish Pier, Suite 307, Portland, Maine 04101
John Ferland, Director of Project Development for ORPC Maine LLC, an affiliate of the Ocean
Renewable Power Company, is responsible for project development activities in New England
and eastern Canada. Mr. Ferland formerly was President & CEO of the private, non-profit
Maine Center for Enterprise Development (MCED), the oldest technology commercialization
center in the Maine. He was also the founding president/CEO of the Environmental & Energy
Technology Council of Maine (E2 Tech Council), a statewide industry association of 130
members, with a mission to strengthen Maine’s global economic competitiveness by
supporting R&D, job creation and new product development in the environmental and energy
sector of the Maine economy. Before leading the MCED and E2 Tech, Mr. Ferland was
general manager & CEO of Clean Casco Bay, Inc., an oil spill response company created
through Portland Pipe Line Corp. and funded by five oil terminal operators in Portland Harbor.
He is a graduate of the University of Maine and has a Master of Marine Affairs degree from the
University of Rhode Island.
John Miller, Director
Marine Renewable Energy Center
151 Martine Street, Fall River, MA 02723
John Miller is currently the Director of the Marine Renewable Energy Center (MREC), as well
as Entrepreneur in Residence and Director of Operations for the Advanced Technology and
Manufacturing Center (ATMC) of the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth. He has 25 years
of experience in technology commercialization in several major industries including Materials
(Micro Magnetics), Fine Chemicals (Polaroid), Telecommunications (GTE),
Photonics/Measurement Sciences (Federal Products), and Cryogenics (XL Technology). Most
recently, as CEO he cofounded a startup, raised $1 million in seed funding and $2.2 million in
Grant funding, and led development through fielding of a Beta unit scanning magnetic
microscope. He has been President of two companies, and has led a variety of projects
including a $20 million development that yielded 40% ROI. He has a Batchelor of Science in
Engineering from the United States Military Academy, West Point, a Masters of Science in
Engineering form the University of Washington, and a Masters of Business Administration form
Worcester Polytechnic Institute. He has been certified as a Quality Engineer, American
Society of Quality Control and as a Project Manager by the Department of Defense. He has a
long-standing interest in renewable energy and has worked on various projects in the field. His
Masters Thesis was a simulation of waste streams to determine the impact of recycling on the
energy value of the waste. He has been active in various recycling and renewable energy
initiatives, including being the UMass Dartmouth representative to the UMass System Clean
Energy Working Group, a founding member of the New England Clean Energy Council,
developing the Clean Energy Lab (CEL) and actively supporting the Sustainability Initiatives at
UMass Dartmouth.
Bill Staby, Co-Founder/President
Resolute Marine Energy, Inc.
126 Summer Street, Watertown, MA 02472
Bill Staby (“Stah-bee”) is the Chief Executive Officer of Watertown, MA - based Resolute
Marine Energy, Inc. (RME), a privately-held corporation that’s developing wave-powered
energy solutions for various offshore industries. Bill is an experienced entrepreneur. He has
founded four start-up technology companies and, earlier in his career, Bill gained leadership
experience at several global enterprises including First Boston Corporation where he was a
member of the Electric Utility Corporate Finance Group.
Since its founding in 2006, Bill has lead RME through the development and testing of two wave
energy converter designs, established research partnerships with MIT, UMASS Dartmouth,
Duke University and the Minerals Management Service and has obtained R&D funding support
from NOAA and the Department of Energy.
Bill is an active participant in shaping marine renewable energy policy through the Ocean
Renewable Energy Coalition in Washington, D.C. and he is a U.S. delegate to the IEC TC-114
international technical standards committee for wave and tidal converters.
June 9: YEP Committee Meeting
June 11: Financing Clean Energy Projects under the Reinvestment Act of 2009
June 17: DEP/DOER Workshop: Renewable Energy at Closed Landfills
June 18: Annual EBEE Awards Celebration
June 24: C & D Committee Meeting
June 25: Dam Program: Role of Hydropower
June 26: Breakfast with MEPA Director McDevitt
June 30: DEP Southeast Regional Meeting
July 10: Ocean Management Conference
July 16: Dam Management: Dam Remediation
July 28: NH Chapter - Harbor Cruise