JFICM Policy Documents - Wellington Intensive Care Unit


CICM Policy Documents - Summaries

IC-1 – Minimum Standards of ICU’s

Type of unit – Level I, II or III, HDU, PICU

Case load

Staffing (medical, nursing, allied and other with clinical and non-clinical duties)

Training – C6, C12 or C24

Operational requirements – site and design (20m2 bedspace)

Equipment – basic and advanced with in-service training

Monitoring – staff, patient and transport

IC-2 – Intensive Care Specialist Practice in Hospitals Accredited for Training in

Intensive Care Medicine



Clinical supervision guidelines

Trainee Supervision guidelines

IC-3 – Guidelines for Intensive Care Units seeking accreditation for Training in

Intensive Care Medicine.


Levels – I, II, or III

Classification – C6, C12, C24

Safe staffing

Education – teaching and research, M+M

College assessments


Support staff

IC-4 – Supervision of Vocational Trainee’s in Intensive Care Medicine



- major procedures

- quality assurance

- sensitive communications with patients and families

- record-keeping

- research

- audit

- training

Jeremy Fernando (2011)


C1 – present and helping

C2 – available for immediate assistance and consultation

C3 – present in hospital

C4 – out of hospital but available

Special situations:

- admission

- unplanned discharge

- important changes in condition of patient

- complex procedures

- treatment of children

- serious ethical changes to management (withdrawal, organ donation)

- refusal to admit

- retrieval or re-patriation

IC-5 – Guidelines on the Health of Specialists and Trainees

General – at risk group, health checks, vaccinations, screening for disease, stress management

Personal – GP, no self prescription, no corridor consultations

Professional – promote health attitudes, resource availability, discussion of health related topics, mentor and buddy systems, review of rostering and work practices, fatigue avoidance, debriefing and support.

IC-6 – Guidelines for the Relationship between Fellows, Trainees and the

Healthcare Industry


- open and formal acknowledgement of financial healthcare industry support

- disclaimers

- goal should be patient benefit

- personal negotiation doesn’t imply College approval


- organised by College and sponsored by Health Care Industry

- organised by Healthcare Industry

Research Projects

- mediation

- normal ethical committee procedures must be followed

Jeremy Fernando (2011)

IC-7 – Administrative Services to Intensive Care Units

Individual secretarial




IC-8 – Quality Improvement

Definition = interdisciplinary process designed to raise standards of preventative, diagnostic, therapeutic and rehabilitative measures to improve outcomes.


Improvement Process – planning, implementation, evaluation, ensure sustainability


- assessment of structure

- process

- internal events: M+M, delays in transfer, complicance with protocols, critical incident reporting, risk management

- external comparisons: APACHE II -> SMR, CRBSI rates, patient/relative satisfaction


Quality improvement co-ordinator

IC-9 – Ethical Practice in ICM

Ethical and Legal responsibilities

- autonomy

- beneficence

- non-maleficence

- social justice

- fidelity (confidentiality, truthfulness, education, vigilance, devotion)

- paternalism

- utility (best use of resources)

- informed consent

- patients and staff rights

- patients and staff responsibilities

- clinical research and teaching

- professional conduct

- familarisation with relevant statutory requirements in practising country

IC-10 – Minimum Standards of Transport for Critically Ill Patients

- high risk time for patient

- standard of the care should not drop during transport

Jeremy Fernando (2011)

- risk of transport must we weighed up by benefit of investigation or intervention after transport.

Administration – initiation, coordination, responsibility, documentation, audit and quality assurance

Categories – prehospital, interhospital, intrahospital

Staffing – senior, adequately trained, adequate communication, consider taking specialist skill to referring hospital

Transport – mode, vehicle, urgency

Equipment – A, B, C, drugs and other

Monitoring – A, B, C, D


IC-13 – Recommendation for Standards for HDU’s

HCU = intermediate day between ICU and ward


- near ICU

- referred to ICU

- defined admission, discharge, management and referral policies


- ICU oversight

- nursing ratio 1:2

- 24 hour cover


- minimum of 4 beds

- 16m2 bed space

Equipment and Monitoring

- A, B, C, D, E and drugs

IC-14 – Statement on Witholding and Withdrawing Treatment

- appropriate in some circumstances

- benefit vs burden

- no obligation to initiate or continue ineffective treatment

- take into account: advanced directives, next-of-kin, primary medical practitioner or another patient confidante.

- we must assess competence

- allow time

Jeremy Fernando (2011)

- we need to take responsibility for decision (not place burden on family)

- document well

- never withdraw care -> we move to a comfort care model

- cause of death is the medical condition that necessitates the treatment that is withheld or withdrawn

Jeremy Fernando (2011)
