Penalties for late submission or exceeding word

Penalties for late submission of work
The following is the College policy and applies to all students on taught
programmes of study:
All coursework should be submitted by the specified deadline. Please ensure that
you are aware of the deadlines set by your department(s). Work that is
submitted after the deadline will be penalised as follows:
For work submitted up to 24 hours late, the mark will be reduced by ten
percentage marks* subject to a minimum mark of a minimum pass;
For work submitted more than 24 hours late, the maximum mark will be
*e.g. a mark of 65% awarded would be reduced to 55%
If you have had extenuating circumstances which have affected your ability to
submit work by the deadline these should be submitted in writing, accompanied
by any relevant documentary evidence, to your department(s).
<Add in
reference to the relevant pages of the Programme/Student Handbook with regard
to the policy (this should include a statement that it is at the discretion of the
department whether to accept the ext circs as a reason for the work not being
submitted on time) and procedures for submitting details of any extenuating
circumstances, and departmental policies on applying for extensions.>
Penalties for exceeding word length
The following is the College policy and applies to all students on taught
programmes of study:
All over-length work submitted on undergraduate and taught postgraduate
programmes will be penalised as follows.
For work which exceeds the upper word limit by at least 10% and by
less than 20%, the mark will be reduced by ten percentage marks*,
subject to a minimum mark of a minimum pass.
For work which exceeds the upper word limit by 20% or more, the
maximum mark will be zero.
*e.g. a mark of 65% awarded would be reduced to 55%
In addition to the text the word count should include quotations and footnotes.
Please note that the following are excluded from the word count: candidate
number, title, course title, preliminary pages, bibliography and appendices.