Fine Art Photography

ROP Digital Imaging
Brian Schaubmayer
This course continues to expand the development of skills learned in
Photography with a focus on gaining a solid foundation in the knowledge and
technological skills necessary for professional photography and photo
illustration. Students will combine creative photography and digital skills with
emphasis on pre-shoot planning to post-digital illustration. They will also
explore the unlimited, imaginative possibilities of artistic and commercial
applications. Large project based learning skills will be implemented. Careers
in this field will also be explored in this class and students will be encouraged
to meet the needs of the campus by creating images and illustrations and
other arts services as requested.
The Rules
1. Be Positive, Be Supportive, Be Respectful!
2. If you are late, go to office first for a pass.
3. The dress code will be enforced—don’t act surprised!
4. You may not do work from other classes unless you have
5. You may not check your email without permission
6. Social Networking and Games are FORBIDDEN.
7. No Food or Drink in class.
8. Be prepared to challenge yourself.
Materials and Equipment
Though school cameras will be available to you, at this point, like serious music
students, some of you may be planning on purchasing your own digital SLR.
Please let me know if you need any guidance or recommendations. You will also
want to have a 4 GB or greater capacity portable drive as you will be working on
very large files this year. You should keep this in your backpack or purse as you
will need it daily.
Figure and Film Studies
Often during the course sequence of all the visual art courses, the student will be
working with visual materials such as famous art works, films of famous artists,
slides, VHS tapes/DVDs, the Internet, and computer programs. Sometimes
material may contain anatomical references, nude model poses and views of
artists working from models in their studios, as well as scenes from modern films.
The material may also mention and discuss the alternative lifestyles sometimes
lived by famous artists, which may be considered inappropriate to some. Current
issues, as they relate to art and free expression, are also discussed in the art
classes. If you are uncomfortable viewing and discussing any images or video
clips, alternative work will be provided upon request. If you have questions or
concerns, please contact me at the email address above.
All projects and due dates will be posted on my website, accessible through the
Vista del Lago home page. This site will be a wealth of information for students
and parents and includes assignments, project descriptions, due dates, as well
as helpful tutorials and online resources. All grades will be posted via
powerschool through the parent portal link on the top of the school web site. As
with any project-based course, grades can only be updated as projects become
due. Consequently, grades may not be changed or updated as regularly as your
other high school classes. Check the class calendar to see when projects are
due. Grades should be updated within 3-4 days.
Grades will be based on the following:
Practice Work and write ups (formative assessments)
Practice work is all the work that you will do in class and at home to gain
inspiration: daily warm-up exercises, research, brainstorming, practice
techniques, and writing about your art-making process.
Presentation Work, Critiques and Exams (summative assessments)
Presentation work includes the "major" projects that you do; the ones that you
will present to the class during critiques. Both technical skill and artistic skill will
be evaluated in presentation-level work. Creative expression and originality in the
work is highly respected. And in addition to receiving a grade for the actual work,
you will also be graded on your presentation and your ability to write and talk
intelligently about your own work and that of others’ work, using the vocabulary of
art and photography.
Gallery/Museum Visit – Work experiences
You are required to visit a gallery or museum during this course in order to view a
photography exhibit. You will fill out an assignment sheet on the exhibit and
have your picture taken in front of your favorite work (use your cell phone so you
can show it to me—no flash is allowed in galleries and museums). Work
experience entails any ‘non-assigned’ job you undertake as preparation for work
experiences. Write ups are required for both choices
Late Work and "Re-grades"
Because you will be presenting your work to the class during critiques, it is vital
that you turn in your completed project at the beginning of class on the day
that it is due. If you do not, you will lose one grade (10%) per class day that a
project is late. Art is a process that can often take many revisions to perfect.
Once you have turned in a "Presentation Work" project and received your grade
and feedback on it, you may redo the project for a higher grade if you wish. In
order to have a project regraded, you must make an appointment with me for
a “regrade conference” outside of class time and you must bring your original
grading sheet to that conference. You can raise any aspect of your grade except
for points lost due to turning in the project late.
Make-up work will be accepted in accordance with the school policy. See the
Student Handbook if you have questions.
This course is an ROP course, so you must attend regularly to receive credit. I
am required by the county to record your hours for this course.
Prompt attendance to class is extremely important, as class begins when the bell
rings. Entrance anytime after the bell rings is considered tardy or late and the
student will be sent directly to the office. This means that you need to be seated
and ready to work when the bell rings. The VDL tardy policy will be enforced
If you are absent, it is your responsibility to check the web site calendar,
learn the material, obtain handouts and assignments and make up the work
you missed. Normally, this can only be accomplished outside of class time.
Please check with me for open studio hours.
Unexcused Tardy Policy—The Vista del Lago tardy policy will be enforced, with
all students arriving late being sent directly to the office. If you are late, go to the
office and get a pass before coming to class—NO EXCEPTIONS. Detentions
and suspensions will be assigned according to Vista’s policy for tardies.
Classroom Policies
Cell Phones and IPods—Cell phones, iPods, etc. are not appropriate during
class. If these items are out during class time they will be confiscated. On the
first violation the equipment will be taken by the teacher and returned to the
owner at the end of the class period. On the second occurrence the equipment
will be taken to the administration and returned to the owner at the end of the
day. On the third violation, a parent will be required to pick up the equipment
from the administration. Further violations will be dealt with on an individual
On occasion, I will allow you to listen to music on the computer through your
headphones. YOU MUST ask permission first, however.
The Vista Del Lago Academic Dishonesty Policy will be strictly enforced.
Honest behavior is expected from all students. Any unauthorized collaboration,
plagiarism, forgery, theft, or other dishonest behavior will result in disciplinary
action. The consequences followed can be found in the Student Handbook.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"We have read and understand the attached document and policies for
ROP digital imaging Photography."
Student Name __________________________________Date ____________
Student Signature ________________________________________________
Parent Signature__________________________________________________
Class and period #________________________________________________
Home Phone_____________________________________________________
Parent Cell ______________________________________________________