Rotherham Hockey Club Summer Camp 2012 Details & Booking form


Green Army Summer Camp 2015 Details & Booking


Camp Details

Dates: Easter – 30 th March – 2 nd April

Summer – 25-28 th August

Times: 10am - 4pm

Venue: Wakefield Hockey Club, Eastmoor Road, WF1 3RR

Costs: - £100 for all 4 days

- £30 per day for individual days.

Ages: 8 – 15 years old.

Hockey Days

Each day will be split into a morning (10am-12.30pm) and an afternoon session (1.30pm-

4pm), with an hour long break for lunch. Please ensure your son/daughter brings a packed lunch as they will not be able to purchase this at the Sports Club. The emphasis of the week is enjoyment, so there will be plenty of fun games, new skills learned, and skills tests each day!

What you need to know

Required Equipment – standard hockey equipment is necessary:

- shin pads

- suitable footwear: trainers or astroturf shoes (not studded football boots)

- hockey stick

- gum guard

- water bottle

- packed lunch

*Sticks can be borrowed if your child does not have one.

Appropriate Clothing:

- water proofs

- tracksuits

- sun cream

- hats

Drinks - All participants should bring their own water bottle every day, they will be able to fill it up as and when necessary.

All Wakefield Hockey Club’s coaches hold current governing body qualifications, are insured and have been police checked (CRB/DBS), they are also enthusiastic and committed to making the week a fun and enjoyable experience for your child.

Places are limited. To avoid disappointment book early.

Closing dates for booking forms are Wed 25


March &

Friday 8



Parental Declaration & Booking Form

Childs name: …………………………………………..........


Gender: Male/Female



Date of Birth: ……………………………..

Postcode: ………………........

School attended: ……………………………….. Hockey Club: ……………………………….

Standard (please delete to leave relevant standard): Beginner / School / Club / County / International.

Name of parent/guardian: ……………………………………………………..

Contact Phone No. (Home): …………………………………………………… (Work/Mobile): ……………………………………………

Email: ……………………………………………………………………………………..

Address of parent/guardian:


..................................................................................................... Postcode: …………………….

Does your child suffer from any allergies, or any medical condition that may prevent him/her from taking part in any special activity, or that our supervisory staff should be aware of? (please give details if yes)

Yes / No



Which days would your child like to attend? (please delete as appropriate): Easter: Mon/Tues/Wed/Thurs

Summer: Tues/Wed/Thurs/Fri

Total Cost £……………………………..

I consent to… (please delete as appropriate)

My child attending and participating in Wakefield Junior Hockey coaching during the Camp


In the event of any illness/accident, whilst every reasonable step will be taken to contact me, any necessary treatment can be administered by trained medical/emergency staff


I agree for my child to be involved in photographs for promotional purposes for Wakefield Hockey Club


My child’s and my information to be processed and stored electronically, and for personal information to be kept for the purpose of administration


Print Name: ………………………………………………………………………..

Signed: ………………………………………………………………………….

I wish to pay via (please tick or delete)


- via Bank Transfer (BACS):

Sort Code – 08-92-88

Account Number – 11331357

Please email Danny Berry stating the amount you have paid as you pay, so he can confirm it has been received to you.

- cheque (please send to address below, with this form and make payable to ‘Daniel Berry’)

- cash (please contact Danny Berry on the contact details below).

Please send the completed form via email attachment to, or post to Danny Berry, Wakefield Hockey

Club, Eastmoor Road, Wakefield, WF1 3RR.

If you have any questions then please do not hesitate to call 07450996799.
