Part 1


Research and Professional Development Activities Report

Part 1

(2014-2015 Academic Year)

The information submitted in this form will be used for the following four purposes:

 To award scholarship / research points (see document Scholarship / Research Point Guidelines ).

 To maintain a record of research grants / awards received by our faculty, and to provide information on research activity to outside publics.

 Annual professional development meeting with Faculty/School Deans.

 To include copies of your research for archival purposes at Alloway Library. (Please note that items donated to the Archives will be available to researchers accessing the TWU Archives.)

Instructions for using this form:

 To enter information, use your mouse to highlight each grey field, then type over it. For check boxes (  ), double click on it , then click “checked” and “OK.”

 If including more than one item under a section, copy and paste the entire section for each entry.

 For part time faculty and ACTS faculty who are filling out the form, you only need to give the citation information for the items in Section III. The other blanks in each item for that section are for TWU faculty who are applying for research points.

 For help:  2142 or 

I. Faculty Member Information


Faculty / School:

Position: Full Time Continuing Sessional, Teaching Load as per Contract: /80

Part Time Retired:

I agree to have the hard copies of my books/articles donated to the TWU Library Archives: Yes No

II. Research Grants / Awards Information

Project Title:

Duration of Award:

Start Date:

Completion Date:

Granting Agency:

Amount of Award:

III. Scholarship / Research Point Information

Summary of information on scholarship/research points:

 Full-time tenured, tenure-track, and sessional instructors with a continuing appointment are eligible for a maximum of 6 points per academic year.

 Retired faculty who have a minimum of 10 years of full time service at TWU before retirement are eligible for a maximum of 6 points per academic year (see Research Points Guidelines for full details and conditions).

 Sessional instructors with a continuing appointment of at least ¾ time are eligible for a corresponding fraction of the maximum number of points per year.

 The value of each point for current assessment is $200.00.

 Awarded funds will be transferred to the faculty member’s personal professional development account after

May 1 st .

Part 1 - 1 February 2015

 These funds can be accessed for professional activities by completing the appropriate form available from any faculty assistant or at

under Faculty Documents &

Resources in the Research and Faculty Development folder.

Submission Information:

 Include activities / publications from March 1, 2014 to February 28, 2015.

 Please email the completed form (Part 1 only) to Sue Funk at

, and submit a paper copy of the form (feel free to print double sided). Include hard copies of paper presentations (as well as the conference programs with your presentation highlighted), books, articles, etc. to Sue Funk (Office of

Research, Suite 101, Fosmark Centre). You may also email your supporting documentation if you have those items in an electronic format. Anything that you’re asking for points for must have supporting documentation submitted.

 Feedback on the assessment of research points will be provided directly on the report form. Once the assessment is complete, an email will also be sent to each applicant indicating the number of points carried forward from the previous year, allocated in the current year, and any that are to be carried forward for the following year. Please Note: Research items for which points are carried forward should not be re-submitted.

The hard copy of your form will be sent to the Provost Office to include in your file.

A. 6 points for a full-length, original, published, research-based book

Full citation (i.e. as it appears in your CV) in style appropriate to your field (e.g. APA, MLA, CMS, CSE):

If co-author, describe your proportional contribution:

Other pertinent information:

Anticipated point assessment:

B. 1 to 3 points for editing a scholarly book

Full citation (i.e. as it appears in your CV) in style appropriate to your field (e.g. APA, MLA, CMS, CSE):

Describe your written contribution within the book:

If co-editor, describe your proportional contribution:

Other pertinent information:

Anticipated point assessment:

C. 2 to 3 points for a published scholarly article or chapter in a scholarly book

Full citation (i.e. as it appears in your CV) in style appropriate to your field (e.g. APA, MLA, CMS, CSE):

If co-author, describe your contribution:

Other pertinent information:

Anticipated point assessment:

D. 4 to 5 points for significant articles in the sciences (Director of Faculty Development will consult with

Faculty / School Dean)

Full citation (i.e. as it appears in your CV) in style appropriate to your field (e.g. APA, MLA, CMS, CSE):

Period of time involved in research:

If co-author, describe your proportional contribution:

Other pertinent information:

Anticipated point assessment:

E. 1 to 5 points for an original and creative written product or a presentation in the fine arts (Director of

Faculty Development will consult with Faculty / School Dean for recommendations of 3 to 5 points)

Full citation (i.e. as it appears in your CV) of written work in style appropriate to your field (e.g. APA, MLA,


Part 1 - 2 February 2015

Full citation (i.e. as it appears in your CV) of fine arts presentation in style appropriate to your field (e.g. APA,


Period of time involved in creating product:

Other pertinent information (please provide sufficient information to indicate the significance of the creative work):

Anticipated point assessment:

F. 1 to 5 points for a consulting project that results in a written report (Director of Faculty Development will consult with Faculty / School Dean for recommendations of 3 to 5 points)

Title of report:

Organization project completed for:

Nature and scope of the report (including pagination):

If co-author, describe your proportional contribution:

Period of time involved in project:

Other pertinent information:

Anticipated point assessment:

G. 1 point for a scholarly paper read at a professional association conference or an equivalent professional presentation

Full citation (i.e. as it appears in your CV) of paper in style appropriate to your field (e.g. APA, MLA, CMS,


Conference and/or hosting organization:

Duration of presentation / discussion:

Nature of the organization hosting the conference:

If co-presenter, describe your proportional contribution:

Other pertinent information:

Anticipated point assessment:

H. 1 point for the publication of a presented paper in conference proceedings

Full citation (i.e. as it appears in your CV) in style appropriate to your field (e.g. APA, MLA, CMS, CSE):

If co-author, describe your proportional contribution:

Nature and name of organization hosting the conference:

Other pertinent information:

Anticipated point assessment:

I. 1/2 point for a new, original, professional presentation, or submission of a written report, to practitioners in a faculty member’s discipline (max. 3 points per year)

Full citation (i.e. as it appears in your CV) in style appropriate to your field (e.g. APA, MLA, CMS, CSE):

Duration of presentation / discussion:

Nature and name of the organization hosting the presentation:

If co-presenter, describe your proportional contribution:

Other pertinent information:

Anticipated point assessment:

J. 1 point for a book review published in a scholarly or professional journal (max. 2 points per year)

Full citation (i.e. as it appears in your CV) in style appropriate to your field (e.g. APA, MLA, CMS, CSE):

Other pertinent information:

Anticipated point assessment:

Part 1 - 3 February 2015

K. Scholarly products not covered above (Director of Faculty Development will consult with Faculty /

School Dean)

Description of product:

Period of time involved in creating product:

Other pertinent information:

Anticipated point assessment:

IV. Research Interests

L. Please list the areas/categories/topics that your research interests lie in (please be as specific as possible). Include work/projects in process.


Describe research goals met in previous year


N. Discuss research goals for the coming years, including possible funding competitions of interest.

Part 1 - 4 February 2015
