Master List TNC Citations February 2012

The Nature Conservancy Publications, 2009-2011
This document catalogs articles published in the primary literature where Conservancy
staff are authors on the paper. The list covers all publications that have been brought to
our attention since 2009. The list is updated on a monthly basis. Red text indicates
recent additions. Many publications can be read in full from the Conservation Gateway.
A publication with the full-text article available in the Conservation Gateway will have a
link to that publication. If you know of a publication that is not on this list and should
be, please contact Bob Lalasz at
Abell, R., M. Thieme, T. H. Ricketts, N. Olwero, R. Ng, P. Petry, E. Dinerstein, C.
Revenga & J. M. Hoekstra. 2011. Concordance of freshwater and terrestrial
biodiversity. Conservation Letters 4: 127-136.
Aguirre-Muñoz, A., J.E., Bezaury-Creel, H. de la Cueva, I.J. March-Mifsut, E. PetersRecagno, S. Rojas-González de Castilla y K. Santos-del Prado Gasca
(Compiladores), 2010. Islas de México, Un recurso estratégico. Instituto Nacional
de Ecología (INE), The Nature Conservancy (TNC), Grupo de Ecología y
Conservación de Islas, A.C. (GECI), Centro de Investigación Científica y de
Educación Superior de Ensenada (CICESE). 48 pp.
Albert, J. S., Carvalho, T. P. Petry, P., Holder, M. A., Maxime, E. L., Espino, J., et al.
(2011) Aquatic biodiversity in the Amazon: Habitat specialization and
geographic isolation promote species richness. Animals 1(2): 205-241.
Albert, J. S., P. Petry, and R. E. Reis. 2011. Major biogeographic and phylogenetic
patterns. In J.S. Albert and R. E. Reis, eds. (pp. 21-58), Historical Biogeography of
Neotropical Freshwater Fishes. University of California Press: Berkeley.
Aldous, A., J. Fitzsimons, B. Richter, and L. Bach. 2010. Droughts, floods, and
freshwater ecosystems: evaluating climate change impacts and developing
adaptation strategies. Marine and Freshwater Research 62(3): 223-231.
Almany, G.R., R.J. Hamilton, D.H. Williamson, R. D. Evans, G. P. Jones, M. Matawai, T.
Potuku, K. L. Rhodes, G. R. Russ, and B. Sawynok. 2010. Research partnerships
with local communities: two case studies from Papua New Guinea and Australia.
Coral Reefs doi: 10.1007/s00338-010-0624-3
Anderson M.G., Ferree CE (2010) Conserving the Stage: Climate Change and the
Geophysical Underpinnings of Species Diversity. PLoS ONE 5(7): e11554.
Argeloo, M. and J. Fitzsimons. 2011. Predation of a small passerine by the Purplewinged Roller (Coracias temminckii), an endemic species of Sulawesi. Kukila 15:
Bachelet, D., B.R. Johnson, S. D. Bridgham, P. V. Dunn, H. E. Anderson, and B. M.
Rogers. 2011. Climate change impacts on western Pacific Northwest prairies and
savannas. Northwest Science 85(2): 411-429.
Current to February, 2011
Ban, N.C., V. M. Adams, G. R. Almany, S. Ban, J.E. Cinner, L.J. McCook, M. Mills, R.L.
Pressey, and A. White. 2011. Designing, implementing and managing marine
protected areas: Emerging trends and opportunities for coral reef nations.
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology.
Benítez, S., A. Blanco, J. Cole, M. Ibáñez, J. J. Rodríguez, and S. Halloy. 2010. Using
water funds to finance watershed conservation in the Andes and Costa Rica.
Mountain Forum 10:71-73.
Beger, M., H.S. Grantham, R. L. Pressey, K.A. Wilson, E.L. Peterson, D. Dorfman, P.J.
Mumby, R. Lourival, D. R. Brumbaugh, and H. P. Possingham. 2010.
Conservation planning for connectivity across marine, freshwater, and terrestrial
realms. Biological Conservation 143:565-575.
Beger, M., S. Linke, E. T. Game, I. R. Ball, M. Watts, and H. P. Possingham. 2010.
Incorporating asymmetric connectivity into spatial decision making for
conservation. Conservation Letters doi: 10.1111/j.1755-263X.2010.00123.x.
Beier, P., Spencer, W., Baldwin R.F. and McRae, B.H. 2011. Toward Best Practices for
Developing Regional Connectivity Maps. Conservation Biology.
Benson, S.R., T. Eguchi, D. G. Goley, K. A. Forney, H. Bailey, C. Hitipeuw, B.P. Samber,
R.F. Tapilatu, V. Rei, P. Ramhoia, J. Pita, and P. H. Dutton. 2011. Large-scale
movements and high-use areas of western Pacific leatherback turtles,
Dermochelys coriacea. Ecosphere 2(7):art84. doi:10.1890/ES11-00053.1
Bezaury-Creel J., and C. Enríquez-Guadarrama. 2010. Instrumentos de Política Pública e
Iniciativas de Acción Social. pp. 156-161 y material adicional en formato CD. En:
Cotler-Ávalos H. (Coord.). 2010. Las Cuencas Hidrográficas de México.
Diagnóstico y Priorización. Instituto Nacional de Ecología – SEMARNAT,
Fundación Gonzalo Río Arronte, I.A.P. México D.F. 232 pp + 1disco en formato
Bezaury –Creel J. 2010. Las áreas naturales protegidas costeras y marinas de Mexico
ante el cambio climático. p. 689-736. En: Rivera-Arriaga E., I. Azuz-Adeath, L.
Alpuche Gual y G.J. Villalobos-Zapata (eds.). Cambio Climático en Mexico un
Enfoque Costero-Marino. Universidad Autónoma de Campeche, CETYSUniversidad, Gobierno del Estado de Campeche. 944 p.
Bezaury-Creel J. E., and J. Fco. Torres, 2010. Islas y Mares Mexicanos. The Nature
Conservancy. Mexico D.F.
Bezaury-Creel J. E., J. Fco. Torres. 2010. Bases de Datos Geográficas de las Aguas
Marinas y Costeras Mexicanas, Versión 1.0. The Nature Conservancy. 24 Capas
ArcGIS 9.2 + 19 Capas Google Earth KMZ + 12 Capas Google Earth KML + 1
Archivo de Metadatos en texto.
Bezaury-Creel, J. 2010. Las selvas secas del Pacífico Mexicano en el contexto Mundial.
pp. 21 – 40. En: Ceballos G., L. Martínez, A. García, E. Espinoza, J. Bezaury-Creel,
Current to February, 2011
R. Dirzo. 2010. Diversidad, amenazas y áreas prioritarias para la conservación de
las selvas secas del Pacífico de México. Fondo de Cultura Económica, Comisión
Nacional para el Conocimiento y Uso de la Biodiversidad, Comisión Nacional de
Áreas Naturales Protegidas, Alianza WWF-Telcel, Ecociencia S.C., Telmex.
México D.F. 596 pp.
Biggs, R., M. W. Diebel, D. Gilroy, A. M. Kamarainen, M. S. Kornis, N. D. Preston, J. E.
Schmitz, C. K. Uejio, M. C. Van De Botert, B. C. Weindel, P. C. West, D. P. M.
Zaks, and S. R. Carpenter. In press. Preparing for the future: teaching scenario
planning at the graduate level. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment doi:
Boyce, W.M., W. Vickers, S. A. Morrison, T. S. Sillett, L. Caldwell, S. S. Wheeler, C. M.
Barker, R. Cummings, and W. K. Reisen. 2011. Surveillance for West Nile virus
and vaccination of free-ranging Island Scrub-Jays (Aphelocoma insularis) on
Santa Cruz Island, California. Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases. DOI:
Brown, J., L. Bach, A. Aldous, A. Wyers, and J. DeGagne. In press. Groundwater
dependent ecosystems in Oregon: an assessment of their distribution and
associated threats. Frontiers in Ecology and Environment doi:10.1890/090108.
Brumbaugh, R.D., Beck, M.W., Hancock, B., Meadows, A.W., Spalding, M., and P. zu
Ermgassen. 2010. Changing a management paradigm and rescuing a globally
imperiled habitat. National Wetlands Newsletter, 32(6):16-20.
Burdett, C. L., K. R. Crooks, D. M. Theobald, K. R. Wilson, E. E. Boydston, L. M. Lyren, R.
N. Fisher, T. W. Vickers, S. A. Morrison, and W. M. Boyce. 2010. Interfacing
models of wildlife habitat and human development to predict the future
distribution of puma habitat. Ecosphere 1(1):art4. doi:10.1890/ES10-00005.1
Butchart, S.H.M., et al. (incl. 44 co-authors, and TNC's C. Revenga. (2010). Global
Biodiversity: Indicators of Recent Declines. ScienceExpress 29 April 2010.
Cardillo, M., and E. Meijaard. In press. Phylogeny and the co-occurrence of mammal
species on southeast Asian islands. Global Ecology & Biogeography.
Carroll, C., B.H. McRae, and A. Brookes. 2011. Use of linkage mapping and centrality
analysis across habitat gradients to conserve connectivity of gray wolf
populations in western North America. Conservation Biology DOI:
Ceballos G., C. Cantú, J. Bezaury-Creel. 2010. Áreas de conservación de las selvas secas
del Pacifico mexicano. pp. 350 - 368. En: Ceballos G., L. Martínez, A. García, E.
Espinoza, J. Bezaury-Creel, R. Dirzo. 2010. Diversidad, amenazas y áreas
prioritarias para la conservación de las selvas secas del Pacífico de México.
Fondo de Cultura Económica, Comisión Nacional para el Conocimiento y Uso de
la Biodiversidad, Comisión Nacional de Áreas Naturales Protegidas, Alianza
WWF-Telcel, Ecociencia S.C., Telmex. México D.F. 596 pp.
Current to February, 2011
Ceballos G., L. Martínez, A. García, E. Espinoza, J. Bezaury-Creel. 2010. Áreas
prioritarias para la conservación de las selvas secas del Pacífico mexicano. pp.
387 – 392. En: Ceballos G., L. Martínez, A. García, E. Espinoza, J. Bezaury-Creel,
R. Dirzo. 2010. Diversidad, amenazas y áreas prioritarias para la conservación de
las selvas secas del Pacífico de México. Fondo de Cultura Económica, Comisión
Nacional para el Conocimiento y Uso de la Biodiversidad, Comisión Nacional de
Áreas Naturales Protegidas, Alianza WWF-Telcel, Ecociencia S.C., Telmex.
México D.F. 596 pp.
Christy, J.A. and E. R. Alverson. 2011. Historical vegetation of the Willamette Valley,
Oregon, circa 1850. Northwest Science 85(2):93-107.
Clarke, P., S. Jupiter (and with contributions from J. Wilson, C. Rotinsulu and others).
2010. Principles and Practice of Ecosystem-Based Management: A Guide for
Conservation Practitioners in the Tropical Western Pacific. Wildlife Conservation
Society, Suva, Fiji.
Coffey, B., J.A. Fitzsimons, and R. Gormly, (2011) Strategic public land use assessment
and planning in Victoria, Australia: Four decades of trailblazing but where to
from here? Land Use Policy 28:306-313. doi:10.1016/j.landusepol.2010.06.011
Cohen, J. B., S. M. Karpanty, J. D. Fraser, and B. R. Truitt. 2010. The effect of benthic
prey abundance and size on red knot (Calidris canutus) distribution at an
alternative migratory stopover site on the US Atlantic Coast. Journal of
Ornithology 151:355-364.
Corser, J. 2010. Status and ecology of a rare gomphid dragonfly at the northern extent of
its range. Notes of the Northeastern Naturalist 17(2):341-45
Copeland, H. E., S. A. Tessman, E. H. Girvetz, L. Roberts, C. Enquist, A. Orabona, S.
Patla, and J. M. Kiesecker. 2010. A geospatial assessment on the distribution,
condition, and vulnerability of Wyoming’s wetlands. Ecological Indicators
Dennehy, C., E. R. Alverson, H. E. Anderson, D. R. Clements, R. Gilbert, and T. N. Kaye.
2011. Management strategies for invasive plants in Pacific Northwest prairies,
savannas, and oak woodlands. 2011. Northwest Science 85(2):329-351.
Denning, C. A., J. Christensen, and R. I. McDonald. In press. Did land protection in
Silicon Valley reduce the housing stock? Landscape and Urban Planning
Doherty, K. E., D. E. Naugle, H. Copeland, A. Pocewicz, and J. Kiesecker. in press.
Energy development and conservation tradeoffs: systematic planning for sagegrouse in their eastern range. Studies in Avian Biology:
Drever, C.R., Snider, J., Drever, M.C., 2010. Rare forest types in northeastern Ontario: a
classification and analysis of representation in protected areas. Canadian Journal
Forest Research 40, 423-435.
Current to February, 2011
Drummond, S. P., K. Wilson, E. Meijaard, M. Watts, R. Dennis, L. Christy, and H. P.
Possingham. 2010. Influence of a Threatened-Species Focus on Conservation
Planning. Conservation Biology 24: 441-449.
Duane, T.P., and J. J. Opperman. 2010. Comparing the conservation effectiveness of
private water transactions and public policy reforms in the Conserving
California Landscapes Initiative. Water Policy 12: 913-931.
Elseroad, A.C. and N.T. Rudd. 2011. Can Imazapic increase native species abundance in
cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum) invaded native plant communities? Rangeland
Ecology & Management 64(6):641-648.
Elsner, W.K., Mitchell, A.T. & Fitzsimons, J.A. 2012. Distribution of the long-footed
potoroo (Potorous longipes) and spot-tailed quoll (Dasyurus maculatus) in the
Goolengook Forest, East Gippsland, Victoria. Australian Mammalogy
Enderson, E. F., A. Quijada-Mascareñas, D. S. Turner, R. L. Bezy, and P. C. Rosen. 2010.
Una sinopsis de la herpetofauna con comentarios sobre las prioridades en
investigación y conservación. Pages 357-383 in F. Molina and T. Van Devender,
editors. Diversidad Biológica de Sonora. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de
Erdman, C.S., H.A. Hendrixson, and N.T. Rudd. 2011. Larval sucker distribution and
condition before and after large-scale restoration at the Williams River delta,
Upper Klamath Lake, Oregon. Western North American Naturalist 71(4):472-480.
Escobedo, F., T. Kroeger and J. Wagner. 2011. Urban forests and pollution mitigation:
Analyzing ecosystem services and disservices. Environmental Pollution.
Esselman, P. and J. Opperman. 2010. Overcoming information limitations for
developing an environmental flow prescription for a Central American River.
Ecology and Society 15: article 6 (online).
Fargione J.E., R.J. Plevin, J.D. Hill. 2010. The ecological impact of biofuels. Annual
Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics 41:351–77.
Fazzino, L., H.E. Kirkpatrick, and C. Fimbel. 2011. Comparison of hand-pollinated and
naturally pollinated Puget Balsamroot (Balsamorhiza deltoidea Nutt.) to determine
pollinator limitations on South Puget Sound lowland prairies. 2011. Northwest
Science 85(2):352-360.
Fitzsimons, J., Russell-Smith, J., James, G., Vigilante, T., Lipsett-Moore, G., Morrison, J.
& Looker, M. 2012. Insights into the biodiversity and social benchmarking
components of the Northern Australian fire management and carbon abatement
programmes. Ecological Management & Restoration 13:51-57. doi:10.1111/j.14428903.2011.00624.x
Fitzsimons, J.A. and Thomas, J.L. 2011. Fiji’s collared kingfishers (Todiramphus chloris
vitensis) do hunt for fish in inland waters. Notornis 58:163-164.
Fitzsimons, J.A., Thomas, J.L. & Argeloo, M. 2011. Occurrence and distribution of
Current to February, 2011
established and new introduced bird species in north Sulawesi, Indonesia.
Forktail 27:23-28.
Fitzsimons, J.A. 2011. Mislabeling marine protected areas and why it matters — a case
study of Australia. Conservation Letters. DOI: 10.1111/j.1755-263X.2011.00186.x
Fitzsimons, J.A. (2011) Predation on a blotched bluetongue lizard (Tiliqua nigroletea) by a
highlands copperhead (Austrelaps ramsayi) in the Blue Mountains, Australia.
Herpetology Notes 4:259-260.
Fitzsimons, J.A. (2011) Southward range expansion of the Mourning Gecko
(Lepidodactylus lugubris) on mainland Australia and nearshore islands. Australian
Zoologist 35:619-621.
Fitzsimons, J.A. & Antos, M.J. (2011) Ecological notes on the East Gippsland Burrowing
Crayfish (Engaeus orientalis), including burrow structure and associated fauna.
Australian Zoologist 35: 853-857.
Fitzsimons, J.A., Antos, M.J. & Palmer, G.C. (2011) When more is less: Urban remnants
support high bird abundance but diversity varies. Pacific Conservation Biology
17: 97–109.
Fitzsimons, J.A., P. Peake, D. Frood, M. Mitchell, N. Withers, M. White and R. Webster.
2011. Flooding requirements for biodiversity values along the Victorian
floodplain of the Murray Valley. Victorian Naturalist 128: 48- 85. Read the
abstract and PDF
Fitzsimons, J., S. Legge, B. Traill, B. and J. Woinarski. 2010 Into Oblivion? The
disappearing native mammals of northern Australia. The Nature Conservancy,
Melbourne. Available:
Fitzsimons, J.A. (2010) Notes on the roost sites of the Sulawesi Masked Owl Tyto
rosenbergii. Forktail 26: 142-145.
Fitzsimons, J.A. and A.B. Rose. 2010. Diet of Powerful Owls Ninox strenua in inner city
Melbourne parks, Victoria. Australian Field Ornithology 27:76-80.
Fitzsimons, J.A. and J.L. Thomas. 2010. Ctenotus regius (Regal Striped Skink).
Predation. Herpetological Review 41:76-77.
Flesch, A.D., D.E. Swann, D.S. Turner, and B.F. Powell. 2010. Herpetofauna of the
Rincon Mountains, Southeastern Arizona. Southwestern Naturalist 55(2): 240-253.
Fletcher, R.J.J., Robertson, B.A., Evans, J.S., Doran, P.J., Alavalapati, J.R.R., Schemske,
D.W., 2010. Biodiversity conservation in the era of biofuels: risks and
opportunities. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment doi: 10.1890/090091.
Franks Taylor, R., A.L. Derosier, K. Dinse, P.J. Doran, D.N. Ewert, K.R. Hall, M.E.
Herbert, M.L. Khoury, D.T. Kraus, A. Lapenna, G. Mayne, D.R. Pearsall, J. Read,
Current to February, 2011
and B. Schroeder. 2010. The Sweetwater Sea: An International Biodiversity
Conservation Strategy for Lake Huron - Technical Report. A joint publication of
The Nature Conservancy, Environment Canada, Ontario Ministry of Natural
Resources Michigan Department of Natural Resources and Environment,
Michigan Natural Features Inventory Michigan Sea Grant, and The Nature
Conservancy of Canada. 217 pp.
T. Friedrich, A. Timmermann, A. Abe-Ouchi, N. R. Bates, M. O. Chikamoto, M. J. Church,
J. E. Dore, D. K. Gledhill, M. González-Dávila, M. Heinemann, T. Ilyina, J. H.
Jungclaus, E. McLeod, A. Mouchet & J. M. Santana-Casiano. 2012. Detecting
regional anthropogenic trends in ocean acidification against natural variability.
Nature Climate Change (early online publication).
Fuhlendorf, S.D., B.W. Allred, and R.G. Hamilton. 2010. Bison as keystone herbiovres
on the great plains: Can cattle serve as proxy for evolutionary grazing patterns?
ABS Working Paper Series 4.
Fuller, D., E. Meijaard, L. Christy, and T. C. Jessup. In press. Spatial assessment of
threats to biodiversity within East Kalimantan, Indonesia. Applied Geography.
Game, E. T., G. Lipsett-Moore, E. Saxon, N. Peterson, and S. Sheppard. 2011.
Incorporating climate change adaptation into national conservation assessments.
Global Change Biology doi: 10.1111/j. 1365-2486.2011.02457.x
Game, E. T., H. Grantham, A. J. Hobday, R. L. Pressey, A. T. Lombard, L. E. Beckley, K.
Gjerde, R. Bustamante, H. P. Possingham, and A. J. Richardson. 2010. Pelagic
MPAs: The devil you know. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 25:63-64.
Game, E.T., G. Lipsett-Moore, R. Hamilton, N. Peterson, J. Kereseka, W. Atu, M. Watts,
and H. Possingham. In press. Informed opportunism for conservation planning
in the Solomon Islands. Conservation Letters. doi: 10.1111/j.1755263X.2010.00140.x
Ganz, D.J., D.S. Saah, J. Blockhus, and C. Leisher. 2012. Ecology–poverty considerations
for developing sustainable biomass energy options. Integrating Ecology and
Poverty Reduction 279-298.
Geselbracht L., K. Freeman, E. Kelly, D.R. Gordon, and F.E. Putz. Retrospective and
prospective model simulations of sea level rise impacts on Gulf of Mexico coastal
marshes and forests in Waccasassa Bay, Florida. 2011. Climatic Change Read the
abstract and PDF
Glaser, M., W. Baitoningsih, S.C.A. Ferse, M. Neil, R. Deswandi. 2010. Whose
sustainability? Top-down participation and emergent rules in marine protected
area management in Indonesia. Marine Policy 34(6):1215-1225.
Gleason, M., S. McCreary, M. Miller-Henson, J. Ugoretz, E. Fox, M. Merrifield, W.
Current to February, 2011
McClintock, P. Serpa, and K. Hoffman. 2010. Science-based and stakeholderdriven marine protected area network planning: A successful case study from
north central California. Ocean & Coastal Management 53:52–68.
Goetz, S.J., D. Steinberg, M.G. Betts, R.T. Holmes, P.J. Doran, R. Dubayah, M.
Hofton. 2010. Lidar remote sensing variables predict breeding habitat of a
Neotropical migrant bird. Ecology: 91:1569-1576. doi: 10.1890/09-1670.1
Goldberg, Caren S., A. Pocewicz, M. Nielsen-Pincus, L.P. Waits, P. Morgan, J.E. Force,
and L.A. Vierling. 2011. Predictions of ecological and social implications of
alternative residential development policies to inform decision making in a rural
landscape. Conservation Letters doi: 10.1111/j.1755-263X. 2011.00194.x
Golet G.H., J. Hunt, and D. Koenig. 2011. Decline and recovery of small mammals after
flooding: Implications for pest management and floodplain community
dynamics. River Research and Applications.DOI: 10.1002/rra.1588.
Golet, G. H., T. Gardali, J. Hunt, D. Koenig, and N. Williams. In press. Temporal and
taxonomic variability in response of fauna to riparian restoration. Restoration
González-Abraham, C.E., P.P. Garcillán, E. Ezcurra, y El Grupo de Trabajo de
Ecorregiones. 2010. Ecorregiones de la península de Baja California: una síntesis.
Bol.Soc.Bot.Méx. 87: 69-82.
Gordon, D.R. and C.A. Gantz. 2011. Risk assessment for invasiveness differs for aquatic
and terrestrial plant species. Biological Invasions. DOI: 10.1007/s10530-011-00022. Read the abstract and PDF
Gordon, D.R., B. Mitterdorfer, P.C. Pheloung, S. Ansari, C. Buddenhagen, C. Chimera,
C.C. Daehler, W. Dawson, J.S. Denslow, A. LaRosa, T. Nishida, D.A. Onderdonk,
F.D. Panetta, P. Pyšek, R.P. Randall, D.M. Richardson, N.J. Tshidada, J.G. Virtue,
and P.A. Williams. 2010. Guidance for addressing the Australian Weed Risk
Assessment questions. Plant Protection Quarterly 25(2): 56-74.
Gordon, D.R., K.J. Tancig, D.A. Onderdonk and C.A. Gantz. In press. Assessing the
invasive potential of biofuel species proposed for Florida and the United States
using the Australian weed risk assessment. Biomass and Bioenergy
Graham, N. A. J., M. D. Spalding, and C. R. C. Sheppard. 2010. Reef shark declines in
remote atolls highlight the need for multi-faceted conservation action. Aquatic
Conservation: Marine & Freshwater Ecosystems. DOI: 10.1002/aqc.1116.
Grantham H.S., Game E.T., Lombard A.T., Hobday A.J., Richardson A.J., Beckley L.E.,
Pressey R.L., Huggett J.A., Coetzee J.C., van der Lingen C.D., Petersen S.L.,
Merkle D. & Possingham H.P. (2011). Accommodating dynamic oceanographic
processes and pelagic biodiversity in marine conservation planning. PLoS One 6:
Grantham, H. S., M. Bode, E. McDonald-Madden, E. T. Game, A. T. Knight, and H. P.
Possingham. 2010. Effective conservation planning requires learning and
adaptation. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment doi: 10.1890/080151.
Current to February, 2011
Green, S.J., A.T. White, P. Christie, S. Kilarski, A.B.T. Meneses, G. Samonte-Tan, L.B.
Karrer, H. Fox, S. Campbell, and J.D. Claussen. 2011. Emerging marine protected
area networks in the Coral Triangle: Lessons and way forward. Conservation and
Society 9(3):173-188.
Griscom, B., H. Griscom, and S. Deacon. In press. Species-specific barriers to tree
regeneration in high elevation habitats of West Virginia. Restoration Ecology.
Halliday, L. Castley, J.G., Fitzsimons, J.A., Tran, C., &. Warken, J. 2012. Fire
management on private conservation lands: Knowledge, perceptions and actions
of landholders in eastern Australia. International Journal of Wildland Fire
Halpern, B.S., J. Diamond, S. Gaines. S. Gelcich, M. Gleason, S. Jennings, S. Lester, A.
Mace, L. McCook, K. McLeod, N. Napoli, K. Rawson, J. Rice, A. Rosenberg, M.
Ruckelshaus, B. Saier, P. Sandifer, A. Sholtz, and A. Zivian. 2011. Near-term
priorities for the science, policy and practice of coastal and marine spatial
planning (CMSP). Marine Policy. doi:10.1016/j.envpol.2011.01.010
Haisfield, K.M., H.E. Fox, S. Yen, S. Mangubhai, and P.J. Mous. 2010. An ounce of
prevention: cost-effectiveness of coral reef rehabilitation relative to enforcement.
Conservation Letters 3:243-250. doi: 10.1111/j.1755-263X.2010.00104.x
Hamilton R.J. and Choat J.H. (2012). Bumphead parrotfish - Bolbometopon muricatum.
In: Y.S. de Mitcheson and P.L. Colin (eds.), Reef Fish Spawning Aggregations:
Biology, Research and Management, Springer, Fish & Fisheries Series 35:490-496.
Springer Science+Business Media B.V.
Hamilton, R.J., Y. Sadovy de Mitcheson, and A. Aguilar-Perera. 2012. The role of local
ecological knowledge in the conservation and management of reef fish spawning
aggregations. In Y. Sadovy de Mitcheson and P.L. Colin (eds.), Reef Fish Spawning
Aggregations: Biology, Research and Management, Fish and Fisheries Series 35:331369. Springer Science+Busines Media B.V.
Hamilton, R.J., T. Potuku, and J.R. Montambault. 2011. Community-based
conservation results in the recovery of reef fish spawning aggregations in the
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