Chapter 13.1 Reading Questions

Name ________________
Chapter 13.1 Reading Questions
Read Chapter 13.1 and use page 365 to help you answer the following questions
______1. Which of the following in the longest expanse of time?
a. eon
b. era
c. epoch
d. period
_____2. What is the current era?
a. Cenozoic
b. Mesozoic
c. Paleozoic
d. Precambrian
_____3. Which of the following are the most complex?
a. mammals
b. reptiles
c. amphibians
_____4. When did the age of the fish occur?
a. Cenozoic
b. Mesozoic
c. Paleozoic
d. Precambrian
_____5. When did the age of the amphibians occur?
a. Cenozoic
b. Mesozoic
c. Paleozoic
d. Precambrian
____6. When did the age of the mammals occur?
a. Cenozoic
b. Mesozoic
c. Paleozoic
d. Precambrian
d. fish
____7. Which of the following accounts for the most time?
a. Cenozoic
b. Mesozoic
c. Paleozoic
d. Precambrian
____8. What are the remains and evidence of plants and animals that once lived on earth
a. mineral
b. fossil
c. rock
d. coal
____9. What era where the dinosaurs abundant?
a. Cenozoic
b. Mesozoic
c. Paleozoic
d. Precambrian
____10. The most common Precambrian fossils are known as
a. stromatolites
b. shields
c. dinosaurs
d. humans
Short Answer
11. How much of Earths time makes up the Precambrian?
12. Why are specific events in Precambrian history hard to determine?
13. How did earth’s oceans form?
14. When did oxygen begin to accumulate in Earths Atmosphere?
15. What percentage of earth’s time did not contain oxygen? (hint use your answer to 14
and the age of earth to figure this one out)
16. Create a flow chart that shows the steps from the formation of earth’s early atmosphere
to today’s atmosphere. I’ve started the first event for you
-Earths outer shell melts >