History of the United States, 20th Century (HIST 17C) 01 Summer

History of the United States, 20th Century (HIST 17C) 01
Summer 2012
Instructor: Mary Jo Ignoffo
This class seeks to broaden our knowledge, understanding and perception of twentieth-century America so that we can
intelligently engage in discussion, writing, and thinking about topics related to that period of time.
Our journey through this period in history begins with the Progressive Movement and the Presidency of Theodore
Roosevelt. It continues with World War I, women’s suffrage and the 1920s, President Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal, the
Great Depression, and World War II. Hallmarks of the second half of the twentieth century include the Korean and Cold
wars, the civil rights movement, political assassinations, the Vietnam War, and the presidencies of from Richard Nixon to
George H.W. Bush. Politics of the century will be presented as a backdrop to social, cultural, and economic issues facing
the nation.
Roark, et al., The American Promise, A History of the United States, fourth edition, Volume C: from 1900.
Various online readings may be assigned, usually from primary source documents. Please use the publisher’s website
link to this textbook as a study guide. www.bedfordstmartins.com/roark
Two Quizes: each worth 50 points (25 objective questions worth 2 points each). Final Exam: worth 100 points (25
objective questions worth 2 points each and two essay questions worth 25 points each). For this class you will need
three Scantrons, one blue book, and standard notebook paper for in-class writings.
Writing: I will submit a quotation or law or question to you periodically for your written consideration. Each will be
worth 10 points. Overall, you can expect to write approximately 2,500 words (or ten pages) during this course. Some
written assignments may be during class. There is no make-up for this assignment. If you are not in class, you will not
earn the points.
Grading Policy:
I do not grade on a curve. Grading with be based your total points accumulated from assignments, participation, quizzes
and final. The ranges are:
A+ = 100-98%
B+ = 89-88%
C+ = 79-78%
D = 67-63%
C = 77-70%
D- = 62-60%
A- = 92-90%
B- = 82-80%
D+ = 69-68%
F (fail) = 59% & below
Attendance is expected and required. If you miss one class, it is comparable to missing three standard time classes.
Absences may result in your missing an in-class writing or class participation. Neither can be made up.
Cheating and plagiarism will not be tolerated, and will be handled as directed in the De Anza College Catalog. Classroom
behavior must be respectful, and I reserve the right to drop a student who is disruptive to a learning environment. No
lap tops may be open during class. No cell phone or pagers may sound, and texting may be perceived as cheating and be
handled as such.
July 3
Introduction to Class
July 5
Ch. 21 pp 766-767
In-class writing
July 10
World War I
Ch. 21 pp 775-782
July 11
World War I
Ch. 22 pp 791-800
July 12
1920s to the Great
Ch. 23 pp 835-845
July 17
Great Depression / New
Ch. 23 pp 850-858
July 18
New Deal
Ch. 24 pp 868-882
July 19
World War II
Ch. 25 pp 908-924
July 24
World War II
pp 924-945
July 25
The Cold War
July 26
Korean War and 1950s
QUIZ #1 covering July 3-July 12
Ch. 26 pp 947-960
pp 972-978
QUIZ #2 covering July 17-July 25
July 31
Civil Rights Movement
Ch. 27 pp 1009-1016
Ch. 28 pp 1031-1042
Aug 1
Reform and Rebellion
Vietnam War
pp 1042-1053
Ch. 29 pp.1070-1097
Aug 2
Vietnam War
Aug 7
Nixon and Watergate
Ford and Carter
Aug 8
Aug 9
Reagan Conservatism
Bush and Globalization
Review and Reflection:
Understanding the
twentieth century in the
Ch. 30 pp 1108-1116
Ch. 30 pp 1119-1126
pp 1132-1136
Ch. 31 pp 1141-1151
FINAL EXAM, comprehensive