QGC: Water Isotope Samples


Quaternary Geoscience Conference (QGC), University of Cincinnati

Stable Isotope Applications in Quaternary Geosciences, Saturday, April 25, 2014

Workshop Leaders: Yeon Jee Suh, Stella Mosher, Erika Freimuth

Questions? Please contact Erika ( freimuej@mail.uc.edu


Water Hydrogen and Oxygen Isotope Analysis

Workshop participants are invited to bring water samples to be analyzed for hydrogen and oxygen isotope composition during the QGC. Results of these analyses will be used to illustrate and reinforce key concepts in the Stable Isotope Applications workshop, and will also be used in other quantitative data analysis workshops at the QGC. All participants will be given full access to the raw and corrected water isotope dataset and are welcome to use these data in presentations or publications with acknowledgement to the Stable Isotope

Geochemistry Laboratory, University of Cincinnati.

Water Sample Requirements

Quantity: Interested participants can provide a maximum of three water samples for isotope analysis.

Type: Samples must be fresh water, and can include tap water, bottled water, lake or river water, precipitation, snow(melt), and groundwater. Seawater, brines and other saline waters cannot be included in this analysis. The dataset will be more interesting with waters from a wider range of latitudes and altitudes, so samples from geographically diverse sites are especially encouraged!

Sample Size: The analyses to be performed require only 0.5 mL total per sample, however samples can certainly be collected and transported in larger volumes.

Bottling, Preparation, Transport: It is critical to limit evaporation of samples prior to isotope analysis. All samples should be tightly capped in plastic or glass bottles or vials.

Sealing the cap to the bottle/vial mouth with electrical tape or parafilm is recommended. If possible, field-collected samples should be capped while submerged to limit headspace.

Store-bought bottled waters would ideally be unopened. If opened, please tightly seal the cap. If possible, highly turbid waters should be filtered.

Labeling: Please label each of your samples with: your name and the corresponding sample number on the following page.

Please fill out the sample information on the following page and bring this sheet

along with your water samples to the icebreaker on Friday, April 24, 2015. If you cannot make it to the icebreaker, please either bring your samples to the welcome session on the morning of April 25 or mail samples by Monday, April 20, 2015 to:

Erika Freimuth

500 Geology-Physics Building

P.O. Box 210013

University of Cincinnati

Cincinnati, OH 45221-0013

QGC: Water Isotope Samples | 1 of 2

Quaternary Geoscience Conference (QGC), University of Cincinnati

Water Sample Information

Participant Name:

Total Number of Samples (max. 3):

Sample #1 Name:

Sample Type (river water, tap water, bottled water, etc):

Date of Collection or Purchase:

Location of Collection or Purchase:

Geographic coordinates of sample origin




Sample #2 Name:

Sample Type (river water, tap water, bottled water, etc):

Date of Collection or Purchase:

Location of Collection or Purchase:

Geographic coordinates of sample origin




Sample #3 Name:

Sample Type (river water, tap water, bottled water, etc):

Date of Collection or Purchase:

Location of Collection or Purchase:

Geographic coordinates of sample origin




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