please overwrite this text with the title of your paper

Your First Name Your Last Name
Job Title1, Institution, Department (e.g. Professor, University of Vienna, Centre for Computers and Law)
Street Number (e.g. Schottenbastei 10-16/2/5), Area Code City, Country (two-digit ISO Code) (e.g. 1010 Wien, AT)
E-Mail; Website (if applicable) (e.g.;
Data protection, copyright, open government, Keyword 3, Keyword 4, ...
This is a sample paper file. Its sole purpose is to exemplify the formatting guidelines
and the citation rules. This is why this short document contains several footnotes, of
which some have little meaning. The examples are meant to serve as formatting
1. Layout
1.1. Pages – Printing Area
Please keep to the following printing area:
A4 – 21 by 29.7 cm / 8.27 inch by 11.69 inch
left and right margin: 2 cm (0.78 inch)
top margin: 3 cm (1.18 inch), bottom margin: 2 cm (0.78 inch)
If you have to use any other paper size, make sure your text fits into a frame of 17 cm (6.7 inch) by
24.2 cm (9.5 inch)
1.2. Page Numbering
Your paper should not show printed page numbers; they are inserted by the volume editors.
2. General Rules (This is „Heading 1“)
First paragraph, and every one after that: You must not add (empty) paragraph marks between
individual paragraphs. There is no indenting when starting a new paragraph; distance before the
next paragraph: 6 points.
Next paragraph: Please insert the text of your paper here. When overwriting sample text, please do
not select and/or delete paragraph marks (¶).
According to the „Duden“ standard, we use dots to end abbreviations and follow common AngloSaxon practice (we adapt to common practice in Germany and Switzerland, and ignore Austrian
practice). If questions on abbreviations remain, please consult reference books; e.g. for Austria, the
Z.B. Professor, Lecturer, Director, Abteilungsleiter, Ph.D. researcher, graduate student, postgraduate student. No
degrees, but functions.
Friedl, G./Loebenstein, H., Abkürzungs- und Zitierregeln der österreichischen Rechtssprache und europarechtlicher
Quellen5 Manz, Wien (2001).
You may use italic and bold print as you wish, but please do not use underlining.
When adding references, consistency is our main focus; please stick to this template. In any case,
references should not only be added after the text, but should already be cited within the running
text, either like [Schweighofer 2000, 14] this, or in footnotes3 like this. Format: Author Surname in
Italics, Autor First name in Italics, Title. Publisher, Place of Publication. Page Numbers that is
being referenced, Year of Publication in round brackets.
Structuring: please only use numeric structuring
Footnote Reference Marks: please put it right after the term/phrase, or after the sentence
Styles: Please only use – whenever possible – the predefined styles:
Headings 1-5
Standard Text
Footnote Text
All this is very important to guarantee a consistent layout throughout the proceedings, and to be
able to calculate the total size of the volume.
Please use figures and tables sparingly, if they are necessary. Headers and Footers do not have to be
edited, as all the information contained in them (page numbers, titles, author data) is generated
automatically when the final compilation of the volume takes place.
2.1. Heading 2
This is sample text. This is sample text. This is sample text. This is sample text. This is sample text.
This is sample text. This is sample text. This is sample text. This is sample text. This is sample text.
This is sample text. This is sample text. This is sample text. This is sample text.
2.2. Track Changes Mode
If, throughout the editing process, corrections and/or additions to your paper become necessary,
please make sure to use the „track changes“ mode.
2.3. Figures
Figure 1: Caption
Compare Schweighofer, E., Wissensrepräsentation in Information Retrieval-Systemen am Beispiel des EU-Rechts,
WUV, Wien (2000).
This is sample text. This is sample text. This is sample text. This is sample text. This is sample text.
This is sample text. This is sample text. This is sample text. This is sample text. This is sample text.
This is sample text. This is sample text.
2.4. Tables
This is a table:
Column Heading
Column Heading
Column Heading
– List Item 1
– List Item 1
– List Item 2
Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text
Text Text Text Text
Text Text Text Text
Text Text
Table 1: The Table Caption is formatted like a Caption
2.4.1. Heading 3
This is sample text. This is sample text. This is sample text. This is sample text. This is sample text.
This is sample text. This is sample text. This is sample text. This is sample text. This is sample text.
This is sample text. This is sample text. This is sample text. This is sample text. This is sample text.
This is sample text. This is sample text. This is sample text. This is sample text. This is sample text.
This is sample text. This is sample text. This is sample text. This is sample text. This is sample text.
This is sample text. This is sample text.
2.4.2. Norms (Heading 3)
Also when it comes to norm formatting, we ask you to follow the “AZR”4 if applicable. E.g. §§ 84,
88 Abs. 2 Z. 1 StGB. Or DSG 2000 BGBl. I 1999/165. Or RL 1999/45/EG, ABl. L 226, 1. Please
do not use abbreviations like „p.“ for page, just use the page number without any preceding
abbreviation. Heading 4
Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text.
Text. Text. Text. Text. Case Law (Heading 4)
We have added a few Austrian and European case law citation examples.5
See FN 2.
OGH 1 OB 362/98m, EvBl 199/138; VwGH 24.11.1993, 93/02/0176; EuGH Rs. C-81/98.
2.5. References
We repeat what we have said earlier: When adding references, consistency is our main focus; please
stick to this template. In any case, references should not only be added after the text, but should
already be cited within the running text, either like [Schweighofer 2000, 14] this, or in footnotes6
like this. Format: Author Surname in Italics, Autor First Name in Italics, Title. Publisher, Place of
Publication. Page Numbers that is being referenced, Year of Publication in round brackets. We have
added a few examples below.
3. Abbreviations
Please collect and define all the abbreviations that you use in your paper in a separate Excel file.
Please put the abbreviations that you use (which should be chosen in line with the “AZR”7) in the
left column, and write out the word or phrase in the right column. This is a tremendous help with
the creation of the list of abbreviations.
4. Other Issues
When you have finished your contribution, please do use a spell checking programme.
5. Conclusions
Please address the editors if you have any further questions; you can reach them at
6. References
Bing, Jon, Electronic Copying. Complex 10/90, Tano, Oslo (1990).
Ohm, Paul, Viewpoint: When Network Neutrality Met Privacy. CACM, Vol. 53, No. 4, pp. 30-32
Schweighofer, Erich, Rauber, Andreas, Digital heritage & copyright. In: Gaster, Jens,
Schweighofer, Erich, Sint, Peter (eds.), Proceedings KnowRight 2008 – Knowledge Rights – Legal,
Societal and Related Technological Aspects., Wien, pp. 171-180 (2008).
Schweighofer, Erich, Role and Perspectives of ICANN. In: Benedek, Wolfgang, Bauer, Veronika,
Kettemann, Matthias C., Internet Governance and the Information Society, Global Perspectives and
European Dimensions. Eleven Publishing, Utrecht, pp. 79-92 (2008).
UNESCO, Guidelines for the Preservation of Digital Heritage, Prepared by the National Library of
Australia, CI-2003/WS/3, March 2003, Paris.
001300/130071e.pdf last accessed 12.5.2010 (2003).
preservation. last accessed 12.5.2010 (2010).
Compare Schweighofer, E., Wissensrepräsentation in Information Retrieval-Systemen am Beispiel des EU-Rechts,
WUV, Wien, 14 (2000).
Compare Schweighofer, FN 1.