UEP Template: AY2015-2016

UNIT EFFECTIVENESS PLANNING: Undergraduate and Graduate Programs
Academic year: 2015-2016
Program: _______________
Person(s) preparing report: _______________
Date submitted: _______________
Each undergraduate and graduate program will annually set targets and develop action plans to
achieve those targets. Subsequently (next Fall) programs will assesses the achievement of their
goals, report outcomes, and revise targets and action plans as needed for the following year.
A) Please complete one planning template (with seven goals) for each program. Send draft
planning templates:
 To: your Dean (CAS or SEBHS)
 cc. Norma Morán (OAQ, Assessment)
 cc. Dean of the Graduate School IF your program is a graduate program.
B) Meet with your Dean to review targets and action plans
C) Revise targets and action plans as needed
D) Send final UEP template to your Dean, Norma Morán, and, if applicable, the Dean of
Graduate Programs.
 Draft planning template(s) (targets and action plans) to Dean(s) and Norma
Morán by Friday, October 23, 2015.
 Meet with your Dean, revise targets and action plans as needed, resend to
Dean(s) and Norma Morán by Friday, November 20, 2015.
Unit Effectiveness Planning Reporting Template
Office of Academic Quality
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rev. 8/6/2015
UNIT EFFECTIVENESS PLANNING: Undergraduate and Graduate Programs
Gallaudet Strategic Plan
A.5 Increase and broaden
accountability for student
Previous AY’s performance
Did you achieve the previous AY’s target in this
YES____ NO____
If not, consider how you may need to revise your
action planning for this year.
Academic Program Strategic
Planning Goal
The _____ program will enroll ____
students for matriculation in Ay
Planning Question
1. What are your new student enrollment targets
for Fall, 2016*.
2. How did you determine targets? Are these
numbers based on what you think you can
achieve or on program capacity?
3. How will the program achieve its enrollment
4. How can the Admissions Offices (UG and Grad)
help you achieve your enrollment targets?
*For graduate certificate programs in particular, please set targets based on students
enrolled exclusively in the graduate certificate program (not dual enrolled in the certificate
program AND a graduate degree)
Action Plan:
Unit Effectiveness Planning Reporting Template
Office of Academic Quality
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rev. 8/6/2015
UNIT EFFECTIVENESS PLANNING: Undergraduate and Graduate Programs
Gallaudet Strategic Plan
B.4 Increase and broaden
accountability for student
retention and graduation.
Previous AY’s performance
Did you achieve the previous AY’s target in this
YES____ NO____
If not, consider how you may need to revise your
action planning for this year.
Academic Program Strategic
Planning Goal
The _____ program will retain __
% of the students who enter its
program and do not graduate
from Fall 2015 to Fall 2016.
Planning Question
1. How will the program achieve its retention
2. For UG programs, how might the GU Retention
Coordinator help you achieve your goals?
Action Plan:
Unit Effectiveness Planning Reporting Template
Office of Academic Quality
Page 3
rev. 8/6/2015
UNIT EFFECTIVENESS PLANNING: Undergraduate and Graduate Programs
Gallaudet Strategic Plan
B.4 Increase and broaden
accountability for student
retention and graduation.
Previous AY’s performance
Did you achieve the previous AY’s target in this
YES____ NO____
If not, consider how you may need to revise your
action planning for this year.
Academic Program Strategic
Planning Goal
Planning Question
(applies to undergraduate and MA
programs only)
The _____ program will graduate
__ % of the students who entered
its program in AY 2015-2016.
1. How will the program achieve its graduation rate
2. For UG programs, how might the GU Retention
Coordinator help you achieve your goals?
Action Plan:
Unit Effectiveness Planning Reporting Template
Office of Academic Quality
Page 4
rev. 8/6/2015
UNIT EFFECTIVENESS PLANNING: Undergraduate and Graduate Programs
Gallaudet Strategic Plan
Previous AY’s performance
D.3 Strengthen students’
Did you achieve the previous AY’s target in this area?
preparation for employment and
career success (internship).
YES____ NO____
If not, consider how you may need to revise your
action planning for this year.
Academic Program Strategic
Planning Goal
Planning Question
(applies to undergraduate programs
__ % of the students in the _____
program will successfully
complete an internship that
allows them to use
knowledge/skills learned in the
program during AY 2015-2016.
How will the program achieve its target for utilizing
internships to strengthen students’ preparation for
employment and career success?
Action Plan:
Unit Effectiveness Planning Reporting Template
Office of Academic Quality
Page 5
rev. 8/6/2015
UNIT EFFECTIVENESS PLANNING: Undergraduate and Graduate Programs
Gallaudet Strategic Plan
Previous AY’s performance
D.3 Strengthen students’
Did you achieve the previous AY’s targets in this area?
preparation for employment and
career success.
a) YES____ NO____
b) YES____ NO____
(GU also reports postc) YES____ NO____
graduation outcomes for both
undergraduate and graduate
If not, consider how you may need to revise your
programs through GPRA)
action planning for this year.
Academic Program Strategic
Planning Goal
a. __ % of the students who
graduated from the _____
program will be employed one
year after graduation.
b. __ % of the students who
graduated from the _____
program will be advanced
education one year after
Planning Question
How will the program achieve its targets for postgraduation outcomes related to alumni employment
and/or advanced education?
Note: Alumni can only be placed in one category:
work or working. Alumni who are both working and
pursuing further education are categorized as
c. Fewer than __ % of the
students who graduated from
the _____ program will be neither
employed or in advanced
education one year after
Action Plan:
a) Employment:
b) Advanced education:
c) Neither:
Unit Effectiveness Planning Reporting Template
Office of Academic Quality
Page 6
rev. 8/6/2015
UNIT EFFECTIVENESS PLANNING: Undergraduate and Graduate Programs
Gallaudet Strategic Plan
E.1 Establish Gallaudet’s
research agenda and set
targets for externally-funded
research proposal submission,
funding, and completion by
2016 and beyond.
Previous AY’s performance
Academic Program Strategic
Planning Goal
a) __ % of the faculty in the ___
program will have submitted
proposals for externally funded
Planning Question
Did you achieve the previous AY’s targets in this area?
a) YES____ NO____
b) YES____ NO____
If not, consider how you may need to revise your
action planning for this year.
How will the program achieve the number of faculty
involved with externally funded research?
b) __ % of the faculty in the ___
program will have received
funding for externally funded
Action Plan:
a) Submitted (research):
b) Funded:
Unit Effectiveness Planning Reporting Template
Office of Academic Quality
Page 7
rev. 8/6/2015
UNIT EFFECTIVENESS PLANNING: Undergraduate and Graduate Programs
Gallaudet Strategic Plan
E.2 Create the infrastructure
needed to support a worldclass research enterprise.
Previous AY’s performance
Did you achieve the previous AY’s targets in this area?
a) YES____ NO____
b) YES____ NO____
If not, consider how you may need to revise your action
planning for this year.
Academic Program Strategic
Planning Goal
a) __ % of faculty in the _____
program will have submitted
manuscripts to peer-reviewed
journals and/or creative
activities to juried venues.
Planning Question
How will the faculty achieve their involvement with
scholarship in peer-reviewed journals and/or creative
activities in juried venues?
b) __ % of faculty in the _____
program will have had
manuscripts published in peerreviewed journals and/or
creative activities shown in
juried venues.
Action Plan:
a) Submitted (publications):
b) Published:
Unit Effectiveness Planning Reporting Template
Office of Academic Quality
Page 8
rev. 8/6/2015