Lang CV 28.02.14 - Nansen Environmental and Remote

Curriculum Vitae
Prof. Ola M. Johannessen
EU Descartes Laureate In Earth Science, 2005
Knight, First Class of the Royal Norwegian Order of St. Olav, 2008, awarded by His Majesty King Harald V
of Norway
Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center / Nansen Scientific Society
Born: 02.07.38
Ola M. Johannessen (OMJ) is at present Nansen Fellow and Founding Director Emeritus of the Nansen
Environmental and Remote Sensing Center (NERSC) in Bergen (, Professor Emeritus at the
Geophysical Institute, University of Bergen (UoB), President of the Nansen Scientific Society, Chairman of the
Guardian Board of the Nansen International Environmental and Remote Sensing Center (NIERSC) in St.
Petersburg, Russia, Chairman of the Board of the Nansen Center in Cochin, India, Co-Chairman of the Board of
the Nansen-Zhu Center at the Institute of Atmospheric Physics (IAP) of the Chinese Academy of Science (CAS) in
Beijing, Vice-Chairman of the Board of the Nansen-Tutu Marin Center at University of Cape Town, South Africa,
Leader of the Nansen Group, Visiting Professor at Institute of Atmospheric Physics in Beijing at Chinese Academy
of Science and Guest Professor at Peking University, Beijing.
Since graduating from UoB in 1965 with the degree Cand. Real. in physical oceanography, after 7 years
of studies with the thesis topics “Some current measurement in the Drøbak Sound, the narrow entrance to the
Oslofjord, Hvalrådets Skrifter, Scientific Results of Marine Biological Research, no 50, the Norwegian Scientific
Academy in Oslo 1968”, he has held different faculty and research positions at the University of Sao Paulo in
Brazil (Visiting Scientist 1966), McGill University in Canada (Assistant/Associate Professor 1966-1970) and the
NATO Research Center in Italy (Deputy Group Leader 1970-74), before returning to UoB in 1974 as a tenured
Assistant Professor before he was promoted to a tenured Associate Professor in 1975 and to a tenured Professor
in 1987 in ocean remote sensing, the first Chair in this field in Norway. He was an Adjunct Senior Scientist at the
Christian Michelsens Institute in Bergen (1980-82) and held the Arctic Chair at the Naval Postgraduate School in
Monterey in USA (1982). He was a guest scientist at MIT in Boston during the autumn of 1985.
OMJ is presently involved in the following scientific fields: Arctic climate system, including sea ice and
Greenland ice sheet variability and the effect on warm subsurface fjord water on the calving of the outlet glaciers
in the East Greenland fjords, climate teleconnection between low and high latitude and visa versa, oceanography
in the Nordic Seas, Indian - Bay of Bengal and Southern Ocean circulation and sea level studies and socioeconomic impact studies of global change in the Russian Arctic. At present he is the leader of the Research
Council of Norway (RCN) “Arctic Sea Ice Variability: A comprehensive study using satellite and in-situ
observations (ArcticSIV 2011-2013),”the RCN” Decadal to multidecadal variability in the Indian Monsoon Rainfall
and teleconnection with Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (India-Clim 2012-2014), “the RCN” climate variability and
changes in the Eurasian Arctic in the 21st century” (2013-2015) (co-funded by the Russian Research Council) and
the Mohn-Sverdrup Norwegian Sea and Greenland Ice Sheet projects (completed 2014). He is also the Chairman
of the steering committees of the EU “European – Russian Centre for cooperation in the Arctic and Sub-Arctic
Environmental and Climate Research (EuRuCAS) project” (2012-2014) coordinated by the Nansen Centre in St.
Petersburg and the EU “Indo-European Research Facilities for Studies on Marine Ecosystem and Climate in India
(INDO-MARECLIM) project” (2012-2014) coordinated by the Nansen Centre in Cochin, India. He is also the
supervisor for several PhD students.
Previously he performed studies of fjord and coastal circulation in Norway, sea level and shelf studies off
the coast of Brazil and in the Caribbean, ice drift and forecasting in Gulf of St. Laurence and the fjord water
influence on the growth of the Ward Hunt Ice Shelf in the Canadian Arctic, ocean frontal and ocean fine structure
including acoustic propagation in the Mediterranean, deep water formation and acoustic tomography in the
Greenland Sea, harmful algae blooms along the Norwegian Coast, global change studies of marine ecosystem in
the White Sea, CO2 uptake and CO2 injection in the Nordic Seas, radioactive spreading in the Arctic and Nordic
Seas from the Russian rivers and Sellafiled and the Fukushima accident in the Pacific and chlorofluorocarbons
(CFC- II) simulations in the world ocean.
OMJ is the author and co-author of more than 500 publications of which 9 are books (8 Springer- 1
American Geophysical Union) and 148 are in referee journals and books (e.g. 8 in Science - 1 in Nature). The
remaining publications are primarily Proceedings, Technical and Special Reports.
OMJ has been the supervisor for more than 40 Master and PhD students. He has received 10 awards for
his research and leadership. He was the Laureate of the EU Descartes Prize in Earth Science in 2005 for leading
the project: Climate and Environmental Change in the Arctic (CECA). He received the Nansen Foundation
(founded in 1896 after F. Nansen with Fram returned to Norway) Fridtjof Nansen Medal for Outstanding Research
in 2007 by the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters. This medal is an official Norwegian decoration.
Furthermore His Majesty King Harald V of Norway awarded OMJ the Royal Norwegian Order of St. Olav, Knight,
First Class, 24 of November 2008. OMJ was awarded the Visiting Professor for Senior International Scientists of
the Chinese Academy of Science in 2009 by its President. In 2010 he was awarded the Honorary Membership
from the Norwegian Academy of Technological Sciences, (NTVA) and received the “Certificate” from the DirectorGeneral of the European Space Agency for his contribution to the “High-Level Science Policy Advisory Committee
from 2007-2010”. In 2011 he received “The Norwegian Space Center award for his scientific contribution to
increase international awareness and understanding of space activities – in particular for Earth observations”.
OMJ has been the leader of large multidisciplinary international programs in different coastal regions and
world oceans such as: the Norwegian Remote Sensing Experiment (NORSEX’79); the mega-science Marginal Ice
Zone Experiment (MIZEX) 1980-88, with 250 scientists involved; the Seasonal Ice Zone Experiment (SIZEX)
1989-92; CO2 and Deep Water formation (CARDEEP) 1993-95, the INTAS project on Observation and modelling
of transport and dilution of radioactive waste and dissolved pollutants in the Kara Sea 1994-1997; the
ESA/Russian Space Agency "ICEWATCH" Program of the Northern Sea Route 1995-1998; The Ice Edge Ecology
Study 1997-2000, the EU project on Acoustic Monitoring of the Arctic Ocean Climate (AMOC) 1998-2000, the EU
project on Operational altimetry for the offshore industry (OPERALT) 1998-2000 and the INTAS projects on
Detection and modelling of greenhouse warming in the Arctic and sub-Arctic 1999-2000, Study of influence of
land-based sources of radio nuclides on radioactive contamination of Kara Sea through Ob and Yenisey river
system, Developing methods for boreal forest mapping and monitoring by combined using SPOT and SAR
satellite data; the EU Arctic ice cover simulation experiment (AICSEX), Simulation scenarios for potential
radioactive spreading in the 21st century from rivers and external sources in the Russian arctic coastal zone (EURADARC), Sustainable management of the marine ecosystem and living resources of the White Sea (EUWHITESEA), Estimation of primary production for fisheries management (EU-PROOF) and Wind energy mapping
using synthetic aperture radar (EU-WEMSAR). Furthermore he has coordinated ESA, Norwegian Space Center
and Research Council of Norway (RCN) projects, e.g., The Nansen Fellowship Program, a Scientific and
Educational Program for Ecological Studies of North Western Russia, the Role of Arctic Sea Ice – Atmosphere
processes (RCN-ROLARC a joint project with USA) the Marine Climate and Ecosystems in the Seasonal Ice Zone
(RCN-MACESIZ), the EU-IPY Climate of the Arctic and its role for Europe (CARE) project and the Greenland Ice
Sheet RCN project and RCN projects Arctic and sub-Arctic climate system and ecological response to the early
20th century warming (ARCWARM).
OMJ took the initiative to start the Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center (NERSC)
( in Bergen in 1986, which is project funded from EU, Research Council of Norway, European
Space Agency, Norwegian Space Center, industry and private donations including 10 % basic funding from the
Ministry of Environment. The center employs a staff of 60 from 15 nations including PhD. students.
In 1992 OMJ started a Joint Venture with the Institute of Ecological Safety of the Russian Academy of
Science in St. Petersburg by setting up the Nansen International Environmental and Remote Sensing Center
(NIERSC) ( in St. Petersburg, Russia, including partners from the Max Planck Institute for
Meteorology, the Environmental Research Institute of Michigan US and in cooperation with the EU Joint Research
Center in Ispra. NIERSC was converted to the Nansen Scientific Foundation in 2001. Partnership was expanded
with the St. Petersburg State University, Bergen University Research Foundation and the Northern Water
Problems Institute of Russian Academy of Science in Petrozavodsk, Karelia. In 1999 the Nansen Center in India
was started with OMJ as Chairman ( In 2003 the Nansen-Zhu Center (
was opened after the initiative of OMJ as a joint venture with the Institute of Atmospheric Physic at the Chinese
Academy of Science, the Peking University, Bergen University, the Bjerknes Center for Climate Research and the
Nansen Center in Bergen. In 2010 the Nansen-Tutu Marine Centre at the University of Cape Town, South Africa
was started. At present the Nansen Group with OMJ as the Leader consists of these five institutes, employing
more than 200 persons including 60 PhD and Master candidates. In 2006 OMJ took the initiative to start the
Nansen Scientific Society which is a foundation to give Nansen Fellowships to international PhD students and
young scientists. Presently a new Nansen Centre in Bangladesh is under planning.
OMJ has served on different boards, committees and working groups such as the NASA NIMBUS-7
Team, the ESA EOPAG, EOSTAG, ESAC, DOSTAG Committees, the High-level Science Policy Advisory
Committee (HISPAC) and the EU Remote Sensing Review Committee, the NATO Remote Sensing Working
Group, chairman of the MIZEX Scientific Committee, Chairman of International Society for Photogrammetry and
Remote Sensing´s Working Group on Ice, member of the Japanese MOS Team, the Norwegian WOCE
Committee, the EU/ESF European Committees on Ocean and Polar Sciences (ECOPS), the Arctic Ocean
Science Board, the US/French Topex Poseidon Team the Japanese JERS-1 Team, Chairman of the ESA
International Space Year program “Ocean Variability and Climate”, member of INTAS Scientific Council, member
of the Advisory Committee of the Ukrainian Centre of Environmental and Water projects in Kiev, Founding
Member of the EUROGOOS and member of its Board, member of the Norwegian Advisory and Coordination
Committee for Earth Observation, member of the Research Council of Norway Fellowship Committee, Norwegian
National Polar Committee, member of the Polar Committee of the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters,
member of the steering committee of the WMO Global Climate Observing System (GCOS), member of the
editorial board of Earth Observation and Remote Sensing Journal of the Russian Academy of Science, member of
the Scientific and Technical Council of the International Risk Governance Council (IRGC) Geneva, Board Member
and Chairman of the Bjerknes Climate Center in Bergen, Board Member of the Center for Climate Dynamic at the
Bjerkens Climate Center, member of the Scientific Advisory Committee of the Euromediterranean Center for
Climate Change, Italy and Executive Chairman of the Board of the Nansen Center in Bergen (2010-2011). He
served also on the review panel for the Austrian Research Programme in 2012 and on the ERC panel for start up
grant in 2013.
At present OMJ is Council member of the Global Climate Forum, (GCF) in Berlin, member of the editorial
board of PRAXIS Publishing Ltd UK, Co-Chief editor of the journal “Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letter” of
the Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing ( and member of the Editorial Board of the
American Journal of Climate Change (AJCC), published by Scientific Research Publications (
OMJ is elected full member of the International Academy of Astronautics, the European Academy of
Science and Arts, Finnish Academy of Science and Letters, the Norwegian Academy of Technical Sciences, the
Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters and founding member of the Norwegian Scientific Academy for Polar
Research, where he also was the Founding President from 2008-2012. (
Referee publications and books
180. Chen, L, Tan, B, Kvamstø, NG, Johannessen, OM: Wintertime cyclone/anticyclone activity over China and Its relation to upper
troposphoric jets. Tellus A. Vol. 66, no. 21889, 2014
DOI: 10.3402/tellusa.v66.21889
179. Cui, Xuedong, Yongqi Gao, Jianqi Sun, Dong Guo, Shuanglin Li & Ola M. Johannessen: Role of natural external forcing factors in
modulating the Indian summer monsoon rainfall, the winter North Atlantic Oscillation and their relationship on inter-decadal
timescale. Climate Dynamics, Online, 2014
DOI: 10.1007/s00382-014-2053-4
178. Yan, Q., H. Wang, O.M. Johannessen and Z. Zhang: Greenland Ice sheet contribution to future global sea level rise based on
CMIP5 models. In Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, a Science Index Journal published by Institute of Atmospheric Physics,
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Vol. 31 no.1, p. 8-16, 2014
DOI: 10.1007/s00376-013-3002-6
174. Guo, D., Y. Gao, I. Bethke, D. Gong, O.M. Johannessen, H. Wang: Mechanism on how the spring Arctic sea ice impacts the East
Asian summer monsoon. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, vol. 115 no 1-2 pp 107-119, Springer 2014
177. Yan, Qing; Zhang, Zhongshi; Gao, Y; Wang, H, Johannessen, OM: Sensitivity of the modeled present-day Greenland Ice Sheet to
climatic forcing and spin-up methods and its influence on future sea level projections. Journal of Geophysical Research - Earth
Surface, Vol. 118 no. 4, p. 2174–2189, 2013
DOI: 10.1002/jgrf.20156
176. Suo, L, Otterå, OH, Bentsen, M, Gao, Y, Johannessen, OM: External forcing of the early 20th century Arctic warming. Tellus Series
A, Vol. 65, 2013
175. O.M. Johannessen, M. Miles, M. Babiker: Unprecedented Retreat in a 50-Year Observational Record for Petermann Glacier, North
Greenland. In Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Vol. 6 no
5, p. 259-265, 2013
DOI: 10.3878/j.issn.1674-2834.13.0021
Unprecedented Retreat.pdf
173. Zakhvatkina N.Y., V.Y. Alexandrov, O.M. Johannessen , S. Sandven, I. Frolov: Classification of Sea Ice Types in ENVISAT
Synthetic Aperture Radar Images. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing Vol. 51, no. 5, p. 2587-2600, 2013
DOI: 10.1109/TGRS.2012.2212445
Classification of Sea Ice Types.pdf
172. Abish, B, Joseph, PV, Johannessen, OM: Weakening trend of the tropical easterly jet stream of the boreal summer monsoon
season 1950 – 2009. Journal of Climate Vol. 26, p. 9408–9414, 2013
DOI: 10.1175/JCLI-D-13-00440.1
171. Chen, L, Tan, B, Kvamstø, NG, Johannessen, OM: Wintertime Cyclone Activity and Its Relation to Precipitation over China.
Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters, Vol. 6 no. 5, p. 387-393, 2013
DOI: 10.3878/j.issn.1674-2834.13.0041
Wintertime Cyclone Activity.pdf
170. Wang, H., Johannessen, O.M.: Co-chief Editors, Special Issue of Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters. Vol. 6 no 5, 2013
169. Alexandrov V.Y. and O.M. Johannessen: Changes of ice thickness in the Arctic since the end of 19th century. In Problems of Arctic
and Antarctic No. 4 (94) published by Arctic and Antarctic Institute, St. Petersburg 2012
168. He, Yanchun, Y. Gao, M. Bentsen, B. Tan, O.M. Johannessen: North Atlantic ventilation using chlorofluorocarbons and idealisedtracer simulations.Tellus B. pp. 1-23, Vol. 64, 2012.
North Atlantic ventilation.pdf
167. He, Yanchun, Y. Gao, H-J Wang, O.M. Johannessen, Yu Lei: Transport of Nuclear Leakage from Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant
in the North Pacific. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, Vol 34 (4), pp. 12-20, 2012
166. Book
Bengtsson L., S. Koumoutsaris, R.-M. Bonnet, E.-A. Herland, P. Huybrechts, O.M. Johannessen, G.Milne, J. Oerlemans, A.
Ohmura, G. Ramstein, P. Woodworth: The Earth´s Cryosphere and Sea Level Change, 343 p. Springer 2012
Available from: . Previously published in Surveys in Geophysics, Volume 32, Nos. 4-5, 2011
166. McClimans, Thomas; Alekseev, Genrikh; Johannessen, Ola M; Miles, Martin W.: Ch. 6 Interaction with the global climate system.
In: Arctic Climate Change The ACSYS Decade and Beyond. Springer ISBN 978-94-007-2026-8 p. 247-275, 2012
165. Johannessen, O.M., A. Korablev, V. Miles, M.W. Miles, K.E. Solberg: Interaction between the warm subsurface Atlantic water in the
Sermilik Fjord and Helheim glacier in southeast Greenland. Surveys in Geophysics, Springer. Vol. 32, Issue 4, Page 387-396, 2011.
164. Chen, L.L, O.M. Johannessen, H.J. Wang, A. Ohmura: Accumulation over the Greenland Ice Sheet as prepresented in reanalysis
data. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, Vol. 28, No.5, pp.1-9, 2011.
163. Bobylev, L.P., O.M. Johannessen, E.V. Shalina, V.Yu. Alexandrov, S. Sandven: Sea ice cover change in the Arctic Ocean in the
end of 20-th – beginning of 21-st centuries according to remote sensing and other observations – in the book: Oceanography and
Sea Ice Series: Contribution of Russia to International Polar year 2007/2008, Editor-in-chief, I.Ye.Frolov, Paulsen Editions, Moscow
– St. Petersburg 2011
162. Johannessen, O.M., M. W. Miles: Critical vulnerabilities of marine and sea ice-based ecosystems in the high Arctic. Regional
Environmental Change, Vol.11 no. 1, DOI 10.1007/s10113-010-0186-5, 2011
Critical vulnerabilities.pdf
161. George, M.S., L.Bertino, O.M. Johannessen, A. Samuelsen: Validation of a hybrid coordinate ocean model for the Indian Ocean.
Journal of Operational Oceanography, vol. 3, No.2, pp. 25-38, 2010
160. Alexandrov, V., S. Sandven, J. Wahlin, O.M. Johannessen: The relation between sea ice thickness and freeboard in the Arctic. The
Cryosphere, vol.4, pp. 373-380, 2010.
The relation between sea ice.pdf
159. Book
Johannessen,O.M., V.A.Volkov, L.H.Pettersson, V.S.Maderich, M.J.Zheleznyak, Y.Gao, L.P.Bobylev, A.V.Stepanov, I.A.Neelov,
V.P.Tishkov, S.P. Nielsen:Radioactivity and Pollution in the Nordic Seas and Arctic Region: Observations, Modelling and
Simulations .450p. Springer –Praxis Publishing 2010.
Available from:
158. Chen, L.L., O.M. Johannessen, K. Khvorostovsky, H.J. Wang: Greenland Ice Sheet Elevation Change in Winter and Influence of
Atmospheric Teleconnection in the Northern Hemisphere. Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters, Vol. 2 no 6, pp. 376-380, 2009
Greenland Ice Sheet Elevation Change.pdf
157. Gao, Y., H. Drange, O.M. Johannessen, L.H. Pettersson: Sources and pathways of 90Sr in the North Atlantic-Arctic region: present
day and global warming. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity. Vol. 100, pp.375-395, 2009
156. Johannessen, O.M., L.H. Pettersson: Arctic climate and shipping. In High North High Stakes. pp.95-114, Eds: R. Gottemoeller and
R. Tamnes. Fagbokforlaget November 2008
Available from:
155. Johannessen, O.M: Decreasing arctic sea ice mirrors increasing CO2 on decadal time scale. Atmospheric and Oceanic Science
Letter (AOSL). Vol. 1. No. 1, pp. 51-56, (Published by Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences) 2008
Decreasing Arctic Sea Ice.pdf
154. Thiede, J., O.M. Johannessen: Climate change in the North – past, present and future. Journal of International Geoscience,
Episodes. Vol. 31, No. 1, pp. 163-167, 2008
153. Kuzmina, S., O.M. Johannessen, L. Bengtsson, O.G. Aniska, L.P. Bobylev: High northern latitude surface air temperature:
Comparison of existing data and creation of a new gridded dataset 1900-2000. Tellus, Vol. 60A, pp. 289-304, 2008
491 - Kuz08.pdf
152. Bobylev, L., E. Shalina, O.M. Johannessen, E. Zabolotskikh, S. Sandven, O. Babina. Arctic sea ice transformation revealed from
satellite passive microwave data. Problems of the Arctic and Antarctic, No 1 (78), pp. 38-47, 2008 (in Russian)
151. Kuzmina, S., O.M. Johannessen, O. Aniskina, L. Bobylev: Creation of a new gridded dataset on high northern latitude surface air
temperature. Problems of the Arctic and Antarctic, No.1 (78), pp. 95-103, 2008 (in Russian)
150. Kudryavtsev V., N. Ivanova, O.M. Johannessen, D. Akimov: On specific features of coastal zone radar imaging. Earth observation
from space. № 5, pgs 11, 2007.
149. Pozdnyakov, D.V., O.M. Johannessen, A.A. Korosov, L.H. Pettersson, H. Grassl, M. W. Miles: Satellite evidence of ecosystem
changes in a semi-enclosed arctic marginal sea. Geophysical Res. Letters, Vol. 34, L08604, doi:10.1029/2006GL028947, 2007.
489 - Poz07.pdf
148. Book
Johannessen, O.M., V.Yu. Alexandrov, I.Ye. Frolov, L.P. Bobylev, S. Sandven, L.H.Pettersson, K.Kloster, V.G. Smirnov, Ye.U.
Mironov, N.G.Babich: Remote Sensing of Sea Ice in the Northern Sea Route: Studies and Applications. 477 p. Springer –Praxis
Publishing 2007.
147. Bogdanov, A.V. S. Sandven, O.M. Johannessen, V.Yu. Alexandrov, L.P. Bobylev: Multi-Sensor Approach to Automated
Classification of Sea Ice Image Data. Signal and image processing for remote sensing, edited by C.H. Chen, Taylor and Francis. Pp.
559-589. 2007
146. Sandven, S., O. M. Johannessen: Sea ice monitoring by Remote Sensing, chapter 8, pp 241 – 283, in Remote Sensing of the
Marine Environment (ed. J. Gower), Manual of Remote Sensing, Third Edition, Volume 6, Published by American Society for
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Maryland, USA, 338 pp. 2006
Available from:
145. Sandven, S., O.M. Johannessen: Towards operational sea ice monitoring services in the Arctic. Referee paper in European
Operational Oceanography: Present and Future. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on EuroGOOS. Edited by
H.Dahlin, N.C. Flemming, P. Marchand, S.E. Petersson. 2006
144. Johannessen, O.M., K. Khvorostovsky, M.W. Miles, L.P. Bobylev: Recent Ice Sheet Growth in the Interior of Greenland. Science,
Vol. 310, pp. 1013-1016, November 2005.
478 - Joh05a.pdf
143. Melentyev, V.V., O.M. Johannessen, L.P.Bobylev: Siberian Permafrost and Seasonally Frozen Grounds: Parameters Retrieval
Using Microwave Satellite Data. Earth Observation and Remote Sensing, Russian Academy of Sciences. No. 5, pp. 3-9, 2005.
142. Pozdnyakov, D., A.A. Korosov, L.H. Pettersson, O.M. Johannessen: MODIS evidences the river run-off impact on the Kara Sea
trophy. International Journal of Remote Sensing. Vol. 26, No. 17, pp.3641-3648. September 2005.
476 - Poz05.pdf
141. Johannessen , O.M., K. Lygre ,T. Eldevik: Convective Chimneys and Plumes in the Northern Greenland Sea. In The Nordic Seas:
An Integrated Perspective, Geophysical Monograph Series, No. 158, pp. 251 – 272, 2005. American Geophysical Union,
Wahshington DC.
474 - Joh - 05.pdf chimney_Johs_etal_2005.pdf
140. Bogdanov, A.V., S. Sandven, O.M. Johannessen, V.Yu. Alexandrov, L.P.Bobylev: Multisensor Approach to Automated
Classification of Sea Ice Image Data. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. Vol. 43, No.7, pp. 1648-1664, July
473 - Bog05.pdf
139. Book
Filatov, N., D. Pozdnyakov, O.M. Johannessen, L.H. Pettersson, L.P. Bobylev: White Sea. Its Marine Environment and Ecosystem
Dynamics Influenced by Global Change.472p. Springer –Praxis Publishing 2005. Including chapter:
Pozdnyakov, D.V., L.H. Pettersson, O.M. Johannessen, P. Bobylev, V.V. Melentyev, N.N. Filatov, V.I. Chernook, A.N. Filatov, A.V.
Korosov, A.N. Stuliy and M.W. Miles: Satellite oceanography: New results.pp. 179-237.
Bashmachnikov, I.L., O.M. Johannessen, L.H. Pettersson, G. Evensen, I.A. Neelov, O.P. Savchuk, A.V. Leonov, S. Kaitala, T.
Stipa, H. Kuosa and N.N. Filatov: Numerical simulations of the White Sea hydrodynamics and marine ecosystem. Pp. 337-441.
Filatov05.pdf cover-medium.jpg
Available from:
138. Gao, Y., H.Drange, M. Bentsen, O.M. Johannessen: Tracer-derived transit time of the waters in the eastern Nordic Seas. Tellus.
Vol. 57B, pp. 332-340. March 2005.
137. Kuzmina, S.I., L. Bengtsson, O.M. Johannessen, H. Drange, L. Bobylev, M. W. Miles: The North Atlantic Oscillation and
greenhouse-gas forcing. Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 32, L04703, February 2005
doi: 10.1029/2004GL021064
136. Johannessen O.M., L.P. Bobylev, E.V. Shalina, S.I. Kuzmina, K.S. Khvorostovsky: Arctic Climate Change – a Part of Global
Change. Computational Technologies, N10, pp. 56-62, 2005 (in Russian)
135. Johannessen, O.M., L. Bengtsson, M.W. Miles, S.I. Kuzmina, V. Semenov, G.V. Alekseev, A.P. Nagurny, V.F. Zakharov, L.P.
Bobylev, L.H. Pettersson, K. Hasselmann, H.P. Cattle: Arctic Climate Change – Observed and Modelled Temperature and Sea Ice
variability. Tellus, Dynamic meteorology and oceanography, Series A: Vol.56A, no.4, pp. 328-341, August 2004.
463 - Joh04.pdf
135.a Johannessen, O.M., L. Bengtsson, M.W. Miles, S.I. Kuzmina, V. Semenov, G.V. Alekseev, A.P. Nagurny, V.F. Zakharov, L.P.
Bobylev, L.H. Pettersson, K. Hasselmann, H.P. Cattle: Corrigendum: Arctic Climate Change – Observed and Modelled Temperature
and Sea Ice variability. Tellus, Dynamic meteorology and oceanography, Series A: Vol.56A, no.5, pp. 559-560, 2004.
134. Bengtsson, L., V.A. Semenov, O.M. Johannessen: The early Twentieth-century warming in the Arctic – A possible mechanism.
Journal of Climate, Vol. 17, pp. 4045-4057, October 2004.
464 - Ben04.pdf
133. Laxon, S.W., J.E. Walsh, P. Wadhams, O.M. Johannessen, M. Miles: Sea Ice observations, in Mass balance of the cryosphere:
Observations and modeling of contemporary and future changes. Chapter 8 – Sea Ice Observations. Eds.J. Bamber and A.Payne,
Cambridge University Press, 2004.
132. Gao, Y., H. Drange, M. Bentsen, O.M. Johannessen: Simulating transport of non-Chernobyl 137 Cs and 90Sr in the North AtlanticArctic region. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity,, pp.1-16, 2004
131. Shuchman, R.A., R.G. Onstott, O.M. Johannessen and S. Sandven: Processes at the ice edge – The Arctic, SAR Marine Users
Manual, chapter 18. Editor Christopher Jackson, U.S. Dept. of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 2004
130. Johannessen, O.M., M. Miles, A.M. Olsen, L. Bengtsson, C. Myrmehl: Arctic climate change – will the ice disappear this century?.
Referee paper in “Building the european capacity in operational oceanography”. Proceedings of the Third International Conference
on EuroGOOS. Edited by H.Dahlin, N.C. Flemming, K. Nittis, S.E. Petersson. Elsevier Oceanography Series 69, 2003.
451B - Joh03.pdf
129. Book
Bobylev, L., K.Ya. Kondratyev, O.M. Johannessen: Arctic Environment Variability in the Context of Global Change. 470 p., Springer
– Praxis Publishing 2003
Including chapter: Alekseev, G.V., O.M. Johannessen, A.A. Koroblev, and A.Y. Proshutinsky: Arctic Ocean and sea ice
Johannessen, O.M. M.W. Miles, L. Bengtsson, L.P. Bobylev and S.I. Kuzmina: Arctic climate change
Khvorostovsky, L.P. Bobylev and O.M. Johannessen: Greenland Ice Sheet elevation variations
128. Hasselmann, K., M. Latif, G. Hooss, C. Azar, O. Edenhofer, C.C. Jaeger, O.M. Johannessen, C. Kemfert, M. Welp, A. Wokaun: The
Challenge of Long-term Climate Change. Science, Vol. 302, pp. 1923-1925, 2003.
458 - Has03.pdf
127. Pozdnyakov, D.V. L.H. Pettersson, O.M. Johannessen, A. Lyaskovsky, N. Filatov, L.P. Bobylev: SeaWiFS maps of water quality
parameters in the White Sea. International Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 24, no. 21, Nov. 2003.
126. Miles, V.V., L.P. Bobylev, S.V. Maksimov, O.M. Johannessen and P.M. Pitulko: An approach for assessing boreal forest conditions
based on combined use of satellite SAR and multispectral data. International Journal of Remote Sensing. Vol. 24, no. 22, pp. 44474466, 2003
125. Johannessen, O.M., H. Sagen, S. Sandven, K.V. Stark: Hotspots in Ambient Noise Caused by Ice-Edge Eddies in the Greenland
Sea and the Barents Seas. IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, Vol. 28, no.2,pp.212-228, 2003.
455 - Joh03a.pdf
124. Kudryavtsev, V., D. Akimov, O.M. Johannessen: Radar Imageing of the Ocean Mesoscale Variability. Earth observations from
Space, Russian Academy of Science, Moscow. No.1. 2003
123. Furevik, B,R., H.A. Espedal, T. Hamre, C.B. Hasager, O.M. Johannessen and B.H. Jørgensen, O.Rathmann: Satellite-based wind
maps as guidance for siting offshore wind farms. Wind Engineering, Vol.27, no. 5, 2003
122. Kudryavtsev, V.N., D.B. Akimov and O.M. Johannessen: Surface manifestation of ocean mesoscale phenomena on radar imagery.
Earth Observation and Remote Sensing, No. 2, pp. 27-46, 2003 (in Russian).
121. Esipov, I.B., O.M. Johannessen, K.A. Naugolnyk, O.B. Ovchinnikov, Y.I. Tuzhilkin: Sound Signal Scintillation Approach in the
Acoustic Modeling of the Current Speed Profile in the Fram Strait. Acoustical Physics, Vol. 48, No. 6, pp.681-686, 2002.
120. Johannessen, O.M. and S. Sandven: Monitoring of the Arctic Ocean. Referee paper in "Operational Oceanography Implementation at the european and regional scales”. Proceedings of the 2nd EuroGOOS International Conference, Rome, 11-13
March, 1999. Edited by Silvana Vallerga and Nic Flemming, Elsevier Oceanography Series 66, 2002.
119. Johannessen, O.M., H. Sagen, T. Hamre, H. Hobæk, K.Hasselmann, E. Maier-Reimer, U. Mikolajewicz, P. Wadhams, A. Kaletzky,
L. Bobylev, E. Evert, V. Troyan, K.A. Naugolnykh and I. Esipov: Acoustic Monitoring of Ocean Climate in the Arctic (AMOC).
Referee paper in "Operational Oceanography – Implementation at the european and regional scales”. Proceedings of the 2nd
EuroGOOS International Conference, Rome, 11-13 March, 1999. Edited by Silvana Vallerga and Nic Flemming, Elsevier
Oceanography Series 66, 2002.
118. Johannessen, O.M., H.A. Espedal, B Furevik, D. Akimov and A. Jenkins: COASTWATCH: Integrating SAR imagery in an
operational system for monitoring coastal currents, wind, surfactants and oil spills. Referee paper in "Operational Oceanography –
Implementation at the european and regional scales”. Proceedings of the 2nd EuroGOOS International Conference, Rome, 11-13
March, 1999. Edited by Silvana Vallerga and Nic Flemming, Elsevier Oceanography Series 66, 2002.
117. Durand, D., L.H. Pettersson, O.M. Johannessen, E. Svendsen, H. Søiland and M. Skogen: Satellite observation and model
prediction of toxic algae bloom. Referee paper in "Operational Oceanography – Implementation at the european and regional
scales”. Proceedings of the 2nd EuroGOOS International Conference, Rome, 11-13 March, 1999. Edited by Silvana Vallerga and Nic
Flemming, Elsevier Oceanography Series 66, 2002.
116. Furevik, B.R., O.M. Johannessen, A.D. Sandvik: SAR - retreived wind in Polar Regions- comparison with in situ data and
atmospheric model output. In IEEE Transaction on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. Vol. 40, nr. 8, 2002.
115. Haugen, V.J.,O.M. Johannessen, G. Evensen: Indian Ocean: Validation of the Miami Isopycnic Coordinate Ocean Model and
ENSO events during 1958 -1998. In Journal of Geophysical research. Vol.107, No. C5, May 2002.
440 - Hau02.pdf
114. Alexandrov, V.Y., A.V. Bogdanov, N.N. Filatov, O.M. Johannessen, L.P. Bobylev, S. Sandven, M.V. Alexandrov: Radar signatures
distinctive features of ice of the Gulf of Finland, Ladoga an Onega Lakes as retrieved from ERS images. In Earth Observation and
Remote Sensing, Russian Academy of Science, No. 3, pp. 1-10, 2002.
113. Drange, H., G. Alendal, O.M. Johannessen: Ocean sequestration of CO2. In Ocean Challenge, vol. 12, no.1, 2002.
112. Book
Volkov, V.A., O.M. Johannessen, V.E. Borodachev, G.N. Voinov, L.H. Pettersson, L.P. Bobylev, A.V. Kouraev: Polar seas
Oceanography: An Integrated Case Study of the Kara Sea. Springer-Praxis series in Remote Sensing. 450p. 2002.
111 Haugen, V.J, O.M. Johannessen, G. Evensen: Mesoscale modelling study of the oceanographic conditions off the southwest coast
of India. In the Indian Academy of Sciences (Earth and Planetary Sciences). (Now named Journal of Earth System Science) No 3,
pp. 1-17, September 2002
110. Zabolotskikh, E.V., Yu. M. Timofeev, A.B. Uspenskii, L.M. Mitnik, L.P. Bobylev, O.M. Johannessen, I.V. Chernyi: Errors of
Microwave Satellite Measurements of Sea Surface Wind Speed, Atmospheric Water Vapor, and Cloud Liquid Water. Bulletin of
Russian Academy of Science. Physics of the Atmosphere and Ocean. Vol. 38, No.5, pp. 670-675, 2002. Izvestiya, Atmospheric and
Oceanic Physics
112. Shalina, E.V., O.M. Johannessen: Barents, Kara, Laptev and East-Siberian sea ice areas from SMMR and SSM/I data for 19781999. Earth Observation and Remote Sensing no. 5, pp. 45-52, 2001.
111. Drange, H., G. Alendal, O.M. Johannessen: Ocean release of fossil fuel CO2: A case study. Geophysical Reserch Letters, Vol. 28,
no.13, pp.2637-2640, July 1, 2001.
429 - Dra - 01.pdf
110. Alekseev, H.V., O.M. Johannessen, D.V. Kovalevsky: On the development of convective movements driven by local density
perturbations on the sea surface. Russian Academy of Sciences. Series: Physics of the Atmosphere and the Ocean. Issue no.3,
109. Alekseev, G., O.M. Johannessen, A. Korablev, V. Ivanov, D. Kovalevsky: Interannual variability of water masses in the Greenland
Sea and adjacent areas. The Sverdrup symposium, Journal of the Norwegian Polar Research vol. 20, no.2, 2001, pp. 201-208.
427 - Ale01.pdf
108. Ionov, D.V., Y.M. Timofeev, V.V. Ivonov, A.M. Shalamyanskii, O.M. Johannessen, J.P. Burrows: Comparison of Measurement of
Total Ozone by the GOME (ERS-2) Spectrometer with Data from the Russian Ozonometric Network. Earth obs. and Remote
Sensing, vol. 16, no. 4, pp. 527-539, 2001 Russian Academy of Science/ Harwood Academic Publisher.
107. Melentyev, V.V., V.I Chernook, K. Ya. Kondratyev, O.M. Johannessen: Analysis of the Dynamics of Arctic Ocean Ice Cover for
Research into the Migration of the Harp Seal, Based on Satellite Observations for the White Sea. Earth Obs. and Remote Sensing,
vol. 16, no.5, pp 789-812, 2001. Russian Academy of Science/Harwood Academic Publisher
106. Akimov, D., O.M. Johannessen, V. Kudryavtsev. L.H.Pettersson: On the radar imaging of the sea frontal zone: „CoastWatch-95”
experiment and its analysis. Proceedings from IGARSS 01, Sydney, Australia, July 2001. Published in: Geoscience and Remote
Sensing Symposium, 2001. IGARSS '01. IEEE 2001 International (Volume:3 )
DOI: 10.1109/IGARSS.2001.976801
422 - Aki - 01.pdf
105. Bobylev, L.P., V.V. Elagin, O.M. Johannessen, A.N. Roublev, N.E.Choubarova: Retrieval of UV surface radiation from GOME data.
Proceedings form IGARSS´01, Sydney, Australia, 2001. Published in: Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2001. IGARSS
'01. IEEE 2001 International (Volume: 3 )
DOI: 10.1109/IGARSS.2001.976840
421 - Bob - 01.pdf
104. Espedal, H.A., O.M. Johannessen, B. Furevik, S. Sandven, C. Hasager, L.C. Christensen, G. Gaudiosi: WEMSAR – Wind Energy
Mapping using Synthetic Aperture Radar, Proceedings of IGARSS01, Sydney, Australia 2001. Published in: Geoscience and
Remote Sensing Symposium, 2001. IGARSS '01. IEEE 2001 International (Volume: 3 )
420 - Esp - 01.pdf
104. Johannessen, O.M., S. Sandven, L.H.Pettersson, M. Lundhaug, Ø, Dalen, V. Yu. Alexandrov: Seasonal sea ice studies in the Kara
Sea region using satellite radar data. Proceedings from IGARSS´01, Sydney, Australia 2001. Published in: Geoscience and Remote
Sensing Symposium, 2001. IGARSS '01. IEEE 2001 International (Volume: 3 )
419 - Joh - 01.pdf
103. Johannessen, O.M., M. Miles: Arctic sea ice and climate change - will the ice disappear in this century?. Science Progress 83 (3),
pp. 209 - 222. 2000.
102. Johannessen, O.M., S. Sandven, A.D. Jenkins, D. Durand, L.H. Pettersson, H. Espedal, G. Evensen, T. Hamre: Satellite earth
observation in operational oceanography. Coastal Engineering 41, pp 155-176. 2000.
398 - Joh00.pdf
101. Johannessen, O.M., E. Bjørgo: Wind energy mapping of coastal zones by synthetic aperture radar (SAR) for siting potential
windmill locations. International Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 21, No. 9, pp 1781-1786. 2000.
100. Espedal, H.A., O.M. Johannessen: Detection of oil spills near offshore installations using synthetic aperture radar (SAR).
International Journal of Remote Sensing, vol. 21, No. 11, 2141-2144. 2000
99. Zabolotskikh, E.V., L.M. Mitnik, L.P. Bobylev, O.M. Johannessen: Development and Validation of Sea Surface Wind Speed
Retrieval Algorithms Usin SSM/I Data, Neural Networks and Some Physical Limitations, Earth observation and remote sensing.
No.2 March - April 2000. Nauka Publishing, Russian Academy of Science.
98. Alexandrov, A., S. Sandven, O.M. Johannessen, L.H. Pettersson, Ø. Dalen: Winter navigation in the Northern Sea Route using
RADARSAT data. Polar Record 36(199): 333-342, 2000
97. Johannessen, O.M., A.M. Volkov, L.P. Bobylev, V.D. Grishenko, S. Sandven, L.H. Pettersson, V.V. Melentyev, V. Asmus, O.E.
Milekhin, V.A. Krovotyntsev, V.G. Smirnov, V. Alexandrov, G. Duchossois, V. Kozlov, G. Kohlhammer, G. Solaas: ICEWATCH:
Real-Time Sea-Ice Monitoring in the Northern Sea Route (a Cooperative Earth Observation Project between the Russian and the
European Space Agencies). Earth Observation and Remote Sensing. Vol.16, No.2, pp.269-281, 2000
96. Melentyev, V.V., O.M. Johannessen, K.Ya. Kondratyev, L.P. Bobylev and A.I. Tikhomirov: Experiment in Satellite Radar Diagnosis
of Lake Ice Cover: Ecology and History. Earth Observation and Remote Sensing, 16: 313-326, Harwood Academic Publishers,
95. Johannessen, O.M, E.V. Shalina and M. Miles: Satellite Evidence for an Arctic Sea Ice Cover in Transformation. Science, Vol. 286,
pp 1937 - 1939. 1999.
370 - Joh99.pdf
94. Book
Kondratyev, K.Y., N.N. Filatov, O.M. Johannessen, V.V. Melentyev, D.V. Pozdnyakov, S.V. Ryanzhin, E.V. Shalina and A.I.
Tikhomirov. Limnology and Remote Sensing. A contemporary approach. Springer – Praxis Series of Remote Sensing, Praxis
Publishing Ltd,UK, pp403, 1999.
93. Naugolnykh, K., E.C. Shang, Y-Y. Wang, I. Esipov and O.M. Johannessen: Numerical Simulation of the Parametric Array
Application for Ocean Monitorin in the Fram Strait Enviroment. Acoustical Physics, No 3, Russia Academy of Science, 1999
92. Sandven, S., O.M. Johannessen, M.W. Miles, L.H. Pettersson and K. Kloster: Barents Sea seasonal ice zone features and
processes from ERS-1 SAR: SIZEX92. Journal of Geophysical Research,Vol.104, No.C7, pp.15843-15857, 1999.
91. Johannessen, O.M., A. Stepanov, O. Tsvetkovo, V. Tihkov, B. Belyaev, B. Domkin, L. Ivanova, A. Osokina, V. Plekhov and K.
Bobylev: Isotopic content of Plutonium in the bottom sediments of the Norwegian and Greenland seas and identification of the
contamination sources. "Atomic energy" T.87 issue 4, October 1999.
366 - Joh99.pdf
90. Esipov, I.B., O.M. Johannessen, K.A. Naugolnyk, I.S. Shang and Y.Y. Wang: On the Application of a Parametric Radiator to
Monitoring the Fram Strait. Acoustical Physics, Vol. 45, pp.504-511, 1999.
89. Zabolotskikh, L.M. Mitnik, L.P. Bobylev and O.M. Johannessen: Neural Networks Based Algorithms for Sea Surface Wind Speed
Retrieval Using SSM/I Data and Their Validation. In Proceedings of IGARSS ’99, Hamburg Germany, 28 June – 2 July, 1999.
Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. IEEE International conference publications. Vol. 2 p. 1010 – 1012, 1999
DOI: 10.1109/IGARSS.1999.774515
89. Dontchenko, V.V., O.M. Johannessen, L.P. Bobylev and S.A. Bartalev: ERS/SAR data application for Russian boreal forests
mapping and monitoring. In Proceedings of IGARSS ’99, Hamburg Germany, 28 June – 2 July, 1999. Geoscience and Remote
Sensing Symposium. IEEE International conference publications. vol.3 p. 1652 - 1654, 1999
DOI: 10.1109/IGARSS.1999.772049
352 - Don - 99.pdf
89. Akimov, D.B., O.M. Johannessen, L.M. Mitnik and V.A. Volkov: Satellite Radar Signatures of Fronts in the Ob and Yesisey Estuaries
in the Kara Sea. In Proceedings of IGARSS ’99, Hamburg Germany, 28 June – 2 July, 1999. Geoscience and Remote Sensing
Symposium. IEEE International conference publications. vol.5 p. 2542 - 2544, 1999
DOI: 10.1109/IGARSS.1999.771570
351 - Aki - 99.pdf
89. Ershov, V.K., O.V. Rozanov, O.M. Joannessen, L.P. Bobylev and V.V. Melentyev: Combined Use of Resurs 01 No. 3 and ERS
SAR Data for Environmental Monitoring of Yamal Oil and Gas Explotation Region: Case Study. In Proceedings of IGARSS ’99,
Hamburg Germany, 28 June – 2 July, 1999. Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. IEEE International conference
publications. vol.2 p. 849 - 851, 1999
DOI: 10.1109/IGARSS.1999.774462
348 - Ers - 99.pdf
89. Espedal, H.A., O.M. Johannessen, J.A. Johannessen, E. Dano, D. R. Lyzenga and J.C. Knulst: COASTWATCH ’95: ERS-1/SAR
detection of natural film on the ocean surface. Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol.103 no.c11, pp. 24969 - 24982, 1998
88. Fennel, W. and O.M. Johannessen: Wind forced oceanic responses near ice edges revisited. Journal of Marine Systems No. 14 pp.
57 - 79, 1998
335 - Fen98.pdf
87. Korsbakken, E., J.A. Johannessen and O.M. Johannessen: Coastal wind field retrievals from ERS synthetic aperture radar images.
Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 103, No. C4, pp. 7857 - 7874, 1998.
86. Melentyev, V.V. and O.M. Johannessen: Hydrological and Ice regime of the White Sea. (In Russian and English) Proceedings of
The Russian Geographic Society, No.4, pp. 60 - 71, 1998.
85. Melentyev,V.V., O.M. Johannessen, K.Ya. Kondratyev, L.P. Bobylev and A.I. Tikhomirov: Experience of the ERS 1&2 SAR Using
for the Ice Cover of the Lakes Diagnosys: Ecology and History. (In Russian and English). Earth Observation and Remote Sensing,
Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, No. 2, pp. 91 - 101, ISBN 558.873.004.1. 1998.
84. Naugolnykh, K.A., O.M. Johannessen, I.B. Esipov, O.B. Ovchinnikov, Y.I. Tuzhilkin and V.V. Zosimov: Numerical Simulation of
Remote Acoustic Sensing of Ocean Temperature in the Fram Strait Environment. Journal of Acoustical Society of America, Vol.104,
No. 2, pp. 738 - 746, 1998.
83. Melentyev, V.V., O.M. Johannessen, A.V. Arkhipov and V.I. Chernok: Investigation of ice and hydrologycal regime of the White Sea
under the conditions of anomally warm 1994/1995 winter conditions. Russian Geographic Society, No.4, pp. 47 - 64, 1998.
82. Shuchman, R.A., E.G. Josberger, C.A. Russel, K.W. Fischer, O.M. Johannessen, J. Johannessen and P. Gloersen: The Greenland
Sea Odden Sea Ice Feature: Intra- and Inter-Annual Variability. Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 103, No.C6, pp. 12709 12724, 1998.
81. Johannessen, O.M., A.M. Volkov, L.P. Bobylev, V.D. Grishenko, S. Sandven, L.H. Pettersson, V.V. Melentyev, V. Asmus, O.E.
Milekhin, V. Kozlov, G. Kohlhammer, G. Solaas: ICEWATCH: Real-Time Sea-Ice Monitoring in the Northern Sea Route (a
Cooperative Earth Observation Project Between the Russian and the European Space Agencies). (In Russian and English). Earth
Observation and Remote Sensing, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, No. 2, pp. 59-67, ISBN 558.873.004.1, 1998.
328B - Joh98.pdf
80. Melentyev, V.V., V.I. Chernok, K.Ya. Kondraryev, and O.M. Johannessen: Analysis of Ice Dynamics of Arctic Seas for Research of
the Harp Seals Migration in the White Sea Using Satellite Data. (In Russian and English). Earth Observation and Remote Sensing ,
Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, No. 5, pp.76-93, 1998.
329B - Mel98.pdf
79. Johannessen, O.M., A.M. Volkov, V.D. Grischenko, L.P. Bobylev, S. Sandven, K. Kloster, T. Hamre, V. Asmus, V.G. Smirnov, V.
Melentyev and L. Zaitsev: ICEWATCH - Ice SAR monitoring of the Northern Sea Route. Referee paper in Stel, J.H, H.W.A. Behrens,
J.C. Borst, L.J. Droppert (eds) Operational Oceanography. The challenge for European co-operation, proceedings of the First
International Conference on EuroGOOS, 7. - 11. October, 1996, The Hague, The Netherlands, Elsevier Oceanography Series, No.
62, pp. 224 - 233, ISBN: 0 444 82892 3, 1997
Johannessen, O.M., E. Bjørgo and M. Miles: Operational climate monitoring program of the Arctic ice cover. Referee paper in Stel,
J.H, H.W.A. Behrens, J.C. Borst, L.J. Droppert (eds) Operational Oceanography. The challenge for European co-operation,
proceedings of the First International Conference on EuroGOOS, 7. - 11. October, 1996, The Hague, The Netherlands, Elsevier
Oceanography Series, No. 62, pp. 361 - 367, ISBN 0 444 82892 3, 1997.
Johannessen, O.M., E. Korsbakken, P. Samuel, A.D. Jenkins and H.A. Espedal: COASTWATCH: Using SAR imagery in an
operational system for monitoring coastal currents, winds, surfactants and oil spills. Referee paper in Stel, J.H, H.W.A. Behrens, J.C.
Borst, L.J. Droppert (eds) Operational Oceanography. The challenge for European co-operation, proceedings of the First
International Conference on EuroGOOS, 7. - 11. October, 1996, The Hague, The Netherlands, Elsevier Oceanography Series, No.
62, pp. 234 - 242, ISBN 0 444 82892 3, 1997.
Johannessen, O.M., L.H. Pettersson, E. Bjørgo, H. Espedal, G. Evensen, T. Hamre, A.D. Jenkins, E. Korsbakken, P. Samuel and
S. Sandven: A review of the possible applications of satellite earth observation data withinn EuroGOOS. Referee paper in Stel, J.H,
H.W.A. Behrens, J.C. Borst, L.J. Droppert, J.P. van der Meulen (eds.) Operational Oceanography, The challenge for European cooperation, proceedings of the First International Conference on EuroGOOS, 7. - 11. October, 1996,The Hague, The Netherlands,
Elsevier oceanography Series, No 62, pp. 192 - 205, ISBN 0 444 82892 3, 1997.
Johannessen, O.M., L.H. Pettersson, L.P. Bobylev, I.A. Neelov, A.V. Kouraev, R.A. Shuchman, V. A. Volkov, V.K. Donchenko, V.V.
Rastoskuev and K. Hasselmann: Developments Toward a Risk Management Tool for Simulations of Marine Transport of
Radioactivity in the Oceans - a Case Study from the Kara Sea. In Gottlieb J., H. Hötzl, K. Huck, R. Niessner (eds): Field Screening
Europe, proceedings of the First International Conference on Strategies and Techniques for the Investigation and Monitoring of
Contaminated Sites, Kluwer Academic Publishers, ISBN 0-7923-4782-X, The Netherlands, pp. 103 - 109, 1997.
Johannessen, O.M., L.H. Pettersson, L.P. Bobylev, I.V. Neelov, A.V. Kuraev, V.A. Volkov, V.K. Donchenko and A.V. Stepanov:
Concentration and transport of radinuclides in the Kara Sea. In Inge-Vechtomov S.G., K.Ya. Kondratyev, A.K. Frolov (eds.)
Ecological problems of the northwestern Russia, and ways of their solution, (Russian), St.Petersburg, ISBN 5-89534-005-9, pp. 279
- 300, 1997.
Bjørgo, E., O.M. Johannessen and M. Miles: Analysis of Merged SMMR-SSMI Time Series of Arctic and Antarctic Sea Ice
Parameters 1978 - 1995. Geophysical Research Letters, Vol.24, No. 4, pp. 413 - 416, 1997
300 - Bjø - 97.pdf
Johannessen, J.A., P.W. Vachon and O.M. Johannessen: ERS-1 SAR imaging of marine boundary layer processes: Earth
Observation and Remote Sensing, Vol.14, No. 3, , ISSN 1024-5251, pp. 449 - 462, 1997.
Johannesen, O.M., S. Sandven, K. Kloster, L.H. Pettersson, V.V. Melentyev, L.P. Bobylev, and K. Ya. Kondratyev: ERS-1/2 SAR
monitoring of dangerous ice phenomena along the western part of the Northern Sea Route. International Journal of Remote
Sensing, Vol. 18, No. 12, pp. 2477 - 2481, 1997
Melentyev V.V, A.I. Tikhomirov, K.Ya. Kondratyev, O.M. Johannessen, S. Sandven and L.H. Pettersson: Study of the freeze-up
phase change on large temperature-zone inland water bodies and possibilities of their microwave diagnostics. Earth Research from
Space, Journal of Russian Academy of Sciences, No.3, pp. 61 - 72, 1997.
Melentyev V.V., K.Y. Kondratyev, L.P. Bobylev, Yu.F. Glushko, O.M. Johannessen, S. Sandven, L.H. Pettersson and K. Kloster:
The use of ERS 1/2 SAR images for improvement of hydrometeorological support of navigation in the western part of the Northern
Sea Route in 1993 - 1996. (In Russian and English). Russian Meteorology and Hydrology - official Journal of the HydroMet. service
of the Russian Federation, No. 5, pp. 61 - 67, 1997, English by Allerton Press Inc., MA 01923, USA. ISSN 0130-2906, 1997
Espedal, H.A., O.M. Johannessen, J.A. Johannessen, E. Dano, D. Lyzenga and J.C. Knulst: ERS-1/2 SAR Detection of Natural
Film on the Ocean Surface. In proceedings from IGARSS ‘97 - A Scientific Vision for Sustainable Development, Singapore, 03.08.
1997-08.08.1997. Vol. 3 pp. 1168 - 1170, IEEE no. 97CH36042, 1997.
DOI: 10.1109/IGARSS.1997.606386
291 - Esp - 97.pdf
68. Johannessen. O.M., E. Bjørgo and M.W. Miles: Global Warming and the Arctic. Science, vol. 271, 12 januay 1996.
67. Johannessen, J.A., R.A. Shuchman, G. Digranes, D.R. Lyzenga, C. Wackerman, O.M. Johannessen and P.W. Vachon: Coastal
ocean fronts and eddies imaged with ERS 1 synthetic aperature radar. Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol 101, No C3, 01480227, pp. 6651 - 6667, C3, 1996
66. Johannessen,O.M, S. Sandven, L.H. Pettersson, M. Miles, K. Kloster, V.V. Melentyev, L.P. Bobleyev and K. Ya. Kondratyev: Nearreal-time sea ice monitoring in the Northern Sea route using ERS-1 SAR and DMSP SSM/I microwave data. Acia Astronautica,
Vol.38, 0094-5765, Nos 4 - 8, pp. 457 - 465, 1996.
65. Espedal, H.A., O.M. Johannessen and J. Knulst: Satellite detection of natural films on the ocean surface. Geophysical Research
Letters, Vol. 23, No.22, 0094-8534, pp. 3151 - 3154, 1996
255 - Esp - 96.pdf
64. Book
Kondratyev, K.Ya., O.M. Johannessen and V.V. Melentyev: High Latitude Climate and Remote Sensing. Wiley Praxis Series in
Remote Sensing, John Wiley and Sons in association with Praxis Publishing Ltd. 200 p, 1996.
Johannessen J.A, P.W.Vachon and O.M. Johannessen: ERS-1 SAR Imaging of Marine Boundary Layer Processes. Earth
Research from Space, Journal of Russian Academy of Sciences, No. 3, pp. 79 - 88, 1996.
63. Johannessen, J.A., R.A. Shuchman and O.M. Johannessen: Mesoscale variability with ERS-1 SAR. Oceanographic Application of
Remote Sensing, Eds. Ikeda, M. and F. Dobson, CRC Press Inc., Boca Raton, FL, US, 1995
62. Johannessen, O.M., M.W. Miles and E. Bjørgo: The Arctic’s shrinking sea ice. Nature, Vol. 376, pp. 126 - 127, 1995
61. Kondratyev, K. Ya., V.V. Melentyev, L.P. Bobylev, O.M. Johannessen, S. Sandven and L.H. Pettersson: Experience of the ERS-1
Images Utilization for Aims of the Sea Ice Monitoring and Development of the Satellite Support of the Northern Sea Route Ice
Navigation. Earth Research from Space, no. 1, Russian Academy of Sciences, 1995
60. Espedal, H.A., O.M. Johannessen and J. Knulst: Natural films in coastal waters. In proceedings from IGARSS ‘95 Firenze, Italy,
Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 1995. 'Quantitative Remote Sensing for Science and Applications', International
0-7803-2567-2, vol. 3 pp. 2106 - 2108, 1995
DOI: 10.1109/IGARSS.1995.524121
230 - Esp - 95.pdf
60. Book
Johannessen, O.M., R. Muench and J.E. Overland (eds): The Polar Oceans and Their Role in Shaping the Global Environment,
The Nansen Centennial Volume. Geophysical Monograph 85, American Geophysical Union, Wash. D.C., ISBN 0-87590-042-9,
1994. Available from:
Including chapters:
59. Johannessen, O.M., S. Sandven, W.P. Budgell, J.A. Johannessen and R. Suchman: Observation and Simulation of Ice Tongues
and Vortex-Pairs in the Marginal Ice Zone.
58. Samuel, P., J.A. Johannessen and O.M. Johannessen: A study on the inflow of Atlantic water to the GIN Sea using GEOSAT
altimeter data
218 - Sam94.pdf
57. Shuchman, R.A., C.L. Rufenach and O.M. Johannessen: Extraction of marginal ice zone thickness using gravity wave imagery.
Journal of Geophysical Research, 99, No. C1, pp. 901 – 918, 1994.
56. Vachon, P., O.M. Johannessen and J.A. Johannessen: Analysis of atmospheric lee waves near Hopen. Journal of Geophysical
Research, 99 (C11), 1994.
56. Johannessen, J.A., R.A. Shuchman, C. Wackermann, G. Digranes, D.R. Lyzenga and O.M. Johannessen: Detection of surface
current features with ERS-1 SAR. In proceeding Second ERS-1 symposium: Space at the service of our environment, 11. - 14.
October, 1993, Hamburg, ESA SP-361, European Space Agency Publications Division, 1994.
212 - Joh94.pdf
55. Johannessen, O.M., H. Sagen, S. Sandven, K.V. Starke, S. Payne and I. Engelsen: Spatial variation in ambient sound level within
ice edge eddies. In Kerman, B.R. (ed), Natural Physical Sources of Underwater Sound, pp. 563 – 571, Kluwer Academic Publishers,
54. Kondratyev, K. Ya and O.M. Johannessen: Polar region and climate. Monograph, Propo Publication, Russian Academy of
Sciences, St. Petersburg, 1993.
53. Johannessen, J.A., L.P. Røed, O.M. Johannessen, G. Evensen, B. Hackett, L.H. Pettersson, P.M. Haugan, S. Sandven and R.
Shuchman: Monitoring and modeling of the marine coastal environment. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, Vol.
59, No. 3, pp. 351 – 361, 1993
52. Lynch, J.F., H.X. Wu, R. Pawlowicz, P.F. Worcester, R.E. Keenan, H.C. Graber, O.M. Johannessen, P. Wadhams and R.
Schuchman: Ambient noise measurements in the 200-350 Hz band from the Greenland Sea tomography experiment. Journal of
Acoustical Society America, 94 (2), pp. 1015 – 1033, 1993.
51. Sandven, S. and O.M. Johannessen: Ice studies in the Barents Sea by ERS-1 SAR during SIZEX ’92. Adv. Space Res., Vol.13,
No. 5, pp. (5)41 – (5)52, 1993.
50. Worcester, P.F., J.F. Lynch, M.W.L. Morawitz, R. Pawlowicz, P.J. Sutton, B.D. Cornuelle, O.M. Johannessen, W.H. Munk, W.B.
Owens, R. Schuchman and R.C. Spindel: Evolution of the large-scale temperature field in the Greenland Sea during 1988-89 from
tomographic measurements. Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 20, No. 20, pp. 2211 – 2214, 1993.
49. Sandven, S. and O.M. Johannessen: The use of microwave remote sensing for ice studies in the Barents Sea. ISPRS Journal of
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 48 (1), 0924-2716, pp. 2 – 18, 1993.
48. Johannessen, O.M., H. Sagen, Ø. Nesse, I. Engelsen and S. Sandven: Ambient noise generation by ice-ocean jets, eddies and
tidal current in the marginal ice zone. In Weydert, M. (ed), European Conference on Underwater Acoustics, pp. 28 – 38, Elsevier
Applied Science, 1992.
47. Johannessen, O.M., W.J. Campbell, R.A. Shuchman, S. Sandven, P. Gloersen, J.A. Johannessen, E.G. Josberger and P. M.
Haugan: Microwave study programs of air-ice-ocean interactive processes in the seasonal ice zone of the Greenland and Barents
seas. In Carsey, F. (ed): Microwave Remote Sensing of Sea Ice, American Geophysical Union Geophysical Monograph 68, Chapter
13, pp. 261 – 289, 1992.
46. Kloster, K., H. Flesche and O.M. Johannessen: Ice Motion from Airborne SAR and Satellite Imagery. Adv. Space Res. Vol. 12, No.
7, pp. (7)149-(7)153, 1992
45. Johannessen, O.M., S. Sandven and J.A. Johannessen: Eddy-related winter convection in the Boreas Basin. In Gascard, J. C. and
P. C. Chu (eds): Deep Convection and Deep Water Formation in the oceans, Elsevier Oceanographic series, pp. 87 - 105, 1991.
44. Haugan, P.M., G. Evensen, J.A. Johannessen, O.M. Johannessen and L.H. Pettersson: Modeled and observed mesoscale
circulation and wave-current refraction during the 1988 Norwegian Continental Shelf experiment. Journal of Geophysical Research,
Vol. 96, pp. 10.487 - 10.506, 1991.
43. Johannessen, J.A., R.A. Shuchman, O.M. Johannessen, K.L. Davidson and D.R. Lyzenga: Synthetic aperture radar imaging of
upper ocean circulation features and wind fronts. Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 96, 1991.
42. Melberg, L.E., O.M. Johannessen, D.N. Connors, G. Botseas, and D.G. Browing: Acoustic propagation in the western Greenland
Sea frontal zone. Journal of Acoustical Society America, 89 (5) pp. 2144- 2156, 1991
41. Pettersson, L.H., O.M. Johannessen, Ø. Frette, K. Sørensen, E. Svendsen, G.A. Borstad and J.F.R Gower: Airborne Imaging
Spectrometry for Mapping of the Chlorophyll a Distribution and Pollution in the Skagerak Region. EARSeL Advances in Remote
Sensing, Vol. 1, No. 1, 1991.
40. Sandven S., O.M. Johannessen and J.A. Johannessen: Mesoscale eddies and chimneys in the marginal ice zone. Journal of
Marine Systems, 2, pp. 195 - 208, 1991
40. Johannessen, J.A., O.M. Johannessen, S. Sandven and P.M. Haugan: Characterization of air-ice-ocean interactive processes in
the MIZ based on SAR derived ice edge configurations. In proceedings of IGARSS'91, Volume II, pp. 429 - 432, 1991, International
Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Helsinki University of Technology, ESPOO, Finland, 1991. Remote Sensing: Global
Monitoring for Earth Management., International
DOI: 10.1109/IGARSS.1991.579181
152 - Joh - 91.pdf
39. Sagen, H., O.M. Johannessen and S. Sandven: The influence of sea ice on ocean ambient sound. In Ice Technology for Polar
Operation. In Murthy, T. K. S., J. G. Paren, W. M. Sackinger, P. Wadhams (eds.): Ice Technology for Polar Operations,
Computational Mechanics Publications, pp. 415 - 426, 1990.
38. Sandven, S. and O.M. Johannessen: Ice conditions in the Barents Sea during SIZEX 89. In Murthy, T. K. S., J. G. Paren, W. M.
Sackinger, P. Wadhams (eds.): Ice Technology for Polar Operations, Computational Mechanics Publications, pp. 309 - 320, 1990.
37. Sandven, S. and O.M. Johannessen: Seasonal ice zone studies. In LeMehaute, B. and D. M. Hanes: The Sea, Vol. 9, Ocean
Engineering Science, John Wiley & Sons, pp. 567 - 591, 1990.
38. Haugan, P.M., O.M. Johannessen and S. Sandven: Sea ice modeling in the Barents Sea during SIZEX 89. In proceedings from the
IGARSS´90 symposium, Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 'Remote Sensing Science for the Nineties'., Washington
D.C., 1990. 10th Annual International. p. 1509 – 1512. IEEE Conference Publications
DOI: 10.1109/IGARSS.1990.688789
132 - Hau - 90.pdf
36. Dundas I., O.M. Johannessen, G. Berge and B. Heimdal: Toxic Algal Bloom in Scandinavian Waters, May - June 1988.
Oceanography. Off. mag. of Oceanographic Society, Vol 2, No.1, 1989
115 - Dun - 89.pdf
35. Haugan, P.M., J.A. Johannessen, K. Lygre, S. Sandven and O.M. Johannessen: Simulation experiments of the evolution of
mesoscale circulation features in the Norwegian coastal current. In Nihoul, J.C.J. and Jamart, B.M. (eds.): Mesoscale/Synoptic
Coherent Structures in Geophysical Turbulence, Elsevier, 1989.
34. Johannessen, J.A., E. Svendsen, S. Sandven, O.M. Johannessen and K. Lygre: Three Dimensional Structure of Mesoscale Eddies
in the Norwegian Coastal Current. Journal of Physical Oceanography, Vol. 19, No. 1, pp. 3 - 19, 1989
33. Johannessen, J.A., O.M. Johannessen and P.M. Haugan: Remote Sensing and model simulation studies of the Norwegian coastal
current during the algal bloom in May 1988. International Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 10, no.12, pp. 1893-1906, 1989
112 - Joh89.pdf
32. MIZEX Group, Johannessen, O.M. et. al.: MIZEX East 1987. Winter Marginal Ice Zone Program in the Fram Strait and Greenland
Sea. EOS Transactions, American Geophysical Union, Vol. 70, No. 17, 1989
31. NORCSEX ´88 Group, Johannessen, J.A., O.M. Johannessen, et al: NORCSEX ´88 (Norwegian Continental Shelf Experiment). A
Pre-Launch ERS-1 Experiment. EOS Transactions, American Geophysical Union, Vol. 40, No. 49, 1989
30. Flesche, H., K. Kloster, T.I. Olaussen, O.M. Johannessen: Automatic estimation of ice kinematics using remote sensing data. In
proceedings from IGARSS '89, Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. Vol. 2, pp. 1133-1136. Vancouver, Canada, 1989.
IEEE Conference Publications
108 - Fle - 89.pdf
30. Johannessen, J.A, O.M. Johannessen and R.A. Shuchman: Overview and highlights from NORCSEX ´88. A pre-launch ERS-1
experiment. In proceedings from IGARSS ´89, Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Vancouver, Canada, July 10. - 14.,
1989. IEEE Conference Publications1989
105 - Joh - 89.pdf
30. Johannessen, O.M., S.G. Payne, K.V. Starke, G.A. Gotthardt and I. Dyer: Ice Eddy Ambient Noise. In Kerman, B.R. (ed.)
proceedings from Natural Mechanisms of Surface Generated Noise in the Ocean, 95. NATO Advanced Research Workshop June
15. - 19., 1987, La Spezia, Italy, Reidel, 1988.
30. Johannessen, J. A., O.M. Johannessen, R. Shucman, K. Davidson and H. Essen: NORCSEX'88: Preliminary Results from the Prelaunch ERS-1 Experiment with Emphasis on SAR studies. In proceedings of IGARSS'88 Symposium, Geoscience and Remote
Sensing Symposium, Edinburgh, Scotland, 1988. ESA SP-2B4 (IEEE 88CH241Jl-6).
90 - Joh - 88.pdf
29. Campbell, W.J., P. Gloersen, E.G. Josberger, O.M. Johannessen, P.S. Guest, N. Mognard, R. Shuchman, B.A. Burns, N.
Lannelongue, and K.L. Davidson: Variations of meso-scale large-scale Ice Morphology in the 1984 Marginal Ice Zone experiment as
Observed by Microwave Remote Sensing. Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol.92, 1987.
28. Chiu, C.S., J.F. Lynch, and O.M. Johannessen: Tomographic resolution of Meso-scale Eddies in the Marginal Ice Zone. Journal of
Geophysical Research, Vol. 92, 1987.
27. Johannessen, J.A., O.M. Johannessen, R. Shuchman, T. Manley, W.J. Campbell, E.G. Josberger, S. Sandven, J.C. Gascard, T.
Olaussen, K. Davidson and J. Van Leer: Mesoscale Eddies in the Fram Strait Marginal Ice Zone During the 1983 and 1984 Marginal
Ice Zone Experiment. Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 92, No C7, pp. 6754 - 6772, 1987
26. Johannessen, O.M.: Summer marginal Ice Zone Experiments during 1983 and 1984 in the Fram Strait and the Greenland Sea.
Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 92, No C7 pp. 6716 - 6718, 1987
25. Johannessen, O.M., J.A. Johannessen, E. Svendsen, R.A. Shuchmann, W.J. Campbell and E. Josberger: Ice-Edge Eddies in the
Fram Strait Marginal Ice Zone. Science, Vol. 236, pp. 427 - 429, 24, 1987.
24. Johannessen, O.M., G. Subbaraju and J. Blindheim: Seasonal variations of the oceanographic conditions of the southwest coast of
India during 1971-1975. Fiskeridir. Skrifter Ser. Havunders., Vol. 18, no. 5, pp. 247-261, 1987.
23. Melberg, L.E. O.M. Johannessen, D.N. Connors, G. Botseas, and D. Browning: Modeled Acoustic Propagation Through an Ice
Edge Eddy in the East Greenland Sea Marginal Ice Zone. Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 92, No C7, pp. 6857 - 6868, 1987
22. Sandven, S. and O.M. Johannessen: High-frequency internal wave observations in the Marginal Ice Zone. Journal of Geophysical
Research, Vol. 92, 1987
21. Shuchman, R.A., O.M. Johannessen, E.G. Josberger, W.J. Campbell, T.O. Manley, and N. Lannelogue: Remote Sensing of the
Fram Strait Marginal Ice Zone. Science, Vol. 236, April 1997, pp. 427 - 429, 1987.
20. Johannessen, O.M.: Brief overview of the Physical Oceanography. In "The Nordic Seas", (edited by B.G. Hurdle). Springer Verlag,
New York, 1986.
19. Johannessen, O.M., J.A. Johannessen, S. Sandven and K.L. Davidson: Preliminary results of the Marginal Ice Zone Experiment
(MIZEX) Summer Operations. In "The Nordic Seas" (edited by B.G. Hurdle), Springer Verlag, New York, 1986.
18. MIZEX Group, Johannessen, O.M. et al.: MIZEX East 83/84, The Summer Marginal Ice Zone Program in the Fram Strait/Greenland
Sea. EOS Transactions, American Geophysical Union, Vol. 67, no. 23, Pages 513-517, (Including cover), 1986.
17. Gloersen, P., D.J. Cavalieri, A.T.C. Chang, T.T. Wilheit, W.J. Campbell, O.M. Johannessen, K.B. Katsaros, K.F. Künzi, D.B. Ross,
D. Staeling, E.P.L. Windsor, F.T. Barath, P. Gudmandsen, E. Langham and R.O. Ramseier: A summary of results from the first
Nimbus-7 SMMR observations. Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 89, no. D4, 1984.
16. NORCSEX Group, O.M. Johannessen and W.J. Campbell coordinators. Farrelly, B.A., J.A. Johannessen, O.M. Johannessen, E.
Svendsen, K. Kloster, I. Horjen, C. Mätzler, W.J. Campbell, J. Crawford, R. Harrington, L. Jones, C. Swift, V.E. Delnore, D.
Cavalieri, P. Gloersen, S.V. Hsiao, O.H. Shemdin, T.W. Thomson and R.O. Ramseier: Norwegian Remote Sensing Experiment in a
Marginal Ice Zone. Science, Vol. 220, no. 4599, 1983.
15. Johannessen, O.M., J.A. Johannessen, J. Morison, B.A. Farrelly and E.A. Svendsen: Oceanographic Conditions in the Marginal Ice
Zone North of Svalbard in early fall 1979 with emphasis on Mesoscale Process. Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 88, no. C5,
14. Svendsen, E., K. Kloster, B. Farrelly, O.M. Johannessen, J.A. Johannessen, W. J. Campbell, P. Gloersen, D. Cavalieri and C.
Mätzler: Norwegian Remote Sensing Experiment: Evaluation of the Nimbus-7 Scanning Multichannel Microwave Radiometer for Sea
Ice Research. Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 88, No. C5, pp. 2781 - 2791, 1983.
13. Buckley, J.R., T. Gammelsrød, J.A. Johannessen, O.M. Johannessen and L.P. Røed: Upwelling; Oceanic Structure at the Edge of
the Arctic Ice Pack in Winter. Science, Vol. 203, 1979.
29 - Buc79.pdf
12. Johannessen, O.M., and L.A. Foster: A note on the topographically controlled Oceanic Polar Front in the Barents Sea. Journal of
Geophysical Research, Ocean Front Issue, Vol. 83, no. C9, Ser. 30, 1978.
11. Johannessen, O.M., D. Good and C. Smallenburger: Observations of an Oceanic Front in the Ionian Sea during early winter 1970.
Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 82, no. 9, 1977.
10. Johannessen, O.M. and O.S. Lee: A deep thermo-haline structure in the Mediterranean. Deep-Sea research, Vol. 21, 1974
9. Mellberg, L.E., O.M. Johannessen, and O.S. Lee: Acoustic effect caused by a deep thermohaline stepped structure in the
Mediterranean Sea. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 55, no. 5, 1974.
8. Briscoe, M.G., O.M. Johannessen, and S. Vincenzi: The Maltese oceanic front, a surface description by ship and aircraft. Deep Sea
Research, Vol. 21, 1974.
21 - Bri74.pdf
Mellberg, L.E.,Johannessen, O.M.: Layered oceanic microstructure - its effects on sound propagation. Journal Acoustical Society of
America, Vol 53, no. 2, 1973.
El-Sabh, M.I. and O.M. Johannessen: Winter Geostrophic Circulation in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Journal of Fisheries Research
Board of Canada, Vol. 29, no. 5, 1972.
Farmer, D., O.M. Johannessen, J.E. Keys, E.R. Pounder and H. Serson: Observations of ice drift from a manned drifting station in
the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 75, no. 15, pp. 2863 - 2867, 1970.
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Johannessen, O.M.: Note on some vertical current profiles below ice floes in the Gulf of St. Lawrence and near the North Pole.
Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 75, no. 15, 2857 - 2861, 1970.
Smith, S.D., E.G. Banke and O.M. Johannessen: Wind stress and turbulence over ice in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Journal of
Geophysical Research, Vol 75, no. 15, 2803 - 2812, 1970.
Ingram, R.G., O.M. Johannessen and E.R. Pounder: Pilot study of ice drift in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Journal of Geophysical
Research, Vol. 74, no. 15, 1969.
Johannessen, O.M.: Some current measurements in the Drøbak Sound, the narrow entrance to the Oslofjord. Hvalrådets skrifter,
Scientific results of Marine Biological Research, no 50, The Norwegian Scientific Academy in Oslo, 1968.