Flashcards for Tectonics Rock Cycle

Flashcard Template for Rock Cycle and Plate Tectonics
Magma vs. Lava
Magma is inside the earth while lava flows over Earth’s surface
The Rock Cycle
What is the term for “recycling of material that results in formation +destruction of rock”
Term for: Rock fragments, cemented together.
Term for: rock pieces broken down by freezing, thawing + rain.
Term for: rock fragments are laid down in a new location.
Term for: Wavy bands or layers in metamorphic rock.
Term for: Forming horizontal layers of sediments.
Heat and Pressure
What processes form metamorphic rock?
How do you make an
Cool + crystallize melted lava or magma
igneous rock?
Term for: Rock pieces are transported by wind, water or ice.
Sedimentary rock
What kind of rock do you form if you have weathered, eroded, + deposited sediment?
Plate Tectonic Theory
States that Earth’s crust is broken into plates that move.
Slab pull, Ridge push,
What are 3 mechanisms that drive plate movement?
Convection currents
Transform boundary
Long faults, shallow earthquakes, crust is only deformed, Crust is not created nor destroyed.
Mountain formation
Converging, Continental-continental, Himalayan Mountains.
Mid-ocean ridge formation
Divergent, Oceanic- oceanic, mid Atlantic ridge.
Where would you find a
At a convergent boundary where oceanic crust is being subducted into a trench.
volcanic Island Arc?
Where would you find a rift
At a divergent boundary of 2 pieces of continental crust. Famous one?
Volcanoes are found where
Converging and diverging.
plates are?
Ocean trench formations
Converging, ocean-oceanic, oceanic-continental.
Matching coastlines
What did early mapmakers notice about the shapes of the continents?
The Atlantic ocean formed
Pangea broke apart+ plates where diverging.
The Appalachian
2 plates converged.
mountains formation
What was the name of Wegner’s supercontinent 200 million years ago?