
Practice Test
Circle the best answer AND write the letter in the left margin.
1. The more energy that particles have
*A. the faster they move
B. the slower they move
C. the higher the mass of the object
D. the more likely they are to form a solid
2. Which term describes the temperature at which a solid turns to a liquid?
A. boiling point
*B. melting point
C. condensation point
D. phase change
3. Which statement is part of the kinetic molecular theory?
*A. Energy makes particles move.
B. Atoms contain protons.
C. Density is a property of matter.
D. all of the above
4. Why do materials expand when heated?
A. The particles in the material get larger.
*B. The particles in the material move faster, increasing spaces between them.
C. The particles get larger and increase the spacing between them.
D. The particles in the material move faster, decreasing spaces between them.
5. Which best describes the nucleus?
A. contains protons and electrons; electrically neutral
B. contains protons and electrons; positively charged
*C. contains protons and neutrons; positively charged
D. contains neutrons and electrons; negatively charged
6. Which best describes an atom?
*A. electrically neutral
B. positively charged
C. negatively charged
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Match the Term on the left with the best Descriptor on the right.
Each Descriptor may be used only once.
7. nucleus
8. electron
9. conductive
10. malleable
11. neutron
12. ductile
a subatomic particle with a charge of zero
dense part of an atom
able to be drawn into a wire
able to transmit heat or electricity
occupies an energy level surrounding the nucleus
change in state from liquid to gas
able to be hammered into a sheet
ratio of mass to volume
a measure of hardness
Short Answer Questions
[1 mark for each part]
13. (a) Rutherford’s model of the atom resulted from an experiment in which alpha particles were
made to pass through a thin gold sheet. Most alpha particles passed straight
through, but some were deflected. Explain what Rutherford was able to conclude from this
about the composition of atoms.
That atoms contain a nucleus which is the densest part of the atom and electrons move
around it.
(b) Bohr studied the results of experiments on the light released by gaseous samples of atoms,
such as those of hydrogen. What was he able to conclude from this about the way
electrons exist in atoms?
Electrons exist in specific energy levels or “shells”.
14. (a) Where is 99.99% of the mass in an atom located?
The nucleus.
(b) Which particles in an atom occupy 99.99% of the volume of the atom?
Electrons take up the most volume since they can orbit far away from the nucleus.
(c) Where is all of the positive charge in an atom located?
In the protons of the nucleus.
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Circle the best answer AND write the letter in the left margin.
15. Which of the following is a metalloid?
A. sodium
B. sulphur
*C. silicon
D. strontium
16. What is a period in the Periodic Table?
A. a vertical column
*B. a horizontal row
C. a family of elements with similar properties
D. a group of elements all of which have the same number of valence electrons
17. What do the noble gases He and Kr have in common?
A. The same number of electrons
B. The same number of valence electrons
*C. Filled valence shells
D. Both gases will make a balloon tend to float.
18. How is the periodic table arranged?
A. by atomic mass and chemical properties
B. by ion charge and atomic mass
C. by ion charge and atomic number
*D. by atomic number and chemical properties
19. Which phrase is correct for a Bohr model of any metal ion?
*A. more protons than electrons
B. more electrons than protons
C. equal numbers of protons and electrons
D. equal number of neutrons and protons
20. Which best describes the alkaline earth metal family?
A. family of metals that is magnetic
B. family of metals used to make coins
C. the most reactive family of metals
*D. family whose elements have two valence electrons
21. Which best describes an element?
*A. a pure substance that cannot be broken down or separated into simpler substances
B. a pure substance that can be decomposed further by physical means
C. a mixture of different kinds of atoms, with the same number of protons
D. a family of substances all of which have similar properties
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Match the Term on the left with the best Descriptor on the right.
Each Descriptor may be used only once.
F_____ 22. atomic mass
G_____ 23. noble gases
B_____ 24. atomic number
H_____ 25. Bohr model
D_____ 26. metalloid
A_____ 27. alkali metal
a family of chemically reactive elements
the number of protons in an atom
contain the element fluorine
has properties of both metals and non-metals
compares the inside of an atom to a raisin bun
the mass of an average atom of an element
family of chemically unreactive gases
shows the arrangement of electrons in an atom
Short Answer Questions
28. Calcium’s atomic number is 20.
(a) Draw a simple Bohr diagram showing the # protons, # neutrons, the symbol and the
number of electrons in each energy level for the atoms listed. [4 marks]
(b) Draw a simple Bohr diagram showing the # protons, # neutrons, the ion symbol and
number of electrons in each energy level of an oxide ion . [2 marks]
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