Lesson 3 - Language Socialization

Unit 2, Lesson 3
WED FEB 2 (1hr 54min)
Audio Recorders
Powerpoint: Unit2_Lesson3_PPT.pptx “Language Socialization”
Objective: Identify different types of language socialization. Continuing from the theme of the
previous day, language and identity, students will discuss how language influences identities, and
how identities are socialized.
*Preview the Day: We’ll talk about language socialization. Create Interview questions and practice
interviews. At the end of class we will discuss the Oral History project and answer any questions.
1) Introduction Question: What words sound odd for a male to say? Female? Child? Parents?
2) Intro Activity: Come up with a sentence phrase that your grandparents’ generation would not
understand or vice versa. (10 min)
Ex: That 8 tracks pretty cool man
3) PPT: Identify different types of language socialization.
Before slide 1 ask students “Where/How do we learn how to use language?”
Let the students share their responses, and then present slide 1.
Group Discussion: Discuss Language Socialization and the way we use language everyday.
 Where and from whom do we learn language?
 Where do toddlers learn language? From whom do they learn language?
 Where do teenagers learn their language? Where do professors learn their language?
 How do language identities vary between family, gender, race, age, and region?
o Mr. Bisson can add any material relevant from Sociology class
Time: 15 minutes
3) Interview Activity (60min)
Watch Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jt0eqVAwhP8 (3min10sec in)
Interview w/ JonnyDepp on Inside the Actors studio
Procedure: Interview another student to inquire about likes, dislikes, hobbies, family, and cultural
In pairs (Assigned by teacher):
 Take a minute to reflect on the video, and think of a question you will ask someone in order
to learn more about them.
Create 4-5 questions each (Record question in Journal)
Create a question that you think will elicit a long response, something that requires the
other person to tell a story about him or herself. (10 min)
 Create a question someone could ask you in order to get a long response?
 In Pairs Conduct in class Interviews (20 min)
 Students will introduce partner (25 min)
 Instructors should model the first introductions
 After intros instructor will compile the list of interview questions used (In a Word doc)
Discussion: (10 min)
 How did it go? Do you think you captured the person? Were they speaking as themselves?
Having a real conversation with you?
 Language tells us a lot about a person.
4) Introduce Oral History Project.
Home Activity: Use interview questions to interview parents/ grandparents or other relatives
about family language heritage. Write up 3-4 page paper describing interview. Give Timeline:
Presentations Wed Mar 2, Papers Due Fri Mar 4
Answer any Questions
Time: 10 min
5) Open Discussion (5min)
Objectives: Re-cap the concepts of the week for homework due Fri.
Time: 15-20 min
Discuss: Identity, Metalingistics, Language Socialization
Concepts Assignment Due: Friday
(Move to Friday)
 Playback audio recordings and reflect on what you think is distinctive about the way you
talk. (20 min)
 Everyone has attitudes about the way they speak.
(In Journals answer question)
 What surprises you about the way you speak?
 Do you speak differently from your partner?
o How do you speak differently?
 How does language inform your personal identity & vice versa?
Time: 15 minutes