
Wind and wave-driven warm eddy
Hi Eda,
Good preparations! Plan for 2-part papers, one is “big” view (“A”) and the other one “small-domain” (“C”).
A. Write a draft MS (“Wind and wave-driven warm eddy”):
(a) Describe the model setup and experiments;
(b) Organize and describe the results - the big-domain view (your *ppt plots) will be good;
(c) 2 questions:
(1) Does the interaction of wind and front (circular eddy front) produce enhanced mixing?
(2) What are the changes in this mixing by waves?
(d) We will address these questions (especially (1) above) in steps. The 0.5km high-resolution simulation is a
first step. It has symmetric instability (SI) physics which may enhance mixing. So we wish to know the
roles of SI-mixing. We compare experiments with and without SI-mixing, and also examine the additional
effects from wind-waves. Later (see below) we will design experiments to exclude the SI-physics.
Compare time-series of waves and no waves (16-26days; did you only save daily averaged??) of the
following (xyz)volume-averaged quantities. Choose 2 volumes. The xy-area is the same = your slide#6
lat/lon: 135-138.5E, 18.5-23.5N. Choose 2 different z-cases: 0-50m & 0-100m.
(1) T;
(2) TKE3 = 0.5*(u2+v2+w2);
(3) EKE3 = 0.5*(u’2+v’2+w’2), where u’ = u – u@time=15d; i.e. initial…;
(4) EKE2 = 0.5*(u’2+v’2)
(5) PV;
(6) /f;
(7) N2 = -g(/z)/o;
(8) S2 = (u/z)2+(v/z)2;
(9) Ri = N2/S2
Compare time series of (xy)-area averaged of:
(10) OHC;
(11) D28;
(12) SSH.
Compare 0-50m depth-averaged contours of (like you did at day16, 21 & 26):
(13) KH;
(14) W;
(15) M2 = g{[(/x)/o]2+[(/y)/o]2.
(e) Rerun Exp1* experiments with x=y=10km instead of 0.5km; save q2 (=q2) instead of KM. This
experiment should exclude SI (I hope);
(f) I/we need to design another experiment for mixing only on the 3D eddy!
B. Read Thomas&Taylor (or Taylor&Thomas? GRL) - PJC - you probably led? And relevant references.
C. Detailed small-domain view :
(a) NCO 1 small domain 100kmx100km at the western portion 135.8-136.8E & 21-22N; share that data with
Hitoshi so he can analyze in details;
(b) NCO 1 even smaller one away from the eddy, say 135-135.2E & 21-21.2N; Hitoshi: you should study
Ekman “spiral”. We will plan what to do after seeing plots etc;