Minutes for Kesher Israel Board Meeting September 11, 2012

Minutes for Kesher Israel Board Meeting
September 11, 2012
Attendees: Elanit Jakabovics, Debbie Cooper, Shoshana Danon-Perkins, Diana Schemo, Mordechai
Ledenberg, Jacob Lesch, Judah Rose, Bracha Reznik, Matt Horowitz, Stephanie Vidikan, Rabbi Freundel,
Andrew Mener, David Barak, David Plotinsky
Elanit called the meeting to order at approximately 7:55pm.
Dvar Torah—The rabbi discussed that any space used for services on a recurring basis even if just for the
high holidays becomes sanctified, and therefore our work for the high holidays is to re-sanctify our
Approval New Members (Elanit)
The board reviewed membership applications for the following people: Yaakov and Adina
Spiegel, Zach Zimmerman and Sarah Becker, Nina Calmenson, and David Bronstein. Based on a
voice vote, the Board approved the new member applications without objection.
Approval of Last Meeting’s Minutes (Elanit)
There were no changes to the minutes from the last meeting, and they were approved without
Financial Update (Matt/Debbie)
The board reviewed the financial statement for August 2012.
Property Inspection Report (Elanit)
Elanit reviewed the property inspection report for the shul. The board decided to immediately
address items needing prompt attention. For all other items, Elanit will put together and
prioritize the list for the shul, the bayit and the rabbi’s residence.
Action Items: Elanit will work with one or two board members to create and prioritize a list of all
property items that need to be addressed. Elanit will work to resolve the immediate item of the
gas leak ASAP.
High Holiday Updates (Elanit)
The board discussed the programming and schedule for the upcoming holidays. Based on
recommendations from the gabbaim and other stakeholders, the board determined that the
tradition of holding two services on Simchat Torah will be continued this year.
The gabbaim will stay on schedule to ensure services end in a timely manner.
The board also decided that the shul will serve a hot Kiddush at the end of services for Simchat
Action Item: For Simchat Torah, the gabbaim will monitor time to stay on schedule and keep the
dancing during the hakafot to approximately one hour (Matt and David).
Women’s Rosh Chodesh Tefillah & Study Group (Bracha)
Bracha brought to the board’s attention the fact that attendees and volunteers for the monthly
women’s tefillah group has been decreasing for a while. The board recommended the women’s
tefillah organizers call a meeting for all interested women in the community to discuss what
they would want in terms of a tefillah or study group.
Action Item: Bracha and the other tefillah group organizers will announce and plan a meeting,
inviting women in the community to discuss and brainstorm about what they would like from a
women’s tefillah and study group perspective.
Social Director’s Portfolio (Jacob)
Jacob updated the board on the social event schedule through the end of the calendar year and
mentioned he was working to raise some funds for social programming.
Education Director’s Portfolio (Bracha)
Bracha reported that Kesher’s Daf Yomi group will celebrate its siyum this Shabbat. Kesher’s
class schedule will resume on October 17, 2012 with the Rabbi’s classes on Wednesday and a
new class on Tuesday. Details will be forthcoming.
Action Items: The shul will be open on Shabbat afternoons before the rabbi’s shiur for anyone
who wants to come for learning. A key will be given to Scott Weinberg to open the shul for this
purpose. Bracha will post a flyer with the upcoming class schedule in the shul lobby in time for
Yom Kippur services.
Ritual Director’s Portfolio (David)
The board discussed the need for a new coordinator for Carlebach services. David Barak
recommended that the board approve Menachem Frenkel as a gabbai. Based on a voice vote,
the Board approved Menachem as a gabbai without objection.
Action Item: The rabbi will approach Scott Weinberg about becoming the new Carlebach
President’s Update (Elanit)
Elanit reported that on November 4th there will be a Hachnasat Sefer Torah with a Torah
sponsored by Mordechai Lebenberg in memory of his parents. The Torah will be on loan to the
shul. The Board expressed its thanks to Mordechai for his generosity. Also on November 4th the
annual Tzvi Daremblum Memorial lecture will take place with Leon Wieseltier and David Brooks.
Sheldon Wiesel will stay on as a trustee.
She reminded the board that if volunteers leave their positions, they should work to find their
own replacements.
Good and Welfare
David Plotinsky reminded the Board to take advantage of increased attendance at Kesher during
the holidays as an opportunity to meet new people.
Bracha remarked there wasn’t a minyan for mincha that day at Kesher.
The meeting was adjourned at approximately 9:17pm.
Consolidated List of Action Items
Elanit will work with one or two board members to create and prioritize a list of all property
items that need to be addressed. Elanit will work to resolve the immediate item of the gas leak
ASAP. (Elanit)
For Simchat Torah, the gabbaim will monitor time to stay on schedule and keep the dancing
during the hakafot to approximately one hour (Matt and David).
Bracha and the other tefillah group organizers will announce and plan a meeting, inviting
women in the community to discuss and brainstorm about what they would like from a
women’s tefillah and study group perspective. (Bracha)
The shul will be open on Shabbat afternoons before the rabbi’s shiur for anyone who wants to
come for learning. A key will be given to Scott Weinberg to open the shul for this purpose.
Bracha will post a flyer with the upcoming class schedule in the shul lobby in time for Yom
Kippur services. (Bracha)
The rabbi will approach Scott Weinberg about becoming the new Carlebach coordinator. (Rabbi