Clinical and Translational Research Articles

Translational Research: Moving Discovery to Practice
Translational and Clinical Science — Time for a New Vision
Clinical and Translational Science Awards: a framework for a national research agenda
The Meaning of Translational Research and Why It Matters
Translational medicine: can it really facilitate the transition of research “from bench to bedside”?
Translational medicine: science or wishful thinking?
All Is Not Well in the World of Translational Research
Translating Research Into Practice (TRIP) - II
Ethical Hurdles for Translational Research
Biomedical informatics and translational medicine
FDA Calls For Reforms to Bridge The Gap Between Bench and Bedside
Translational science: what is it and why is it so important?
What is translational research?
Hope in translation
Value in Health: “Bridging the Gap” Among Our Disciplines
Translational Medicine: A two-way road
What’s next in translational medicine?
Knowledge Translation Versus Knowledge Integration: A “Funder’s” Perspective
Basic Science and Translational Research in JAMA
Translational research in environmental health sciences
Translational Research: Walking the Bridge between Idea and Cure—Seventeenth
Bruce F. Cain Memorial Award Lecture1
Translational Science at the National Institute of Mental Health: Can Social Work Take Its
Rightful Place?
Advancing translational research with the Semantic Web