Topographic Map Test

Topographic Map Test
Completion of this project will demonstrate your understanding of
the Topographic Map Unit. You will construct a simple
topographic map and a 3-D model to go along with it. Below are
the requirements for the project and how the project will be graded.
Topographic Map (50 points)
- Must be neatly drawn in pen
- Must include a legend, bar scale (bar scale should be accurate
to map and model, direction arrow, contour interval, index
contours, and a title)
- The map must be of an island
- Must have at least one peak over 200 ft., and a benchmark to
show exact elevation
- The contour interval must not exceed 40 ft.
- Must include one depression deeper than 20 ft.
- Must include one river, stream or creek that flows into the
3-D Model (35 points)
- Must be neat in presentation
- Must show good correlation with your map (i.e., contour
lines on the map should match elevation levels)
- Must show a peak of over 200 ft.
- Must include one depression deeper than 20 ft.
- Must fit the bar scale used on your topographic map
- Must include a river, stream or creek that flows into the
Due Date: November 3, 2011