LSA Faculty Recruitment – Cost Sharing

LSA Faculty Recruitment – Cost Sharing
(Updated April, 2013)
Recruitment of new faculty is essential for maintaining the strength of LSA. Historically, departments
were expected to pay a significant fraction of recruiting costs from their discretionary balances. With
the change in budgeting, less discretionary money will be available; consequently, more recruiting costs
will be borne by the College. The purpose of this document is to describe the College policies for
Summer ninths
Any time a new position is approved, the College will fund 2 summer ninths
Offers in excess of two summer ninths must be approved by the relevant Divisional Associate
Dean and will only be authorized when there is a demonstrated market need. If approved,
departments are responsible for funding anything over two summer ninths.
Research Fund
Any time a new position is approved, it will carry an authorization for a $5000 research account,
funded by the College. This account has a “sunset” period of three years or tenure, whichever is
longer. That is – these funds are to provide the resources necessary to start a program until
external funding, if needed, can be obtained.
Research accounts in excess of $5000 for appointments that are not in the laboratory sciences
must be approved by the relevant Divisional Associate Dean and will only be authorized when
there is a demonstrated market need. If authorized, funding of the amount over $5,000 will be
determined on a case by case basis.
For the laboratory sciences, Departments are expected to cover 20% of research funds using
RESIN or Endowment funds for research funds up to $750,000, and 40% of the costs over
$750,000. If a department lacks sufficient funds for a particular hire, they may, with the
approval of the Associate Dean for Budget, borrow funds from the RESIN that is anticipated in
future years.
Renovation costs
All proposed renovation plans must be approved by the LSA Director of Facilities and Operations. In
general, necessary renovation costs up to $500,000 will be paid by the College. If a potential recruit is
expected to require more extensive renovations, the Department should consult with their Associate
Dean. If changes in an approved renovation plan result in increased costs, the department will generally
be responsible for the increase.
Dual Career Support
The UM Dual Career Program can, with the approval of the Provost, provide temporary funding to
facilitate the appointment of the partners of newly hired faculty. For a typical dual career appointment,
Updated April, 2013
one-third of the cost is paid by the Provost, one-third by the unit housing the primary faculty member
(the “Primary-share) and one-third by the unit that hires the partner (the “Hiring-share”). Provost
support for dual career appointments is time-limited, typically for three years; junior faculty
appointments are funded for 6 years, or until the tenure decision, whichever comes first.
The first and most important issue in all dual career appointments is the qualifications of the candidate.
Requests for partner hires must include a plausible career path that can lead to long-term employment.
Departments should consult with their Associate Dean and the LSA Dual Career Coordinator as soon as a
dual career issue is identified.
Any time a new position is approved, it will carry an authorization to make a request for the
“Primary-department share” of Dual-Career Program support. If approved by the Provost, this
share will be funded by the College. Departments should consult the relevant Associate Dean
regarding this funding.
If an LSA department is the appropriate home for a dual-career hire, funds for the “Hiringdepartment” share of the position will be provided by the College. Rules for allocating these
funds will depend on the nature of the partner position:
o Staff – – the first criteria in all staff hiring is the qualifications of the candidate. Requests for
partner hires into person-specific positions within LSA will undergo standard review by LSA
HR and must identify a clear business need for the position as well as a professional
development plan for the individual. The opportunity to apply for supplemental Provost’s
funding is available for dual career situations where a person-specific term-limited position
is being requested. Units must request a job posting waiver and University HR generally
supports waivers for dual career positions approved by the Provost’s Office. Because an
extension of the term-limited appointment would be quite rare, during this appointment
the unit should work with the partner to prepare them to transition to a regular staff
position at the University through the regular employment process as positions become
available either within the unit or elsewhere in the University. Normal expectations
around staff performance management and compensation administration apply to partner
hires. Staff positions outside of LSA are coordinated with the other unit through the LSA
Dual Career Office and details of the process may vary slightly.
o Lecturer – the first criteria in all lecturer hiring is the qualifications of the candidate. During
FY11, Departments will be assigned a “target” for supplemental instruction (i.e., the
maximum number of lecturer FTEs that may be supported at any time in the department, in
analogy to the current “target” for tenure-track hiring). The “Hiring-department” will be
able to take advantage of dual-career funding to hire a lecturer if their total cohort of
supplemental instructors is less than their target. Alternatively, if the “Primary-department”
is below their lecturer target, a position may be loaned to the “Hiring department”. The
Dual-Career request should include a plan, based for example on expected turnover, for the
partner to transition to a continuing lecturer position.
o Tenure-track faculty – the first criteria in all tenure-track hiring is the qualifications of the
candidate. If the partner is approved for a tenure-track appointment following standard
departmental procedures, the College will fund this position. Note that if this hire causes
Updated April, 2013
the CFFTE (College-funded Full-time equivalents) for the hiring department to exceed their
target (aka Resource Commitment), the hiring department should consult with the Associate
Dean for Budget.
Updated April, 2013