

The Parkinson’s and Movement Disorders Center

A division of Millennium Medical Group P.C.

Patient Information


Mr. / Mrs. / Ms. / Dr.

Last Name First Middle Today’s Date


Birth Date

Home Address


( )

Home Phone number

/ /

Social Security Number


Current Employer

State Zip Code

Employer Address

( )

Daytime/Other Phone number

May we leave a voicemail message?

Marital Status:  Single

( )



Yes  No 


Yes, but leave only call back number

Married/partner (Name:_____________________)  Divorced





 F

Person allowed to receive/discuss your medical information (optional) Relationship

Relationship Emergency contact person

Please fill out the following and check off the contacts to whom you would like us to send the report.

 Primary care doctor  Neurologist

( )

Telephone number

( )

Telephone number


Street address


State Zip Code



Street address


State Zip Code

 Other doctor


Street address


State Zip Code

( )


( )


( )

Name of referring physician:

Zip Code

( )

Phone number Street address City

Should we send a copy of our report to your physicians?


 YES  NO

(Reports cannot be sent without a complete mailing address)

I authorize the release of medical and other information to my insurance company for review of my coverage and/or for the processing of claims for services rendered to me.

I accept that it is my responsibility to provide all necessary insurance information to process payment of my claim. I authorize payment of my insurance benefits to be made directly to my physician. As a courtesy, my physicians’ office will submit claims to my insurance carriers, but I understand that I am financially responsible for all services rendered not covered or payable by my insurance carrier, including deductibles, co-payments or non-covered services.

If I need an authorization/referral, it is my responsibility to obtain it from my primary care physician prior to my appointment or I will be held responsible for payment of services rendered.

I understand that if I have BCBS mastermedical, no office coverage or no insurance, I will be expected to pay in full at the time medical services are rendered.

Signature of patient or legal representative Date

If signed by legal representative, relationship

Patient Name:______________________________ Date:______________________________

Symptomatic History:

Reason for today’s visit (diagnosis?):___________________________________________ Date of diagnosis:__________

What was/were your first symptom(s)? ________________________________________ When did it occur?__________

Who diagnosed you with the above condition(s)?  Primary Care Physician  Neurologist  Other____


Medical History: Please check any of the following illnesses which you have had

___ Stroke

___Heart attack

___ Sleep apnea

___ Seizures

___ High blood pressure

___ Diabetes ___ Asthma

___ Liver hepatitis ___ Pancreatitis

___ Depression/anxiety

___ Migraine

___ Angina

___ Emphysema

___ Anemia

___ Neuropathy

___ Syncope

___ Low/high Thyroid

___ Arthritis

___ Bipolar disorder ___ Schizophrenia

___ Head Trauma

___ High Cholesterol

___ Kidney failure

___ Cancer

___ Alcoholism

List other past or present illnesses not noted above:




Surgeries or Significant Trauma?  No  Yes (please describe, indicate year):

1. _____________________________________________

2. _____________________________________________

4. _____________________________________________

5. _____________________________________________

3. _____________________________________________ 6. _____________________________________________

Social History:

Years of education/highest degree_______  Most recent/primary occupation __________________________________________

 Currently working  Retired (year)___________  Disabled (year)___________

Living situation:


At home (with:_______________________)

Never  Yes

*If yes -  Cigarettes per day: _______

 Assisted living and # of years: _______

 Nursing facility

 Yes, but Quit (date: ________________)

Alcohol:  Never  Yes

*If yes -  Drinks/ week: ________

Gambling addiction?

 Yes, but Quit (date: ________________) and # of years: _______

Recreational Drugs:  Never  Yes (describe): _______________________________________

Are you currently driving?  No  Yes

 No  Yes

Family History: Please indicate family members (parents, siblings, children, grandparents, aunt/uncles/cousins) with any of the following conditions

Parkinson’s disease


Huntington’s chorea

Obsessive compulsive disorder

Alzheimer’s or other dementia

Tourette/tic disorder

Other movement disorder/genetic disorder

Other neurological condition


Mental illness

Gait disorder or ataxia

Mental retardation



Heart disease






 Yes  No

 Yes  No

Present age or age at death Cause of death or significant illness

Allergies: Please list any allergies to prescription medications or x-ray contrast dye:  None



Patient Name:_____________________________________________________ Date:______________________________ 3

Please list all current Medications:










Activities of Daily Living: Please indicate if you have difficulty in the following areas.

Normal Mild(infrequent, no help needed)

Moderate(occasional, may need some help)


Severe(frequent, requires assistance)

Marked(very frequent, unable to do)

Excess saliva/drooling






Turning in bed


Handling Medications


Cooking/household chores

Handling finances/bills

Review of Symptoms: Please circle any current symptoms you currently have.

Constitutional: fatique/weakness, chills, sweats, hot flashes, weight loss, loss of appetite

Eye/ears/nose/throat: blurred vision, dry eyes, double vision, hearing loss, vertigo, choking, clear nasal drainage

Cardiac/pulmonary: chest pain, shortness of breath with activities, dizzy spells, palpitations, fainting, ankle swelling, wheezing, chronic cough

Gastrointestinal: nausea, vomiting, constipation, diarrhea, abdominal pain

Genitourinary: urine incontinence, urinary frequency, awakening to urinate, impotence

Musculoskeletal: muscle pain, joint pain, stiffness

Dermatological/ Allergy: Rash, itching, skin infection, decubitus ulcers

Neurological: headaches, numbness, tingling, limb weakness, lower back pain, cramps, muscle spasms, poor balance, falls, difficulty rising from a chair, tremor, loss of facial expression, word finding difficulty, impaired memory, confusion/disorientation

Endocrine: hair loss, dry skin, weight gain, edema

Hematological: bruising, blood clots, anemia, prolonged bleeding

Psychiatric: hallucinations, depression, anxiety attacks, forgetfulness, disorientation

Sleep: insomnia, sleep apnea/snoring, acting out /yelling in dreams, excessive daytime sleepiness, Restless Legs Syndrome
