Title Rhetorical Analysis of Pathos, Ethos, and Logos in Sojourner

EBA Activity
Claims and/or
Rhetorical Analysis of Pathos, Ethos, and Logos in Sojourner Truth’s speeches
Using Text as Evidence to Support an Argument
You may use the following claims:
 The most effective type of persuasive appeal used by Sojourner Truth is Logos.
 The most effective type of persuasive appeal used by Sojourner Truth is Ethos.
 The most effective type of persuasive appeal used by Sojourner Truth is Pathos.
Standard Soapbox:
Timing/Pacing  This lesson comes after students have been introduced to Political Idealism, and
after they have read Abraham Lincoln and Sojourner Truth’s speeches, but
before they have completed their own Political Idealism speeches. Students
need a basic background knowledge/familiarity with the concepts of Pathos,
Ethos, and Logos.
 This activity is approximately 20 minutes.
 This activity comes after the Do Now.
The rationale for this activity is to build rhetorical analysis and textual evidence
gathering skills, and practice in identifying and analyzing the effectiveness of using
the 3 persuasive appeals (pathos, ethos, logos).
To include an written activity, follow up with a choosing the best warrant writing
exercise in which students write a rhetorical analysis of one of Sojourner Truth’s
speeches, analyzing and providing evidence of the persuasive appeals she uses.
Reading: A selection of Sojourner Truth’s speeches (These can be found online.)
Boston Debate League © 2012
Name:_____________________________________ Class: __________ Date:______________
Using Evidence Soapbox
Background Information
Is the most effective type of persuasive appeal used by Sojourner Truth Logos, Ethos, or Pathos?
1) Claim
2) Warrant
Source (page or line)
Analysis – how does the text support
the claim?
Speech Structure
“My claim is
My warrant for this claim is from ________________________________, which states
This supports my claim because
Boston Debate League © 2012