7th Grade PRACTICE Scholarship/Placement Test

7TH Grade Scholarship/Placement PRACTICE Test
Sunday, April 10, 2016
All 7th grade students who would like an opportunity to earn an academic scholarship as an 8th grader are
encouraged to take the PRACTICE Scholarship/Placement Test on either Sunday, April 10, 2016 or Tuesday, April
19, 2016. The PRACTICE Scholarship/Placement Test may only be taken once as a 7th grader. We encourage 7th
graders to take the April 10th test as the April 19th test is offered as an alternate date for students unable to attend the
first test. Check-in for the April 10th test begins at 10:30AM. Check-in for the April 19th test begins at 3:30 PM.
This application must be sent to Father Judge by Wednesday, March 23, 2016.
Walk-ins are not admitted – you must pre-register.
There is a non-refundable $35.00 application fee, which must accompany this application.
Please report to the main entrance on Solly Avenue at 10:30 AM for the April 10th test. Testing starts at
11:00 AM and will conclude at approximately 1:45 PM.
If you are participating in the alternate test date, please report to the main entrance on Solly Avenue at 3:30
PM. Testing starts at 4:00 PM and will conclude at approximately 6:45 PM.
The 7th grade exam is an opportunity for 7th grade students to enhance their testing abilities for next year’s
Scholarship/Placement Test.
Once this National Standardized Test has been graded, results will be mailed to student’s homes in
approximately 6-8 weeks.
Confirmation of your room assignment will be mailed to your home one week prior to the exam day.
Please bring TWO number 2 pencils to the exam.
Calculators and cell phones are not permitted.
Circle Test Date
Dress code is casual, no uniform necessary.
April 10th or April 19th
Student / Parent / Guardian Information – Please Print Clearly
Student Name: _______________________________________________________________________
Parent / Guardian Name: ______________________________________________________________
Address: ___________________________________________________________________________
City, State, Zip: ______________________________________________________________________
Home Phone: _________________________________ Cell Phone: ____________________________
Parent / Guardian Email: _______________________________________________________________
School Attending: ____________________________________________________________________
Please Mail Application and Check Before Wednesday, March 23, 2016 To:
Mark Gudas ’88, Director of Admissions
Father Judge High School
3301 Solly Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19136