
Chapter 2: Cell Structure and Function
Chemistry of Life
All matter is made up of __________________________
Matter is anything that has mass and takes up space
Gas, liquid, solids
Atoms have a ___________________
Center of atom
Contains __________________ (+) and _____________________ (0)
Around the nucleus are _____________________ (-)
The number of _____________________ in the atom determines what element it is
The number of _____________________ determines its chemical properties
Organization is a characteristic of living things
Atoms  __________________
Molecules  __________________
Organelles  __________________
Cells  __________________
Tissues  __________________
Organs  __________________
Organ systems  __________________
Periodic Table
An ______________________ is an atom with a certain number of protons
The number of protons an atom has is called its ______________________________
All atoms in the universe with 1 proton are called Hydrogen
Hydrogen is then atomic number 1
If the number of protons changes, the element changes
It is no longer the same element
Electron and neutron numbers can change in an element
A neutral atom has ____________________________ of protons and neutrons
If an atom loses or gains electrons, it gains a ___________________
If it gains an electron, it becomes more negative (more of a negative charge)
If it loses electrons, it becomes positive (less negative charges)
Sodium (Na) is atomic number 11 because it has 11 protons
When neutrally charged, it will have 11 electrons
However, Sodium really wants to lose an electron
When it loses that electron, it will have 11 protons and 10 electrons
It will be positively charged
Chlorine (Cl) is atomic number 17 because it has 17 protons
Has 17 electrons when neutral
However, it really wants one more electron (again, not discussed here)
When it gains an electron, it will have 17 protons and 18 electrons
Charged atoms are called _______________________
It is negatively charged
Like magnets, ______________________________________
Sodium and chlorine attract and form sodium chloride (NaCl)
Also called table salt
Elements in Organisms
__xygen~61%, __arbon~23%, __ydrogen~10%, __itrogen~2.6%, ____lcium~1.5%, __hosphorus~1.1%, Other-Less than
Called Trace elements
Still important, but found in lower amounts
How to remember: __ur C__ooks __ave __o ___kes or __ies
1st letters are the chemical symbol of the element
Atoms to molecules
Salt is an example of a _______________________
Molecules are made up of atoms bonded together
__________________ is the most important molecule to organisms
Water is required for many of the chemical reactions that take place in organisms
Cells are mostly water.
Large molecules are called _________________________________
4 important ones for life: Lipids, Proteins, Carbohydrates, Nucleic Acids
Properties of Water
Water is a __________________________
It has areas of positive charge (the hydrogen atoms) and areas of negative charge (the oxygen atom)
This __________________________________
Sodium and chloride break apart easily in water
Salt water
As do sugar molecules
Water molecules also like to bond to other water molecules (called ________________________)
Causes _____________________________________
Structure of Macromolecules
The 4 main macromolecules are _______________________________
Made up of chains of smaller molecules
Think train made up of carts
The large molecules are called __________________ (poly=many)-The train
The smaller molecules are called ________________ (mono=one)-The carts
The monomers are held together by _______________
______________, oils, steroids
Do not dissolve in water
Make up the cell membrane
Important for many ________________________
Also help build ____________________________
Monomers are ____________________________
Proteins have a ___________________________ that determines their role
___________________ are important proteins that assist with chemical reactions
Sugars, starches
Nucleic Acids
The most important macromolecules
Monomers are ______________________
________, _________, and ________ are all nucleic acids
DNA is the material passed from parents to children and contains the instructions for the organism’s features
RNA is used to manufacture proteins
ATP provides the cell with energy to do nearly everything
The Cell Theory
Recall: Theory in science=____________________________
Explains what cells are, what they do, and where they come from
___ scientists contributed: Robert Hooke, Matthias Schleiden, Theodor Schwann, and Rudolf Virchow (Guaranteed
Matching question on Test)
Robert _____________________
1635-1703 English philosopher and scientist
Looked in a microscope at cork and discovered small spaces
Laid the foundation for cell theory more than 100 years before others
Matthias _______________________
1804-1881 German botanist (studied plants)
Discovered that ___________________________________-
Theodor ________________________
1810-1882 German physiologist (studied how the body works)
Discovered that __________________________________________
Rudolf _________________________
1821-1902 German doctor
Discovered that _____________________________________
How do we see cells?
The ones we use are called _________________________________
Pass light through the image
The light is then collected by 2 different lenses and becomes magnified
Antonine van _____________________________
Improved the microscope so that it could be used in biology
First to observe microorganisms that can not be seen without one
1. Ocular Lens (Eyepiece)
This is what you ____________________ to see the image.
It contains a lens (usually 10x magnification)
2. Arm
Structural piece
Holds the parts of the microscope in the proper places.
THE ARM IS ______________________________
Never carry the microscope by the arm alone.
Microscopes are very expensive. Use the utmost care when transporting it.
3. Stage
This is the flat portion where you _____________________________________.
A hole in the stage allows light to pass through the slide
4. Course Focus
Doing so brings the object into focus.
Move it until the image becomes visible. It will still be a bit blurry.
Note about the Course Focus: Using the course focus to try to get a better image could result in the stage moving the
slide up into the objective. This could crack the slide and/or objective lens, and could be a VERY expensive mistake.
5. Fine Focus
Makes _________________________________ to the stage.
Once you have found the image, use the fine focus to make it clear.
6. Base
Structural and support.
Remember, one hand underneath the base and the other holding the arm.
7. Light Source
A _________________________
Sends light through the slide.
8. Diaphragm
Allows you to _______________________________________________ that comes through.
9. Slide Clips
Little metal pieces that __________________________________________
Make sure that the slide is under the clips.
You do not want the slide moving after you have just found the image
10. Objectives
Each is a different lens that _________________________________________
Most microscopes have several of these ranging from 4x to 200x
Begin on the lowest objective to find the image, then increase to zoom it in.
11. Rotating Nosepiece
Twist to change magnification.
12. Body Tube
Holds ___________________
Magnification is the ______________ of the magnifications of the eyepiece and the objective lenses
Eyepiece x Objective= Total Magnification
Example: Eyepiece 10x and objective 20x
Cell Types
2 major categories of cells
__________________________ Cells
Bacteria and Archaea
________________________, including nucleus
___________________________ Cells
Protists, Plants, Fungi, and Animals
______________________________________, including nucleus
Much more complicated
_________________________________ (small organs)
Like organs to our body
Each does a job for the cell
All work together
Protection and Support
___________________ have a __________________________
Flexible boundary between cell and its environment
Made up of proteins and lipids
____________ the cell, gives it _____________, and allows _____________________ to enter and exit the cell
________________________, and some fungi, protists, and bacteria, also have a cell wall
Outside of the cell membrane
Very ________________
More protection
Cell Appendages
Some cells have things attached to them that do a job
_______________________ are whip-like structures that work as a motor for the cell
Spins and allows the cell to move
Not common in humans except on sperm, very common in unicellular organisms
Usually ___________________
______________ are numerous, hair-like structures
Work like a row team and move cell
Also work to remove foreign materials
Found in __________________. Removes dust, pollen, and other materials before they reach the lungs
__________________________ on cells that contain them
Cellular Structure
Cells are filled with a jelly-like substance called __________________________
Function: _______________________ for the cell and _____________________________ in place
Found in: ________________________
Throughout the cytoplasm are proteins that act as “bones”
Called the _________________________________
Does similar job to our skeleton
Function: __________________, _______________, allows some cells to _______________
Found in ___________________________________
Function: _________________________________
Found in __________________________ (very few plants, fungi, protists have them)
Made of the same material as cytoskeleton
The Nucleus
Function: The __________________________ for the cell
Function: ______________________________
The DNA is in the form of chromosomes (more to come later)
Found in _______________________________________
Also contains another organelle called the _____________________________
Function: __________________________________
Found in __________________________________
Manufacturing Organelles
Function: _____________________________________
Can be ___________________ in the cytoplasm or attached to the rough endoplasmic reticulum (________)
Made in the ___________________________________
Found in ______________________, prokaryotic and eukaryotic
Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum (________)
Studded with ________________________
Function: _______________________________________
Found in ________________________________________
Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum (________)
Function: _______________________ and helps ________________________ from the cell
Found in ____________________________________
Energy Organelles
The powerhouse of the cell
Function: ___________________________________________, manufactures ________ for use in
other processes
Found in ____________________________________________________________
Function: Convert ____________________________________
These sugars are used in mitochondria to make ATP
Found in ______________ and some ________________ (also some __________________), never in animals
Processing, Transportation, Cleaning
Post office of cell
Function: _____________________________________
Found in ______________________________________
The mail trucks
Function: ___________________ of proteins and other materials
Found in ____________________________
The cell’s cleaners
Function: _____________________________ particles in the cell, clean up wastes and broken down cell parts
Found in _____________________________________
Storage and Cell division
Function: _________________________ such as water, food, wastes
Found in _______________________
_______________ usually have one large one
Called _____________________________________
________________ have many small ones