1. What and who determines the sex of the child?
Y-chromosome, the father
2. What are the male and female germ cells called?
Sperm, ova (ovum, egg)
3. What is the difference between a zygote, embryo, and fetus?
Zygote – sperm and egg cells joined, germinal stage; embryo – looking more like baby, embryotic
stage; fetus – very human like, fetal stage
4. What are at least three early signs of pregnancy?
Missed menstrual period, swollen/tender breasts, nausea (1/2-2/3 of women), frequent urination,
6. What is HCG and where is it found?
The pregnancy hormone, blood and urine
7. Define prenatal development.
Development from conception to birth
8. What happens during the germinal stage of development?
Cell division, fertilized egg embeds in uterus, amniotic sac, placenta and umbilical cord form
9. What happens during the embryonic stage of development?
Organs and systems develop, tissues in spinal column form, limb buds appear, eyes and ears form
10. What happens during the fetals stage of development?
Muscles, fat, teeth, vocal chords, lanugo, eyebrows, eyelashes, vernix caseosa, taste buds, organs
11. What is lanugo?
Downy hairlike growth that appears on a fetus, but disappears prior to birth
12. What is vernix caseosa?
Waxy, cheeselike substance that coats and moisturizes the fetus’s skin
13. What should a diet for pregnant women include?
Increased calcium, iron, folic acid; limited caffiene
14. Are all forms of exercise safe for a pregnant woman? Why or why not?
No contact sports, risk of hurting developing baby
15. What is the linea nigra?
A dark vertical line along pregnant women’s bellies due to an increase of estrogen and melanin
16. What are at least two risks for teen pregnancies?
Premature, low birthweight, stillborn
17. What are at least two risks for pregnancies for women over 36 years of age?
Health problems, disabilities, and disorders
18. What is the difference between chorionic villus sampling and amneocentesis?
CVS – sample taken from chorion, weeks 8-12
Amnio – sample taken from amion/amniotic fluid, weeks 14-16
19. What are the movements felt by the mother around four or five months called? Why is she
feeling these movements?
Quickening, baby is turning, pushing, kicking
20. What are three signs a woman has pregnancy induced hypertension?
Increased blood pressure, protein in urine, swollenness
21. What is another name for the lose of the mucous plug?
Bloody show
22. What is it called when the baby moves its position downward toward the birth canal?
23. What are contractions and what is the purpose for them?
Uterus tightens and expands to help deliver the baby
24. What is the difference between presumptive signs and positive signs of pregnancy?
Presumptive – may be pregnant
Positive – definitely pregnant
25. Are multiple pregnancies more or less common these days? Why?
More, increase in fertility treatments
26. What is the difference between fraternal and identical twins?
Fraternal – two eggs fertilized by two sperm, different genetic make-up
Identical – one egg fertilized by one sperm splits, same genetic make-up
27. Does the fetus sense the stress of the mom-to-be?
28. How many pregnancies end in the loss of baby through miscarriage or stillbirth?
1/3 of all
29. What type of medication can be taken during pregnancy?
None, unless OK with your doctor
30. How many more calories should a pregnant woman eat as her pregnancy progresses?
31. How often will a pregnant women visit the obstetrician?
1-6 months – once a month, 7-8 months – twice a month, 9 months – once a week
32. What is the difference between an ultrasound and a sonogram?
Ultrasound – sound waves that bounce off the fetus
Sonogram – the image the ultrasound produces
32. What is the age of viability?
The age where the fetus/baby can survive, around seven months
34. What is a breech baby and how often do they occur?
Baby born butt-first, 2%
35. What are two characteristics of multiple babies (twins, triplets, etc…)?
Born early, low birthweight
36. How many pounds is a baby with low birthweight?
5 ½ lbs.
37. What are false contractions?
False, irregular contractions prior to labor are also called Braxton-Hicks contractions
38. What is a consequence of gestational diabetes?
Larger babies (10-12 lbs.)
39. List the three postpartum mood disorder from mild to severe.
Baby blues, postpartum depression, postpartum psychosis
40. Can the foods eaten while breastfeeding cause reactions in the baby?
41. What is the difference between the amnion and chorion?
Amnion – amniotic sac (bag of water), protects babies
Chorion – bag outside of amniotic sac
42. What is the placenta?
Organ filled with blood vessels that develops against the wall of the uterus; the umbilical cord grows
out from the placenta
43. What is the umbilical cord and what is its purpose?
Connects the child with the placenta; nourishes the baby, removes wastes
44. What are the three stages of labor?
Dilation of cervix, delivery of baby, delivery of placenta
45. What is the difference between anesthesia and sedation?
Anesthesia – numbs part of body, epidural
Sedation – drug administered through IV
46. What is the difference between the Lamaze and Leboyer method of childbirth?
Lamaze – breathing techniques to help labor
Leboyer – focus on comfort of baby, low light soft voices, water bath
47. What effect does alcohol have on the baby?
Shorter, weigh less, slow growth and development
48. What effect does nicotine have on the baby?
Premature, small babies, risk of miscarriage
49. What effects do illegal drugs have on the baby?
Premature, low birthweight, may be born addicted and have to go through withdrawal