Unit : Revelation 5th Grade Lesson 2: Made to Be With God/Signs of

Unit : Revelation
5th Grade Lesson 2: Made to Be With God/Signs of God’s
Alive in Christ book
Chapter 2: Made to be with God pp. 63-72
Chapter 3: Signs of God’s Presence pp. 73-82
*Examine the search for happiness through the Gospel account of the Woman at the
*Recognize grace as a free, loving gift of participation in the life of the Holy Trinity
*Define faith as a belief and trust in God and the things that he has revealed to us
*Describe the Sacrament of Baptism as the beginning of the journey of faith
Catholic Faith Words
Religion, grace, faith, Messiah, covenant, Seven Sacraments
Bible Verses
Luke 10:38-42
John 4:7-29
2 Corinthians 6:16, 18
Exodus 3:1-15
Chapter 1 Review p. 62 or question on the board as the children come into class:
“What do you long for?”
Getting to know you activity – see ice breakers on church website
Throughout this year we will be learning all the prayers of the Rosary. See below for
some history on the Rosary. Include the Our Father and the Hail Mary in today’s
prayer and confirm the children can recite these prayers.
Let Us Pray p. 63
Scripture (Psalm 63:2, 4-5)
What do you Wonder? (p. 63, p. 73)
Discuss the meaning of the story of the Samaritan Woman (p. 66)
Catechist tips: living water
God’s signs for us p74-76
Examine the Sacraments table on p. 77
Prayer Space
Chapter 2 Activity Master: Woman at the Well Puzzle
Chapter 3 Activity Master: Interpreting Signs
Songs: “God is our Father”, “Holy Spirit Come Now”
Or scavenger hunt. See below for details
People of Faith
Saint Augustine p. 69
Saint Benedict p. 79
Going Forth
“Litany of Praise” p. 80
Scavenger hunt:
Preparation: Break the class up into groups that equal the number of teacher/aids available. For each
group assign one color and print all clues for that team on the assigned color. For example team one is
pink, team two is yellow, and team three is green. From the list of clues below, select your clues; the
number and order is entirely up to you, but please make the last one Jesus and the second to last one
Mary. Remember, Mary always points to Jesus. Also, feel free to create other clues that you think
would be appropriate for your class. Set out all the clues, except the first one, before class begins.
Give each group their first clue/signs, as they solve the hint they move to that location on the church
campus and find the next clue/sign. Tell the students, that God gives us signs all the time, we just need
to look for them
Clue - St Francis of Assisi statue in the courtyard
This is my prayer:
“Lord, make me an instrument of thy peace!
That where there is hatred, I may bring love.
That where there is wrong, I may bring the spirit of forgiveness.
That where there is discord, I may bring harmony.
That where there is error, I may bring truth.
That where there is doubt, I may bring faith.
That where there is despair, I may bring hope.
That where there are shadows, I may bring light.
That where there are shadows, I may bring joy.
Lord, grant that I may seek rather to comfort, than to be comforted.
To understand, than to be understood.
To love, than to be loved.
For it is by self-forgetting that one finds.
It is by forgiving that one is forgiven.
It is by dying that one awakens to Eternal Life.”
PS: I also love animals
Clue - Confessional in the chapel
Luke 5:30-32
PS: It’s medicine for the soul
Clue - Easter Candle in the sanctuary
May the light of God shine on us
May the light of Christ shine in us
May the light of the Spirit shine through us
Jesus Christ has risen and has given us new life
Thanks be to God!
PS: each year on the holiest of days we get new light to be used all year long
Clue - Baptistery in the sanctuary
Our birthday in the Church begins here, when Christ washed away our original sin.
PS: Matthew 4:16-17
Clue - Gutenberg Bible
God reveals himself to us in many ways.
Sacred Scripture is the inspired Word of God.
PS: First major work printed with moveable type.
Clue - Photos of Priest from our parish in sanctuary hallway
They grew up among us and were called to serve God is a very special way.
PS: They receive the sacrament of Holy Orders
Clue - St Joseph in the sanctuary
You have read about me in the Bible, yet I never was quoted.
I am very good with my hands.
PS: I love Jesus like a son
Clue - mural of the transfiguration
Luke 9:28-36
PS: We see this every time we go to Mass at St Ann
Clue – Children’s Liturgy room
Matthew 19:13-15
PS: sing “Let the children come, let the children come to me, to me.
For the Kingdom of the Lord belongs to such as these.”
Clue - St Teresa of Avila (narthex)
I was blessed with visions of Christ.
I wrote several books on spirituality that are now considered classics, such as the Interior Castle.
I became the first female Doctor of the Church.
PS: I am the patron saint of those against headaches
Clue – St Thomas Aquinas (narthex)
I took the long way to the Church, I try everything else first before I accepted Jesus.
My mother prayed for my conversion to the Church for many years.
I wrote the Summa Theologica (reasons to defend the faith).
PS: I am the parton saint of schools, students and pencil makers
Clue – St Martin de Porres (narthex)
I am the first black saint of the Americas.
I am sometimes called the saint of the broom, because of my devotion to service of others, not matter
how menial.
Some of my relics are located under the altar here at St Ann.
PS: I am know for my help to the poor and the sick
Clue – Veronica wipes the face of Jesus (station #6 courtyard)
She takes a cloth and begins to wipe the blood and sweat from Jesus’ face.
She can't do much, but she offers what little help she can
PS: I was there, I saw the passion of our Lord, Jesus Christ on Good Friday
Clue – Holy Spirit stain glass Library window
There are many names and symbols for me.
I made a big appearance at the first Pentecost.
I am there at every sacrament
PS: I give you super human powers!
Clue - St Ann and young Mary
I am Jesus’s grandmother.
My daughter and I are here to greet you when you enter the Church,
but you have to look up or you will miss us.
PS: Our parish is named after me.
Clue – St Killian’s Chapel
A most beautiful retablo, hand carved in Spain in located inside.
Daily Mass is held here.
There are many stain glass windows here that tell stories from the Bible.
PS: Our first pastor has the same first name.
Clue – Our Lady of Guadalupe (2 locations: entrance to assembly room or stain glass in Sanctuary near
I am a friend of Juan Diego.
My image is still on his tilma and can be seen today in the Basilica.
If you look into my eyes you will see an image of St. Juan Diego
PS: I am the patron saint of the Americas
Clue – The Blessed Madonna and child (3 locations: statue in sanctuary west side, statue in alcove in
chapel, portrait in Narthex)
They have given me many titles, but I think I like being his mom the best.
The feast of the Immaculate Conception celebrates a special grace given to me.
PS: I am St Ann’s daughter
Clue – The Bless Virgin Mary (in the trees behind the children’s play area)
Come visit me in the out of the way place.
Like all moms, we can talk about my favorite subject, my son.
PS: I will point the way to him
Clue – Jesus in the tabernacle in the Chapel
I love it when you come to visit me.
If the red light from the candle is glowing I am home.
PS: I am your EBF (eternal best friend)
Clue – Jesus in the Adoration Chapel
I am here all the time!
I have friends stopping by to visit 24/7. I really appreciate those that commit to comely to spend time
with me in the wee hours of the day.
Will you come visit me often?
PS: I am so much more than I appear.
Final note for the last location:
Good job! You followed the signs and they led you to Me.
I am the Truth and the Light.
Be Truth Seekers in all you do, and I will always be with you.
PS: I love you!