


Explain how the laws of thermodynamics govern metabolic processes

Explain how free energy changes in chemical reactions and relate these changes to metabolic processes

Define metabolism and relate to transformations of energy and matter

Distinguish between anabolic and catabolic processes

Analyze free energy changes in energy coupling that uses ATP hydrolysis

Describe the role of ATP in energy-coupling reactions

Explain how ATP hydrolysis performs cellular work

Describe how organisms use food molecules as fuel

Explain the role of cellular respiration in the catabolism of fuel molecules and release of energy for cellular work

Relate glycolysis and the citric acid cycle to catabolic and anabolic processes

Explain how cellular respiration controls the energy release from glucose and ultimately transfers energy to ATP

Describe how redox reactions change the potential energy of electrons and explain their use in

 cellular respiration

Describe the details of oxidative phosphorylation

Explain how oxidative phosphorylation transforms energy of electrons by using concentration gradients and ATP synthase

Describe how glycolysis catabolizes glucose to release energy and form pyruvate

Distinguish between obligate anaerobes and facultative anaerobes

State the main purpose and location of fermentation

Give examples of fermentation

Explain how cellular components help to capture and convert energy in a cell.

Explain the difference between the efficiency of aerobic respiration and fermentation.

Explain the ecological importance of photosynthesis

Explain the role of photosynthesis in the evolution of aerobic life

Describe the main purpose, location and main process of photosynthesis

Explain the process of the light reaction

Explain the process of the Calvin cycle

Describe the types and structure of plant tissues and organs.

Explain how the structure of these tissues and organs support their function.

Describe how vascular plants have adapted to allow for the transport of water and nutrients throughout the plant

Describe root adaptations that allow plants to obtain nutrients from the soil

Describe the role of plasmodesmata in plant transport

Explain how pressure gradients lead to bulk flow in plants

Explain how minerals and water move through a plant via the xylem

Describe how stomata regulate water flow through a plant

Distinguish between the different mechanisms of transport in plants

Describe the nutrient needs of plants

Describe the benefits and composition of soil

Explain what metabolism is and how we measure it.

Describe basal metabolism rate and how researchers apply this information.

Describe how an organism’s size or activity level can influence metabolism.

Distinguish between torpor and true hibernation and relate these conditions to metabolic changes.

Explain how diet provides chemical energy to an animal and what the animal does with that energy.

Describe and define the various types of essential nutrients.

Describe how diet contributes the necessary building blocks for life’s processes.

Predict outcomes when diets are deficient in providing chemical energy, nutrients, or life’s building blocks.

Name and define the four basic stages of food processing.

Describe how food is mechanically and chemically digested in the stomach.

Describe the role of accessory organs in digestion.

Describe the processes of chemical digestion and absorption that occur in the small intestine.

Relate digestive tract adaptations to dietary needs.

Describe how both animals and the microbes they harbor can benefit one another.

Describe the purposes of a circulatory system in a complex organism.

Identify the basic components of the circulatory system.

Compare and contrast open and closed circulatory systems.

Distinguish between single and double circulation.

Trace the path of blood from contraction of the left ventricle to the right atrium.

Explain the role of valves in the heart and what happens if a valve malfunctions.


MODULES 23-31; 113; 115-117; 123; 144-152


Great animation from leaf structure to photosynthesis: http://dendro.cnre.vt.edu/forestbiology/photosynthesis.swf

Photosynthesis: http://vcell.ndsu.nodak.edu/animations/photosynthesis/movie.htm

and http://vcell.ndsu.nodak.edu/animations/photosystemII/movie.htm

Oxidative phosphorylation animation: http://vcell.ndsu.nodak.edu/animations/atpgradient/movie.htm

And http://vcell.ndsu.nodak.edu/animations/etc/movie.htm

Circulatory system:



Bozeman Biology: http://www.bozemanscience.com/ap-biology/ #’s 012, 013

 http://www.bozemanscience.com/cellular-respiration

 http://www.bozemanscience.com/013-photosynthesis-and-respiration

 http://www.bozemanscience.com/plant-nutrition-transport

 http://www.bozemanscience.com/circulatory-system

 http://www.bozemanscience.com/digestive-system

 http://www.bozemanscience.com/respiratory-system


Water potential

Standard error

Standard deviation

Temperature coefficient calculations


Laboratory Investigation: 5 – Photosynthesis

Laboratory Investigation 6 – Cellular Respiration

(Laboratory Investigation 11 – Transpiration only as a handout)
