Infection control annual statement

Argyle Street Medical Centre
Infection control annual statement 2015/16
This annual statement will be generated each year in January. It will summarise the
following:1) Any infection transmission incidents and action taken (these will be reported in
Accordance with our significant event procedure)
2) Details of any infection control audits and any actions undertaken
3) Details of any infection control risk assessments undertaken
4) Details of staff training
5) Any reviews and updates of policies, procedures and guidelines
Responsibilities within the practice
Infection prevention and control GP - Dr S L Bunting
Infection prevention and control Julie Holden – Practice Nurse
Building responsibility – Pam Ilnyckyj
Practice Manager – Pam Ilnyckyj
Significant Events
There has been no significant events raised that relate to infection control in the past year
There were 4 audits carried out in 2014/15
1. standard precautions in a clinical setting. This audit was carried out by Julie Holden and
Pam Ilnyckyj. – the correct equipment and PPE were available in all Clinical Rooms.
2. - Room checks – Clutter around sinks in Clinical rooms were identified and rectified.
Clutter in cupboards and out of date equipment were removed.
Demonstrator equipment identified and labelled accordingly.
3. New Hygiene hand wash and sanitisers were missing alongside the hand wash guide
posters. Action – new wall mounted sanitisers and hand gel with posters – 7 step guide to
hand washing in all clinical/non clinical and public areas.
4. Minor Surgery audit is carried out regularly with Dr Onon – checking to see if there have
been any delays in results, checking of stitches and ensure no infection around the surgery
Risk Assessments
Annual risk assessments are carried out by the Practice Manager and Julie Holden
Needle stick injuries and updated policy – ensuring all staff are aware and posters are on
clinical rooms explaining the process
Curtains within clinical areas - although cleaned in Feb 2015 – we have already ordered new
disposable curtains in readiness.
Cleaning schedules within the practice – we have now provided a lockable cupboard for
cleaning equipment and racks for mops.
Body fluid spills – This has happened recently – we have ordered a new body fluid kit.
Use of personal protective equipment – these have been checked in each clinical room.
Staff Training
The implementation of annual infection control is provided by Orchard Rock and was
completed on 10 July 2014for all staff and clinicians – a refresher is booked for 13 August
Practice Manager completed – Infection Control and Prevention on 24 March 2015 with High
Speed Training – approved by ROSPA.
Julie Holden and Pam Ilnyckyj to inspect Clinical Rooms and Infection Control Policies
every 12 weeks. Clinicians are responsible for their own rooms but random inspections will
Pam Ilnyckyj to keep abreast of new Policies and Procedures and ensure staff are trained
Policies, Procedures and Guidelines
Policies relating to Infection Prevention and Control will be reviewed on an annual basis.
Pam Ilnyckyj to keep abreast of new Policies and Procedures and ensure staff are trained
We aim to share information with our patients and a copy of this annual statement will be
posted on our Practice website and a copy will be given to our PPG. We will notify patients
of any potential seasonal outbreaks via our patient information screen in the waiting room
and on our website.
Statement completed 4 April 2015