Macbeth Essay Topics

ENG 1D1: Macbeth
Macbeth essay assignment
Task: Your task is to write a formal 5 paragraph essay of approximately 750 – 1 000
words on William Shakespeare’s play Macbeth.
You are to select one of the topics below for exploration and analysis.
You are also to complete the essay writing process.
Essay topics:
1. It is debatable what factor is most responsible for Macbeth’s tragic downfall. Choose
one of the forces below and analyze why this is most responsible for Macbeth’s
downfall: a) the witches prophecies b) Lady Macbeth c) Macbeth himself
2. Many critics consider Lady Macbeth a stereotypical symbol of evil. With reference to her
character throughout the play, agree or disagree with this statement.
3. Both Macbeth and Lady Macbeth have gone mad by the end of the play, however, this
madness manifests itself in different ways in each character.
Choose either Macbeth or Lady Macbeth and analyze their decent into madness.
Identify the root cause of their madness and how this contributes to their downfall.
4. At the beginning of the play, the witches say “fair is foul and foul is fair” which indicates
things are unnaturally reversed in the natural world. Analyze how Macbeth’s actions
cause disorder in the natural world throughout the play. (ex. animals, weather, social
5. The destructive nature of ambition is a central theme in Macbeth. Who has greater
ambition – Macbeth or Lady Macbeth? Support your analysis with specific arguments
and evidence from the play.
Due Dates:
Thesis: __________________________________________
Outline: _________________________________________
Rough Copy: _____________________________________
Good Copy: _____________________________________
NOTE: Each day we will be working through the process and you will be responsible for
completing daily work.
** REMINDER: Late Policy Day 1 -5%, Day 2 – 10% . After this essays will be assigned a zero
NO submissions after closing date: ____________________________________________
ENG 1D1: Macbeth
Essay Writing Process: Beginning Stages
Step 1: Selecting a Topic
Brainstorm everything you can think of for each topic above (or those that interest you).
After doing this exercise, decide which topic you feel you know most about and would be
most confident writing an essay about.
Step 2: Brainstorming a Topic
Now that you have selected a topic, use the web below (or one of your own creation) to
brainstorm everything you know that relates to you topic.
You should have ideas, opinions, examples and analysis in this web. To help you generate
ideas, refer to your content questions, class notes, quizzes etc.
Main idea:
Step 3: Opinion Statement:
After brainstorming, what will be the central or controlling idea of your essay? Be sure it
states your opinion in response to the question. Write it in one sentence below.
Congratulations! You have just begun the first stages of the essay writing process.