
Monthly Schedule:
Early each month, send an email to the Altar Server distribution list asking
for scheduling conflicts in the next month. Give the families a deadline to
respond to you.
Record all the conflicts in the Master Altar Server Schedule spreadsheet by
putting an X next to the name of the server in the column representing the
date of the conflict.
Fill in a 1 next to the name of the server you are scheduling in the column
representing the date of the mass.
The bottom row will show a 3 when you have enough servers. The numbers
to the left represent the number of times each server has been scheduled.
Use these numbers to ensure you are scheduling the servers an equal
number of times.
Make a copy of the prior month’s schedule tab and rename the new one to
the current month. Update the title and the dates on the spreadsheet to
represent the month you are scheduling.
Copy the names of each server with a 1 next to their name to the correct
date on the schedule. Once you have a final version ready, send a copy to
Mary Herridge so she can input the weekday schedule.
When Mary returns the sheet to you, copy the updated version to the master
schedule file. Create a PDF of the schedule. Upload the PDF to the Altar
Server Website and send a copy to the families.
Upload a copy of the Master Schedule to the Website for safe keeping.
Weddings, Funerals and Special Masses:
Throughout the year there will be special masses you need to schedule. For
weddings or funerals, you will receive an email with dates, times, number of
servers etc. Post these opportunities in the Announcements section on the
Website and send an email to the families with all the details. When the
correct number of servers have volunteered, reply back to the requestor with
their names and update the Announcement on the Website.
Other special masses (like extra Christmas and Easter masses) I usually
learn about from the bulletin or I ask Mrs. Herridge when I know something
is coming up. Use the same process to add these masses to the
Announcements and email the families for volunteers.
Schedule siblings for the same masses.
For weekend masses at the beginning of Catholic Schools week (late
January), Mrs. Herridge will ask if any 8th graders want to volunteer. Ask her
in late-December / early-January about this so they get on the schedule prior
to posting.
The Boy Scout mass happens in early February. Check in with Geri Hanley
about the date and which scouts are able to serve.
Adding/Removing Servers – Schedule and Email Distribution List:
Server families will request to be added or removed from the schedule and
distribution list throughout the year. No one can be added to the schedule
without approval from Mary Herridge. After she approves, add them to the
schedule and send a request to Gil Sta Maria asking that they be added to
the email distribution list.
Anyone can drop off the schedule by contacting you. Remove them from the
schedule and send a request to Gil Sta Maria asking that they be removed
from the email list.
Iruka, I have requested an account so you can log in and update the website.