Unit Question: Why is it important to conserve our resources

Unit Question: Why is it important to conserve our resources?
Chapter 19, section 3
3 R’s (Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle)
How does each of
the 3 Rs conserve
Conservation helps prevent shortages of natural resources, slow the growth
our natural
of landfills, reduce pollution levels, and save people money. Landfills disturb
that areas ecosystem. Reducing landfills would be a major benefit.
What are some
Using less fossil fuel by walking or riding a bike reduce the amount of air
ways you can
pollution. Using products with less packaging or packaged using recycled
demonstrate the 3
material is advisable.
Rs at your home?
Reusing an item means using it again without changing it or reprocessing it.
If you were in
Using cloth grocery bags is a big help. You can reuse the cloth bags over and
charge of a
over, and it also allows you to reduce your plastic bag usage. Donating
recycling for the
clothes to charity instead of throwing them away.
city of Richland,
How would you
Recycling is a form of reuse that requires changing or reprocessing an item
suggest the city and or natural resource. Materials such as glass, metals, paper, plastics, and
residents handle
biodegradable (kitchen scraps, leaves, branches, and grass) waste.
Difficult to recycle because of the different types of plastics. Plastics can be
How is reusing
made into carpets, paintbrushes, rope, and clothing.
better than
At least 25% of steel cans, appliances, and automobiles are made from
recycled steel. 100% of the steel used to build skyscrapers is reprocessed
steel. Using recycled steel to make new steel reduces energy use by 75%.
Metals like iron, copper, aluminum, and lead can be recycled. Recycling food
cans and soda cans is an easy way to help this cause. And this would reduce
the amount of space being used in a landfill.
Sterilized glass bottles and jars can be reused. You can also melt and reform
glass into new bottles. Most contain 25% recycled glass. It never needs to be
thrown away.
Paper towels, insulation, newsprint, cardboard all come from recycled
paper. Farmers can repurpose paper by shredding it to make bedding for
animals and can be used in compost. Recycling paper can reduce
deforestation. And conserve oil and energy.
Organic matter such as grass clippings, leaves, and kitchen scraps can be
turned into soil-enriching compost in just a few weeks.
Buy Recycled
Using recycled materials reduces the need to harvest natural resources to
make new products.