White Bear Lake Area Schools Immunization Requirements for 2012

White Bear Lake Area Schools
Immunization Requirements for 2012—2013 School Year
6th Grade Parents/Guardians
From: Robert McDowell, Principal and Mary Hermans, School Nurse
Minnesota Statutes Section 121A.15 requires children enrolled in a Minnesota school to be
immunized against certain diseases, allowing for certain specified exceptions (see the back of
this page). According to the statutes, students entering 7th grade in the fall of the 2012-2013
school year are required to have the following:
Td (Tetanus, Diphtheria) booster immunization (given at or after age 11 years)
2nd MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella) immunization
Hepatitis B immunizations (a series of 3 doses)
Varicella (Chicken Pox) immunization (2 doses) or the date of having had the disease
(month/year signed by a physician)
Students will not be allowed to receive their class schedule at 7th grade
registration or start school in the 7th grade without complying with the
immunization requirements.
Please contact your child’s health care provider directly for the required immunizations. If you
do not have health care insurance or a health care provider, please contact St. Paul-Ramsey
County Department of Public Health at 651-266-1234 for a Walk-In Immunization Only clinic
If your child has already received these immunizations or receives them during this school
year, please contact the Sunrise Park Middle School Health Office at 651-653-2713, to update
your child’s immunization record.
If you have any questions please contact Mary Hermans, School Nurse, at 651-653-2704 or
Sue Bock, Health Assistant, at 651-653-2713.
Please Take Notice and Understand
Students will not be allowed to receive their class schedule at 7th grade
registration or start school in 7th grade without complying with the immunization
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(651) 407-7626.
ATENCIÓN: Si usted necesita hablar con una persona que hable Español, por favor, llame al (651) 407-7625.