Family Living 621 Course Outline 2014 Instructor: Ms. MacGregor


Family Living 621

Instructor: Ms. MacGregor Harris -

Course Outline 2014

Classroom 229



This course is designed to enable and encourage students to develop a better understanding of themselves and their relationships in and outside their family. The three themes are Relationships, Healthy Living, and Human Sexuality.

Materials/Topics/Time Line

Binder for all course work

The Individual and Family.................................................................................................................... January

Extending Your Relationships.............................................................................................................. February

Sexuality............................................................................................................................................... March

The Marriage Relationship/Facing Family Challenges ……………………………………………... April/May

Course Evaluation

The following evaluation will be used to calculate your daily work from February to June

Tests (3).................................................................................................................... ................................... 20%

Minor Unit Assignments - Life’s Road Map, Family Composition Essay, What is Love Essay, Name that Term) 20%

Major Assignments (Be the Teacher, STI Presentation, Bucket List)……….………………………....... 50%


The assignments listed as Major Assignments must be completed in order to receive this credit


Attendance and Evaluation

There will be work done in class that will require you to be present. Valid absence: If you miss a class for an acceptable reason you will have an opportunity to complete the missed assignment. Invalid absence: If you miss class for an unacceptable reason, your missed mark will be recorded as a 0. All missed days must be accounted for, students are expected to provide a parent signed note explaining their absence on the day they are back in school.

Assignments & Evaluation

Late assignments lose 10% per day up to a maximum of 4 days (5% for same day late) . Assignments considered unacceptable will be returned to the student and credit for completion will not be given until assignment is redone to an acceptable standard. All assignments will be evaluated based on; neatness, content, completeness, grammar, and spelling. Plagiarism in any form will result in an automatic zero. Minor assignments not handed in on the date required receive an automatic 0. All assignments and homework will be listed on Ms MacGregor Harris’s Blog.

Please visit this website regularly for updates.

Missed Quizzes and Presentations

If you miss a quiz you are required to write it outside class time (after school or at lunch). If you are aware ahead of time that you will miss a quiz see Ms. MacGregor Harris to make arrangements to write it at another time. Under no circumstances should you miss a presentation for this course . If unavoidable; you must inform the instructor ahead of time, provide a note for your absence, and be prepared to complete the presentation when it suits class time best.

Major Assignments


Each student is asked to be the teacher for a class. Students may work with one other person. You are expected to choose a teacher generated topic and using a variety of media, present your findings to the class. Class members are expected to participate, take notes, and evaluate the effectiveness of your presentation. This presentation is worth

20% of your overall mark


Each student is asked to become an expert on STI’s in Canada. Students will work with one other person and using a variety of media, present your findings to the grade 9 class in the form of a fair. This presentation is worth 20% of your overall mark


Each student is asked to create a list of 60 items, experiences, accomplishments you hope to accomplish in your life, students are marked on quality, thoroughness, creativity, uniqueness, appropriateness and realistic nature of list.

Each student must have


item check off before bucket list presentations. This assignment is worth 10% of your overall mark.

A Few Tips for Success in Family Living 621

Cell phones are to be turned off and out of sight

Hats off when you come in the door

No food or beverages, a water bottle is acceptable, but be sure to fill it at break

Washroom breaks are to be kept at a minimum (don’t ask me at the first/end of class).

No earphones, iPods, etc. are to be used during class time

Respect the furniture, do not mark on desks or leave garbage behind.

Keep “satchels” out of the aisles or you’ll no longer be allowed to bring them into class.


Ask questions.

A key to doing well is to work at it on a nightly basis. There will always be notes to go over, reading, questions, and assignments/projects to complete. I ask that you spend about 20 minutes each night on your course work. This will keep you prepared for quizzes and frequent minor assignments!

You are responsible for all work missed during an absence. If you know in advance that you’re going to be missing some class time, let me know and I can let you in on what we’ll be doing. Otherwise, if you miss a class or two, call or e-mail a friend to get the missed work or check my blog. Check the bin at the back for missed handouts and assignments.

Some topics discussed require an open mind and maturity. We will always use correct terms, questions and comments are to be seriously and kept confidential, accept that I do not have all the answers.

Finally, enjoy the experience!

Family Living 621 Be The Teacher - MAJOR PROJECT/PRESENTATION

Family Living 621 is designed to cover an extraordinary amount of material. It is not possible to cover everything within the time constraints of a semestered system. Family Living 621 students are, therefore; required to choose one of the topics listed below and present their findings during one full class period.


You may work with one other person – choose wisely – your best buddy should not be your number 1 criteria in a partner

Your presentation shall take the entire class period – 75 minutes

You may use guest speakers, movies, video clips, songs, power point, etc to enhance your presentation, however, it is expected that you personally speak for 15 minutes minimum.

If you are using a guest speaker, it is your responsibility to contact her/him, make the arrangement for a date he/she is available, met them at the doors of the school, walk her/him back out, and include a thank you card. You will need to show me this card as you will receive marks for including one.

All material used must be cited properly using MLA format – we will spend some time going through this together in class

Students are expected to have a hand out for their classmates with information, statistics, etc. This will be helpful as students will be asked to respond to questions regarding topics presented. This will account for

5% of the overall mark given. You will be graded on accuracy and quality of information as well as spelling and grammar.

Students observing are expected to complete 2 activities based on each presentation


A student evaluation form


A response to the given topic- worksheets will be given for each presentation to help you gather your thoughts. Responses given to the presenter(s) for a chance to respond, and then handed in for grading purposes. Each response is worth 1% of your final grade for this course.

Helpful Hints

We will use each Friday’s class (starting next Friday) to work on this project – our classroom will be the computer lab for that day. You will, however; be expected to spend time outside of class on this project as it does account for 20% of your overall mark.

Topics shall be picked before Friday, January 24th

You will be given an assigned date to present after Mid-Term (April 1 st ?), some students may need some flexibility depending on when guest speakers can commit or when videos become available. Please try to get this information to me well in advance

You must present on the day assigned to you. If you do not, you will lose 10% and will be expected to present at my discretion. If there are “extenuating” circumstances, please see me IN ADVANCE.

Below is a list of possible topics to choose from. If there is something you’d like to explore that is NOT on this list, please see me for approval



Adoption Ethics

Alcohol Abuse

Alternative Medicine


Autism/Asperser’s Syndrome

Breast Feeding/Formula Feeding



Child Pornography

Date Rape (rape)



Discipline (child)

Drug Abuse (Oxycontin)

Elderly Abuse


Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

Gay/Lesbian/Transgender Rights

Gender Roles

Healthy Eating

Honour Killing

Household products (earth friendly)

Infant (Genetic Diseases)

Infertility/ Reproductive Technologies

Methadone Clinics


Post Secondary Education


Sexual Child Abuse

Sexual Content in Child Movies


Shaken Baby Syndrome

Skin Cancer


Spousal Abuse

Teen Depression/Anxiety

Teen Obesity

Teen Pregnancy

Teen Suicide

Teen-Parent Relationships



Student Choice/Teacher Approved
