MQL Rules and Guidelines

Greetings potential Molecular Quantification Laboratory (MQL) users (i.e. qRT-PCR people)
The new Applied Biosystems (ViiA7) instrument has been set up and is ready to run sample plates (Room 2.276).
I will give one key to each participating laboratory. The use of USB drives will not be allowed on the instrument
or on the computer that runs the instrument. You only need to give the program your e-mail address and the
data will be sent to you upon completion. This will require you to load the analysis software on a designated
computer for your laboratory. I have multiple site licenses for the software so this will be of no extra cost. If this
does not work you will have to burn your data files onto a CD (initially provided by the MQL). Mac users will
have to find a way to run the PC software for the ViiA7. Alternatively, an Excel file can be generated on the MQL
computer and that can be burned onto a CD for transfer onto a Mac.
Whenever you want to start, just contact me and set up a time for training. We have an online signup calendar
to manage usage and a paper sign in/out sheet in the room. There will be no charges for using the MQL at this
time but that may change in following years.
Some important points are:
Do not use 200ul 96-well plates! The block is for 100ul fast-run plates. If you put the 200ul plate into
the machine it will be crushed and potentially damage the instrument. Initially I have the proper plates
for you to use (MicroAmp Fast 96-well Optical Reaction Plates, Life Tech. #4346906).
No USB drives even for Mac users.
No writing on the well cover of your plate. This will be vaporized by the heated cover and will obscure
the fluorescent light source.
Do not touch the outside of your wells (with or without gloves). This will result in residue collecting
inside the block well and will add to signal variability.
Do not use benchtop cloth diapers when preparing your plate as the lint and other fibers will bake into
the block wells and obscure data collection.
Do not put the plate on ice. Salts and impurities in the water will precipitate in the block well and
obscure data collection.
Please use designated plate holders to prevent lint or residue from contaminating the outsides of your
plate (e.g. MicroAmp 96-well Support base, Life Tech, cat# 4379590).
You must sign up before using the instrument and please only sign up for the time you will need to use
the instrument (within reason).
Please remove your plate when your analysis is done.
The use of the MQL is a privilege and repeat offenders may have their access revoked.
Bob Marr