Name - Date Distributed - ***Due Date*** **** HOLOCAUST

Name - ____________________________________________
Date Distributed - ____________________________________
***Due Date*** ______________ ****
What you will need: 1. Your Writer’s Notebook
2. This instruction sheet
3. your Green Reader, the articles you choose, or an Anne Frank book.
Your Goal: Your goal is to write a poem using a unique arrangement of words from another author’s writing
The Idea: When reading anything, certain parts affect readers in different ways. What one person finds to be
amusing or interesting, another may not. And so, you will read another author’s words and pick out the
parts that affect you the most. You are “finding” a poem within the writing of a combination of authors.
The Steps: 1. Choose at least 3 pieces to read. Your choices are:
a. “Rescuing Anne’s Diary” (blue article)
b. “In a Drawer, A Mother’s Anguish” (green article)
c. “Letters to Anne Frank’s Father” (bright yellow article)
d. “Memories of a Father Who Died in the Holocaust” (dull yellow article)
e. “Healing Gestures” (pink article)
f. “Holocaust Survivor Delivers Powerful Message” (white article)
g. “The Last 7 Months of Anne Frank” (Green reader pp. 515-521)
h. “All But My Life” (Green reader pp. 522-527)
i. “A Diary From Another World” (Green reader pp. 528-531)
j. Anne’s Diary (pp 191-204) any portion (You may borrow a copy)
k. Any other approved book or article you discover
2. Read the pieces quietly.
3. Read through each a second time and this time, highlight any words, phrases, or sentences that
stand out to you in some way. They may make you laugh, make you scared, make you sad, make you
think, etc. (If you are using your Green Book or the Anne book, DO NOT write in the book. Just list
the phrases in your Writer’s notebook.)
4. Take those highlighted parts out of the reading and write them down in your Writer’s notebook like
a list. (If you are using the book instead of the articles, you have already done this step.)
5. Now, arrange those highlighted parts into any form you would like.
**Note: do not highlight whole paragraphs!!! Be very selective! If you are choosing too much, limit yourself to
about 30 highlighted parts.
You may mix up pieces, repeat lines that affected you most, etc. Just keep rereading your new arrangement until
it is just the way you want it.
You must use Easy bib to cite the sources you’ve used since the words are not yours. That citation list needs to be
attached to your final draft.
This is worth the following point values:
Rough Draft (includes list and first draft) - 20 points in Writer’s notebook
Final Draft (Handed in on Looseleaf paper in pen or typed, in MLA format) - 30 points