Tuesdays at the Castle by Jessica Day George


Tuesdays at the Castle by Jessica Day George p. 1 What would Castle Glower do when it got bored? Grow a new room or two. p. 1 On what day of the week would Castle Glower usually grow new rooms? Tuesday p. 1 On what day of the week would King Glower hear petitions? Tuesday p. 1 What were the only 2 rules the Castle seemed to follow? The throne room was always to the east.

Rule two: If you turned left three times and climbed through the next window, you would end up in the kitchens, and one of the staff could lead you to the throne room. p. 2 What number of King Glower was Celie’s father? He was King Glower the 79 th . p. 3 How many King Glowers had there been in Celie’s family? 10 p. 3 How had the 69 th King Glower come to be king? Legend had it that the Castle kept steering the old king’s barber to the throne room via a changing series of corridors for days until the Royal Council had declared him king while the young man who should have been King Glower the found himself head down in a haystack after having been forcibly ejected from the Castle through the water closet. p. 3 What was the full title of King Glower the 79 th ? Lord of the Castle, Master of the Brine Sea, and

Sovereign of the Land of Sleyne. p. 3 Whose daughter had Glower the 79 th married? The daughter of the Royal Wizard when the Castle had guided them into the same room and sealed the doors for a day. p. 3 How was it determined that Rolf, the second son, would be heir to the throne rather than the oldest son, Bran? The Castle filled Bran’s room with books and astrolabes while Rolf’s bedroom was moved next to the throne room. p. 3 Where was Bran studying? The College of Wizardry. p. 3-4 What were the names of King Glower’s four children? Bran, Rolf, Lilah (short for Delilah), Celie

(short for Cecelia). p. 6 How old was Celie? 11 p. 6 Why couldn’t Rolf go with the King to the College of Wizardry for Bran’s graduation? The king and his heir never traveled together in case of an accident. p. 7 Why did Celie always carry colored pencils and paper with her? She was making an atlas of the

Castle, the first ever. She had already done over 300 maps. p. 7 On the day that her father and mother left for the College of Wizardry, what new room did Celie find? It was a round room at the top of some stairs with four windows that looked out in all four directions. In each window was a gold spyglass. p. 7 What items did Celie find in the round room that had the windows and spyglass? A large table with a coil of rope, a book, a compass, a large tin of hard ginger biscuits.

p. 8 When Celie needed to get down from the round tower fast to the courtyard to say goodbye to her parents, what did she find behind a door that had just appeared which delighted her? A slide that took her down to the courtyard fast. p. 9 Who would be the new Royal Wizard since the old Royal Wizard had died two years ago? Bran would be when he graduated from the College of Wizardry. p. 9 What did Queen Celina always smell like? Strawberries. p. 10 To which city was the King and Queen going to see Bran graduate from the College of Wizardry?

Sleyne City p. 12 How old was Rolf? 14 p. 14 Who was the handsomest man in Glower Valley which might explain why he was always getting into fights over girls? Pogue Parry p. 16 What did Pogue Parry’s father do for a living? He was the only blacksmith in the village. p. 17 What did Celie see from the tower with the spyglasses (the Spyglass Tower) on the day her parents were expected to return that caused her distress? She saw the royal carriage traveling at great speed but it was unaccompanied by luggage or soldiers. p. 20 What bad news did Sergeant Avery bring the children on the day he returned with the royal carriage? The king and queen were dead. p. 21 How had Sergeant Avery managed to escape when everyone else in the royal travel party was killed in the bandit attack in the pass? He hit his head on a rock when his horse went down. When he awoke, it was all over and men were dead everywhere. p. 22 What did Sgt. Avery find at the scene of the attack that made him think the king was dead even though he had not seen the king’s body? The Griffin Ring – the winged lion was fashioned from gold with emerald eyes. It was given to King Glower at his coronation and was to be worn always as a reminder of the king’s duties. Rolf had said it was enchanted and could only be removed after the king’s death. p. 29 Who was the Emissary sent from Vhervhine for the funeral? Prince Khelsh. The Vhervhish people were rather warlike and Prince Khlesh was even worse. p. 30 Who would Grath be sending to the funeral? Prince Lulath p. 33 What was the book that was on the table in the Spyglass Tower? A Vhervhish phrase book. p. 36 What was Bran’s theory about how the Castle created rooms? The rooms were really there all the time, they just couldn’t see them or they were being kept in some sort of magic pocket. p. 37 What did Sgt. Avery find of Queen Celina’s at the sight of the bandit attack? Her traveling gown and her ruby studded wedding band in the thicket at the side of the road. p. 38 In Sleyne, when were funerals generally held? At sundown followed by a feast afterwards. p. 44 What did the prince and princesses call their housekeeper? Ma’am Housekeeper.

p. 47 After the news of their parents death, what changed about Rolf’s room? Nothing changed. It was still next to the throne room but it didn’t have the royal seal on the wall. He was still just the crown prince. p. 47 What did Celie think it meant that Rolf’s room hadn’t changed after news of their parents’ deaths?

That the castle hadn’t chosen a new king and that must mean that their father was still alive. Because if he was dead, the Castle would have chosen Rolf to be king but his room was still the same and he was still the crown prince. p. 49 How had the king and queen’s room changed after the news of their deaths? It was still unchanged. The Castle thought that they were still alive. p. 50 What did Rolf want Pogue Parry to do in addition to leading a search party to the pass to look around himself? Rolf wanted Parry to go to the College of Wizardry because surely they could verify who died or search for survivors with magic. p. 51 How long had Bran been at the College of Wizardry? Three years. p. 54 Who did Celine see having a heated discussion when she was hiding under the throne after going there to work on her atlas? Prince Khelsh and the Vhervhish ambassador. p. 55 How was Celie about to understand what Prince Khelsh and the ambassador were arguing about in the throne room although she didn’t speak Vherhvish? There was a Vhervhish phrase book in the

Spyglass Tower. p. 55 What three words did Khelsh and the ambassador say that Celie found in the Vherhvish phrase book? Castle, heir, kill. It sounded like they were going to assassinate Rolf. p. 57 Which of the visiting princes had three small lap dogs? Prince Lulath from Grath. p. 58 How had Prince Lulath’s rooms changed during his stay at the Castle? His rooms had gotten more nice – bigger rooms, and softer. p. 66 Who was Speaker for the Council? Lord Feen p. 68 What did the Council decide Rolf must do after the memorial service for his parents? They wanted to crown him King Glower the 80 th and since they thought the reason why Rolf was refusing the throne was because he felt incapable of ruling, the Council would act as his regents to guide him in every step until he reached such an age that he could rule alone. p. 69 How old was Rolf when the Castle chose him to be his father’s heir to the throne? Five years old. p. 70 Why could the Council enact a regency even though Rolf was against it? Because the majority of the Council voted for a regency and they outnumbered Rolf’s vote. p. 71 How long did the Council decide the regency would guide Rolf’s ruling? 10 years. Rolf would be 24 before he was king without a regency. p. 74 Why did the Council send a runner to Pogue Parry? To tell him to discontinue the search for the king and queen as they already had a memorial ceremony and there was no need to spend time and expense looking for their bodies.

p. 74 What did the note that Rolf slip to the runner to give to Pogue Parry tell him to do? To continue the search for as long as he dared. He could say he decided to stay in the city and visit some relatives. p. 76 Why did Celie want the Castle to help with the coronation and make room for all the guests arriving? She wanted the Castle to show the regents that it still wanted Rolf to be king. p. 79 What did the black cloak on the table in the Spyglass Tower do when Celie put it on? It muffled any sound she made so she could go spying. p. 79 When Celie first put the black cloak on and went down the winding staircase, where did she end up? The passage ended up in a blank wall with a peephole in it that looked into the Council’s Privy chambers. p. 79 Who showed up in the Council privy chambers as Celie was watching through the peep hole that surprised her? Prince Khelsh. p. 79 What agreement did the Council sign with Prince Khelsh while Celie watched through the peephole? The agreement to make Prince Khelsh the fourteenth member of the Royal Council of Sleyne and therefore a regent to Prince Rolf. p. 81 What other agreement did Prince Khelsh want the Council to sign but the Emissary said it would have to wait until Rolf was king because he would have to sign the agreement as well? To make Prince

Khelsh his heir and therefore the crown prince of Sleyne. p. 80 What did the Emissary say that signing the treaty with Prince Khelsh was when Lord Sefton asked whether they were going to tell Rolf first about the agreement? The Emissary said it was treason and they certainly weren’t going to let Rolf know before. p. 82 Once the Council signed the agreement with Khelsh, where was the only place that Celie, Rolf, and

Lilah felt they could talk freely? In the Spyglass Tower. p. 82 What would be their sign to let them know that they should meet in the Spyglass Tower? Sticking a handkerchief in their sleeve so that a bit of it was hanging out. p. 83 Where did Celie get the idea of placing a handerchief in the sleeve to signify that the children should meet in the Tower? Her parents used to do that when they wanted privacy. p. 84 What did a handerchief placed in the left sleeve mean? In the left sleeve it meant to meet as soon as they could. In the right sleeve it meant to meet at midnight. p. 85 Why did Lilah say Rolf should not act surprised when the regents announced Khelsh as a part of the Council? The Council expected him to pout and act childish so they could use that as an example of

Rolf being too immature to rule by himself. But if Rolf were to show how gracious and kingly he could be, people would begin to question why he needed regents. p. 87 What was Celie’s role in the coronation? To swing the incense around but it made her cough.

Lilah’s job was to hold an olive branch. p. 88 Who crowned Rolf on coronation day? The bishop. p. 90 What did the crowd yell at Rolf in the courtyard at his coronation? Eighty, Eighty.

p. 92 When did the Emissary make the announcement to the people of Sleyne that the Council would rule as regents along with Rolf and that Prince Khelsh would become a new member of the Council? In the courtyard after Rolf’s coronation. p. 96 What had Rolf given cook as a reward for her hard work on the coronation feast? Peacock feathers from the roasted bird at the feast were given to the cook. They were worth a gold mark each. p. 99 What was special about the spyglasses in the tower? They could see a lot farther than any that Rolf had ever used before. p. 104 What news did Pogue Parry have for the Glower children when he returned from the College of

Wizardry? Their parents were still alive according to the wizards who went to the scene of the attack.

The wizards believed that the king, queen, and Bran were in hiding and that Bran was using his magic to hide their trail. p. 110 What did Prince Khelsh and the Emissary try to do when Rolf told them that his parents were still alive according to the College of Wizardry and that he was not king and they were not his regents because his father was still alive and therefore still king? They tried to capture Lilah and Celie and put them in the Hostage Tower to make Rolf do their bidding but the Castle helped Lilah and Celie escape. p. 113 Who was Rufus? A stuffed cloth lion that Celie had had since she was a baby. She took him to the

Spyglass Tower with her when they were on the run from the Council. p. 117 Who was behind the attack on the king and queen? Prince Khelsh. It was part of his plan with the

Emissary. p. 117 Who protested Prince Khelsh’s attack on the king and queen and was arrested for treason by the

Emissary? Lord Sefton p.118 Who did Khelsh want to put on the council after Lord Sefton was arrested for treason? His cousin,

Khulm. p. 122 How was Rolf able to meet with his sisters in the Spyglass Tower even though the Council locked him in his room? The door that used to lead into his private study now led to the Spyglass Tower. p. 125 Why did Celie think that the Castle must like Lulath a great deal? His rooms that the castle gave him were very nice. p. 126 How did Khelsh’s room compare with Lulath’s room? Khelsh’s room was awful. It was about the size of one of the cells in the dungeon while Lulath’s room was very nice. p. 134 What change did Rolf want to make to the agreement that would make Prince Khelsh his heir before he would sign it? That Prince Khelsh would only be his heir until Rolf married and had a child of his own. p. 134 Who did Celie run into on her way to the kitchen who had been looking for her? Prince Lulath of

Grath. p. 140 What was on the Glower coat of arms? The Castle with a silhouette of some large-winged creature above the towers. p. 142 What was the name of one of Prince Lulath’s dogs that liked Celie? JouJou

p. 143 Why couldn’t Prince Khelsh go back to Vhervhine? He had been so bad his father exiled him. p. 143 How old was Prince Lulath? 22 p. 145 What did Celie want Lulath to do to help her? Write a letter to Khelsh’s father telling him what

Khelsh was doing. p. 146 How could Lulath help Rolf according to Celie? He could show Rolf support by telling people that

Rolf was a fine king, that he made good decisions, which would help people know that Rolf was not too young to be king. p. 147 How would Lulath get messages to Celie? He would write notes to her and put them under the dogs’ beds with a scarf on top. If he must speak to her in person, he would put the handkerchief in his sleeve like they did. p. 152 How were Celie and Lilah able to see into the throne room even though they were in the tower?

They used the spyglasses which allowed them to see through walls. p. 155 What prank did the children play on the regents/Council that cause the men of the Council embarrassment? Made small cuts in the Council’s clothes so their robes and sleeves would tear unexpectedly. p. 156 Who did the children think the Council would blame for their clothes being cut and stained with ink? The Castle. p. 158 What was Celie’s plan with the manure? To spread it around the rooms of the Council – under the beds, in the corners of the wardrobes, at the bottom of shoes. p. 159 What did Celie and Rolf enlist the maids help to do? Make all the chamber pots in the Council’s rooms disappear. p. 161 What did Prince Grath give to Celie to help with her sneaking around? A mirror on the end of a wand for checking in the corners of the corridors. It was really a tool for dentists. p. 165 What pranks did the Castle pull on the Council to help the children out? When the chamber pots were replaced, the replacements disappeared as well. The windows of the Council’s rooms were left open during a rainstorm leaving rooms with puddles and spoiling a number of books and papers. p. 167 What chant did Khlesh say as he used the dust of the Castle to make it dead stones? Macree, salong, alavha. p. 166 What did Khelsh say his wizards were trying to do ever since he came to the Castle? To make it stop growing and moving rooms, to control the Castle. p. 169 What happened to Celie and Lilah in the Spyglass Tower after Khelsh killed the Castle? They were stuck in the Tower. p. 178 How was Celie able to leave the Tower after she thought the Castle died and she and Lilah were stuck in the Tower? Lilah lowered her down to the roof below using a rope that was in the Tower and then Celie climbed down to a balcony.

p. 176 Why did Celie want to dismiss all the servants from the Castle? Khelsh wouldn’t like it to have no servants to order around. p. 184 What did Cook have the kitchen servants take with them when they all left the Castle? All the food. p. 184 How were Cook and the servants able to leave the Castle unnoticed? Celie showed them a hidden passage to the storeroom. They would then get out behind the stables and take a one of the side gates. p. 186 Who did Rolf make his heir in the succession agreement he gave to the Bishop of Sleyne? Princess

Celia. p. 186 How was Celia discovered behind the tapestry when she was spying on the Council, Prince Lulath, and Rolf in the throne room? Lulath’s dog JouJou found her. p. 190 What did Celie want Rolf and Lulath to do when she told them to leave the Castle? Rally the army and lay siege to the Castle. p. 199 What was on the flag of Sleyne? Green with a golden griffin above a silver tower. p. 203 Which two Councilors did Lilah and Celie run into in the kitchen who were sorry for their part in what happened? Lord Sefton and Lord Feen. p. 204 What did Lord Sefton say that Khelsh had done to the Castle not killed it? Put it to sleep. p. 205 Who had released Lord Sefton from the dungeons? Lord Feen. p. 211 Which of the Councilors left with Celie and Lilah through the tunnel that went to the moat? Lord

Sefton p. 211 Why did Celie turn around to go back to the Castle when they got to the grate that led to the moat? She wanted to go back to get the crown. p. 213 Who was in Celie’s parents’ bedchamber when she went back to retrieve the crown? Khelsh and the Emissary. p. 216 When Celie was on the Balcony running away from Khelsh and the Emissary, who did she see on the other side of the moat? Her sister, her father, her mother, Bran, and Pogue Parry along with the army. p. 218 How did Celie get wounded? Prince Khelsh sliced her arm with a knife as she tried to escape off the Balcony. p. 220 What did Rufus change into when Prince Khelsh tried to capture Celie after wounding her? Rufus turned into a griffin, a winged lion. p. 223 What saved Celie when she fell toward the courtyard from above? The Castle caught her, its stones turned soft under her. p. 223 Where had Celie’s parents and Bran been all that time? In a little shepherd’s cottage. Bran and father were badly hurt during the attack and they hid in the cottage until the king had recovered. There were still assassins looking for them but Sgt. Avery’s men were able to fend them off.
