Minutes 11-13-15

Executive Board Meeting Minutes
Attendance: Present: Anna Roberts, Adam Arms, Joe Kear, Bill Rector, Jonathan
Donehower, Michael Dehner, Evan Wickersham, Bob Nightingale, Jim Bailey, Burton
White. Participating by conference call: Talia Stoessel, Absent: Marsha Chadwick. Todd
Lyon, Bob Bussell, Cyndi Furseth, Janet Gillman.
Convened: 8:35 am. Anna Roberts.
Minutes: MSC to approve Minutes of September, with spelling corrections. MSC to
approve October Minutes.
Annual Program: Bill Rector. The committee met on Tuesday. The program is being
printed and plaques are being printed. The menu is set. We anticipate about 50 people.
We will switch the start time to 5:30, which is the time we have advertised. We need to
make sure we have the membership list there. Bill Greer helped edit the program.
Nominations Committee: Adam Arms. Todd, Burton and Adam had discussions and
came up with proposed nominations. We still have some holes in the trustee positions.
We are putting out feelers and Anna will confirm the nominations. This is the confirmed
slate so far:
President Elect - Evan Wickersham,
VP Regular Programs - Talia Stoessel,
VP Annual Program - Bill Rector,
VP Membership - Bob Nightingale,
VP Communications - Jonathon Donehower,
Treasurer - Cyndi Furseth,
Secretary - Joe Kear,
Trustees (5 out of 7 positions) - Adam Arms, Bob Bussel, Michael Dehner,
Janet Gillman, Burton White.
Treasurer Report: Adam Arms. Summary of accounts:
Pay Pal:
$ 6.05
$ 2458.49
This doesn’t yet reflect some checks to deposit.
Regular Programs: Talia Stoessel. We are proposing a January 13 program with Labor
Commissioner Avakian giving an update. We will repeat it in Eugene. We will have a
committee meeting right before the awards program.
Webmaster: Michael Dehner. We have a technical issue with the membership
registration forms on line. We will have membership forms at the event. We will send a
reminder notice out.
Membership. Evan Wickersham. We have 10 members so far for 2016. Evan will bring
brochures for signing up members at the awards program. If non-members have already
paid their registration we will apply their discount to their membership at the event.
MSC to recommend the proposed bylaw to change the title of Webmaster to
Communications Vice President. MSC to pay for 2 new banners.
Adjournment: 9:35 am.
Secretary: Joe Kear
Next meeting is December 11.