Chapter 13 Exam Review

Name: _____________________________
Marine Science
Chapter 13 Exam Review
What in the order of taxonomic levels from broadest to most specific?
Describe the characteristics of organisms and their cells belonging to kingdoms Animalia, Plantae, fungi, and
Protista and an example of each.
Most phytoplankton belong to which kingdom?
Diatoms and other planktonic organisms often have needle-like structures that are used for what purpose?
Describe the 3 organism lifestyles and give examples of each.
What are the subcategories of benthos? Describe.
Plankton can be classified based on type of organism, size, and time spent as plankton. Name and describe these
plankton subcategories.
What are some conditions that restrict Nekton to certain areas/oceans?
What are some key differences between warm and cold water plankton? Draw an example of each.
10. What are some adaptations that plankton uses to prevent from sinking?
11. Describe euryhaline eurythermal, stenohaline and stenothermal. What types of areas do each category live in?
12. When an organism has the same salt and water concentration as its environment, it is said to be:
13. Describe the difference between hypotonic and hypertonic fish. What environment does each live in? what
adaptations do they have to survive in their own environment?
14. The color pattern in which marine organisms are light on the bottom and dark on the top of their bodies
camouflaging them against the water-air interface is called:
15. What body shape is the best for nekton to swim the most efficiently?
16. 98% of marine species are found in what kind of environment?
17. What pelagic layer can I find the euphotic zone?
18. What two taxonomic categories is used in binomial nomenclature? What format would be the best to use when
typing? What format would be the best to use when hand writing?
19. What is viscosity? What conditions promote high viscosity in seawater?
20. How far does the neritic province extend till?
21. In which ocean zone is the oxygen minimum layer found?
22. Which ocean zone is associated with deep ocean trenches?
23. List the 3 domains and 4 kingdoms of organisms
24. Make a chart showing the different biozones of the ocean (you will be expected to identify and label these zones
on the test).