Miss Crowther will teach years 5 and 6, we will explore and discuss

Welcome back Key Stage 2 children!
I hope you have had a lovely holiday and are ready for a busy term ahead!
Years 5 and 6 will be exploring the art of writing suspense and mystery stories.
We will develop our sentence structure for dramatic effect. We will choose our
vocabulary with precision to create pictures in the readers mind. We will write
poems linked to our exploration of animals, describing the similarities and
differences between male and females. Using descriptive phrases we will write
story settings that will transport the reader into our imaginations.
‘It is not enough to simply teach children to read; we have to give them something
worth reading. Something that will stretch their imaginations—something that
will help them make sense of their own lives and encourage them to reach out
toward people whose lives are quite different from their own.’ —Katherine Patterson
The more children read the more ideas they have for their own writing. It also
widens their use of vocabulary, ensures the correct use of grammar and
enhances the ability to structure texts. We place great importance on reading,
which in turn leads to good progress being made by the children.
Guided reading takes place daily, with every child taking part in independent
reading, comprehension activities, reading with different adults and also reading
and discussing texts tailored to their abilities as part of a group. It is important
to support the work done in school as much as possible at home by listening to
your child read frequently. Please look inside their reading record for
comprehension questions to use when reading together.
Spelling, punctuation and grammar (SPAG)
We have daily phonics/spelling and grammar sessions, children are in groups
according to their spelling and grammar ability. Children carry out games,
activities, tasks and learn spelling strategies each day. Please support your child
learning a set of spellings for a weekly test. Thank you.
This term we will be covering areas such as place value, calculations and number,
shape, space and measures, data handling and fractions as well as lots of
problem solving.
Every child has a Numeracy passport and children know their individual targets.
As a reminder they are stuck in your child’s homework book. Please keep
learning your times tables, multiplication and division facts, number bonds etc.
These are so important. There will be regular tests to keep everyone on their
toes! You are expected to improve your scores or times. Good Luck!
Science - Biology: Animals, including humans
Miss Crowther will teach years 5 and 6, we will explore and discuss why living
things need to reproduce & look in detail at human life cycle, comparing it to
other animals. We will then study a Physics Strand: Electricity. We will begin by
revising simple circuits and then have lots of hands on experience with symbols,
diagrams and incomplete circuits. We will enquire about the length of wire in a
circuit and the use of cells. We will compare series and parallel circuits then
face some challenges!
Miss Crowther will be teaching computing to Years 3 and 4 who will be software
developers and toy designers. Years 5 and 6 will be planning apps and becoming
project managers. In class Miss Rutt and Miss Crowther will increasingly be
using our new Chrome books to enhance teaching and learning especially in
On Thursday afternoons starting on the 17th of September we will be returning
to Scarborough Pool for swimming sessions, Miss Crowther, Mr Stanworth and
Mrs Scott will be accompanying you. Don’t forget your towels!
If you have any questions or wish to discuss anything further, please do not
hesitate to either come in to see Miss Rutt or Miss Crowther or ring us at