Change Sentence Types

Possible Student Responses:
Activity Worksheet #1
1. What happened on February 15, 1898?
a. On February 15, 1898, the Maine exploded.
2. The men fought at a place called San Juan Hill.
a. Where did the men fight?
3. Why was Teddy thrilled when the Maine exploded?
a. Teddy was thrilled when the Maine exploded because now the U.S. could defend it
4. He said it was “the great day of my life.”
a. What did Teddy say when the U.S. won the battle?
Activity Worksheet #2
1. When did Teddy become Assistant Secretary to the Navy?
a. Teddy became Assistant Secretary to the Navy in 1897.
2. President William McKinley gave Teddy the job.
a. Who gave Teddy the job of Assistant Secretary?
3. He wanted the U.S. to be the only powerful nation in this part of the world.
a. Why did Roosevelt want the U.S. enter the war in Cuba?
4. How did Teddy want to honor his family?
a. Teddy wanted to fight in the war.
Activity Worksheet #3
1. What did Teddy keep in his bathtub?
a. Teddy kept a snapper turtle in his bathtub?
2. Mount Rushmore represents the first 150 years of U.S. history.
a. What mountain represents the first 150 years of U.S. history?
3. Why was a national park named after Theodore Roosevelt?
a. A national park was named after Theodore Roosevelt because he preserved nature.
4. Teddy was honored in a big parade.
a. How was Teddy honored for all his explorations?
Activity Worksheet #4
1. What does it mean to speak softly and carry a big stick?
a. If you are strong, then people will listen to you.
2. What happened to the animals after Teddy and Kermit killed them?
a. Experts sent the animals to museums for people to view.
3. Where did the Teddy Bear's name come from?
a. The teddy bear was named after Theodore Roosevelt.
4. What was one thing that Theodore Roosevelt was the first to do?
a. Theodore Roosevelt was the first to preserve land.