Peng Ye`s Home Page Welcome to My homepage! I am now a PhD

Peng Ye's Home Page
Welcome to My homepage!
I am now a PhD candidate in Institute for Advanced Study, Tsinghua University, Beijing,
China. I am currently doing broad research in strong-correlated condensed matter theory in
Prof. Zheng-Yu Weng's group.
NEW UPDATED: I will move to Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics to be an Institute
Postdoctoral Fellow starting from September, 2012.
mails (dot) tsinghua (dot) edu (dot) cn
AAAATTTT gmail(this is a dot)com
Bachelor of Science, Physics
in Department of Physics,
Sun Yat-sen University
Guangzhou, China
Seminar Supervisor: Prof. Xiang-Qian LUO
Research area: analytic aspect in Lattice Gauge
(Since 9/2007-7/2012 due date)
PhD program, Physics
in Institute for Advanced Study
(IAS), Tsinghua University,
Beijing, China
PhD Supervisor: Prof. Zheng-Yu WENG
Research area: Microscopic Mechanism of High-temperature Superconductivity
PhD Thesis:
Quantum Magnetism and High-Temperature Superconductivity in t-J model
(2011/3),Contributed talk, 2011 March Meeting of American Physical Society in Dallas, Texas, USA
(Since 3/2011-4/2011) Visiting Scholar in Stanford University, Palo Alto, California, USA.
(12/2011-1/2012) Visiting Student in Stanford University,
Palo Alto, California, USA
(9/2011-12/2011) attendee of topomat11 workshop in KITP (Kavli Institute for Theoretical
in UCSB (University of California at Santa Barbara), Santa Barbara, CA,
1. Tsinghua Excellent Graduate Student Scholarship (Major Award) (Tsinghua, Oct. 2011);
2. Tsinghua Scholarship for Overseas Graduate Studies (Tsinghua, July, 2011);
3. Tsinghua Excellent Graduate Student Scholarship (Minor Award) (Tsinghua, Oct., 2010);
4. The Best Poster Award in Annual Meeting of Chinese Physical Society (Nankai Univ., Sep. 2010);
5. Chen Ning Yang Fellowship (Tsinghua, 13 Sep., 2007);
6. 2007 SYSU Graduation with Distinction (SYSU Degree Ceremony, July, 2007);
7. Japan Sumitomo Corporation Scholarship (SYSU, Sep., 2006);
8. SYSU Excellence Award (Major Award) (SYSU, Sep., 2006);
9. SYSU Excellence Award (Minor Award) (SYSU, Sep., 2005);
10.SYSU Excellence Award (Third-Class Award) (SYSU, Sep., 2004).
I show interests in strongly correlated electron systems as well as quantum field theory. Currently,
I am concentrating on the following topics:
(1) High-temperature superconductivity in cuprates (doped Mott insulators) and novel phases of matter;
Quantum Criticality
(2) Quantum field theory in low dimensions; topological quantum field theory
Publication and Preprint
[YeXX], XX indicates the year in which the paper is finished.
PY, X.-L. Yu, Y. Guan, and X.-Q. Luo,
Mod. Phys. Lett.
22, 547 (2007).
Title: Overlap fermions in the strong coupling limit.
Commentary: This is a simple exercise in my undergraduate period. Prof. Xiang-Qian Luo is a distinguished lattice QCD
expert who passed away on 23 Oct., 2006. He is one of best teachers and hardworking scientists who entirely contributed his life to
education and theoretical physics even after confirmation of cancer.
PY, C.-S. Tian, X.-L. Qi, and Z.-Y. Weng,
Phys. Rev. Lett.
106, 147002 (2011).
TItle: Confinement-deconfinement interplay in quantum phases of doped Mott insulators.
Commentary: After the efforts (on nearly every aspect), we finally published this paper in the top leading journal-Physical
Review Letters. In general, it is difficult to publish the high-Tc topics of theoretical aspects on PRL because of the highly controversial
situation of high-Tc community. Salute, Beer!
PY, C.-S. Tian, X.-L. Qi, and Z.-Y. Weng, Nucl. Phys.
B 854,
815 (2012)
Title: Electron fractionalization and unconventional order parameters of the t-J model.
Commentary: After the publication of PRL, we prepared this long paper as an extensive article. This paper is very readable
with many technical details. In June 2011, We submitted the paper to the famous NPB journal editorial board and the paper was
eventually accepted in the end of Sep. 2011.
PY, Long Zhang, and Z.-Y. Weng,
in peer review [arXiv:1110.0125]
Title: Superconductivity in mutual Chern-Simons gauge theory.
Commentary: This unpublished paper contains the details of effective field theory of superconducting state. We propose a
Wilson-loop-loop correlation function as a direct probe for the "mutual statistics" between spin and charge degrees of freedom.
C.-X. Liu,
PY, and X.-L. Qi, in peer review [arXiv:1204.6551]
Title: Chiral gauge field and axial anomaly in a Weyl-semi-metal.
Commentary: We propose condensed-mater-realization of chiral gauge field, axial anomaly, and etc. It is amazing that
condensed matter materials with nontrivial topology can realize the quantum anomaly phenomena but with an effective "speed of light".
and Q.-R. Wang, [arXiv:12] [to be updated asap.]
Title: localization.
Y. Ma,
and Z.-Y. Weng, [arXiv:12] [to be updated asap.]
Title: transport theory of cuprates.
Santa Barbara Goleta beach, awesome!