7.6 Study Questions: Qin & Han Dynasties

Name ____________________________
Date _____________ Period _________
Chapter 7, Section 3, The Qin and Han Dynasties, pp. 241 - 248
Write your answers on a separate sheet of lined paper (or you may keyboard them, if you prefer).
Use complete sentences where indicated.
Emperor Qin Shihuangdi
1. In 221 BCE, the warlord of the Qin province conquered the other warring states and took the
title Qin Shihuangdi. What does this title mean?
2. What philosophy did he base his rule on?
3. How did he treat people who opposed him and books he disapproved of? (COMPLETE
4. Name three ways that Qin Shihuangdi unified China.
5. Who were the Xiongnu? (COMPLETE SENTENCES)
6. How did Qin Shihuangdi protect the Chinese people from the Xiongnu? (COMPLETE
7. Many people in China opposed Qin Shihuangdi.
a. Aristocrats were angry because __.
b. Scholars hated him because __.
c. Farmers hated him because __.
8. What happened to the Qin Dynasty after Qin Shihuangdi’s death? (COMPLETE
The Han Dynasty
9. Who was the founder of the Han Dynasty and what did he call himself?
10. Under what ruler did the Han Dynasty reach its peak, and what does his title mean?
11. Under this ruler, in order to get jobs in the bureaucracy, job seekers had to __.
12. This emperor required them to do this because __.
13. This process come to be known as __, and it tended to favor the rich because ___.
14. Look at the section titled “The Chinese Empire Grows.” Make a cause-and-effect diagram
based on the information in this paragraph. Start with a box with the statement “The
population grew from 20 million to 60 million.” Include as many boxes in between as
necessary, and end with a box with the statement, “Aristocrats now possessed thousands of
acres of land, while the peasants were trapped in poverty.”
15. Name three inventions created in China during the Han Dynasty.
16. Name three advancements in medicine made by Chinese doctors during the Han Dynasty.
17. What advancement did the Chinese make in sailing during the Han Dynasty?
The Silk Road
18. Why did Zhang Qian travel to the west?
19. When he returned after 13 years and described an empire to the west with people “who cut
their hair short, wear embroidered clothes, and ride in very small chariots,” what empire was
he describing?
20. What was the Silk Road? (COMPLETE SENTENCES)
21. How did goods get from Central Asia to the Mediterranean Sea (the Roman Empire)?
Major Changes in China
22. When did merchants and scholars first bring Buddhism from India to China? Was it very
popular at first?
23. What caused the Han rulers to lose respect and power after Wudi, and what caused unrest
among the farmers?
24. Between 190 CE and 220 CE, a series of events made the situation for Chinese people very
bad. What events made the people feel so unsafe? (Be specific.)
25. How did the events of this period make Buddhism popular among the Chinese people?
Emperor Qin Shihuangdi (the Qin Dynasty)
1. ___________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________
4. __________________________________________________________________________
5. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________
6. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________
7. Aristocrats were angry because _______________________________________________________________.
Scholars hated him because ____________________________________________________________________.
Farmers hated him because ____________________________________________________________________
8. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________
The Han Dynasty
9. ___________________________________________ “_______________________________________________”
10. ___________________________________________ “_______________________________________________”
11. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________
12. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________
13. _____________________________________________________________
The pop grew
from 20 mill
to 60 mill.
Aristocrats now
possessed 1000s of
acres of land, while
peasants were trapped
in poverty.
15. _______________________________________________________________________
16. _______________________________________________________________________
17. _______________________________________________________________________
The Silk Road
18. ___________________________________________________________________________
19. ___________________________________________________________________________
20. ___________________________________________________________________________
21. ___________________________________________________________________________
Major Changes in China
22. _______________________________________________________
23. ___________________________________________________________________________
24. _______________________________________________________________________
25. ___________________________________________________________________________