DO NOT WRITE ON THIS PAPER Danger Cave Activity Questions

Danger Cave Activity Questions (USE COMPLETE SENTENCES!)
1. Which is older, the stuff in the top layer or the stuff on the bottom?
The stuff on the ________ layer is older.
2. How long ago did someone first build a fire in the cave?
The first fire was built __________.
3. Why are the layers thicker at the mouth of the cave?
The layers are thicker at the mouth of the cave because…
4. Why is there no pottery in the lower layers?
There is no pottery in the lower layers because…
5. Why do the sizes of the arrow and spear points change over time?
Sizes of the arrow and spear points change over time because…
6. How could there be beach gravels here, so far from the ocean?
Beach gravels are found in the Danger Cave because…
7. Coprolites are very old pieces of human poop. What could archaeologists learn from
studying coprolites?
Archaeologists can learn _________________________ from studying coprolites.
8. Why are there pickleweed and Indian rice grass seeds in the cave?
Pickleweed & Indian rise grass seeds were found in the cave because…
9. What kinds of things did people eat 9,500 years ago?
People ate ______________________ 9,500 years ago.
10. What would people use cordage (ropes) for?
Cordage was used for_______________.
11. What artifacts come from the last 20 years? What will people learn by studying them
The most recent artifacts shown are _________________. People will learn
_________________ by studying these artifacts someday.